cracked frame



  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    My point was that they offered to replace the whole bike, trading standards may think that is good enough.

    Not trying to be a git, and I hope you get it sorted with what you want. :)
  • cheers GHill i do see where you are coming from and did not mean it to sound sarki

    and its nice to have a differnt view on the problem and it points out what they will be thinking

    the only thing i would like is a quick fix
    many thanks for your input and happy cycling.
  • NEW UPDATE>>>>>>
    Wheelies have now agreed to replace the replacement with a differnt brand and have come up with 2 offers.

    spech enduro (o8) frame and shock but have to part with £50 of my cash for that (and its a usa model not that it makes any diff)
    commercal meta (09) 5.1 frame in neon green.

    have sent back replacement frame today and decided to go for the meta as will cost me nothing to change over the parts and its a bike i wanted from the off but could not afford.

    I hope this will get to me soon and be a brand new with no issues,

    it has taken 4 months and stupid amounts of phone calls to sort and im now happy with the result (depending on how long it takes to get my shiny new frame)

    Many thanks to all that have put comments on this as it has helped resolve the problem and happy cycling to all
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    Result! :D
  • Nice one.

    I've called Wheelies 3 times in the last week to speak to the gimp that messed me about, he was "on a call" each time and didn't bother to return my calls so I called my insurance company and took the cash instead. I've lost out on some of my claim value but I'd rather do that than have to deal with Wheelies Direct.
  • Both the OP and er what seem to be sorted now, but for any future problems, or anyone else reading this, can I recomend the Citizen's Advice Bureau. One of it's main functions is to help people understand their legal rights, and to help advise in these sorts of things, but without any costs.

    Like mentioning trading standards, the CAB is another good name to drop, especially as they are there to stick up for and help the general consumer. Sometimes it's hard to put pressure onto a company to sort something out, especially when you don't fully understand the laws. CAB will help you there.

    Just a thought.

    Oh, and if wheelies are still difficult and say they will only deal with the insurance company, just shift your campaign to them!
    Proved by testing to be faster than a badger.
    The world's ultimate marmite bike
  • LAST UPDATE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    after what seems like ages wheelies got a new gent onto the case called tom, very nice chap who has sorted this in a week, he is the one who sorted the brand change and has now sorted delivary for thursday this week and i cant wait (there delivary time have been con. good and have never let me down even in the snow),

    after speekng to him i also have a covering letter as prof of sale so i can if i want deal with madison direct if any issues come up(cutting out the middle man if i feel )

    im now very happy and feel i have a abit of faith back for them, they also sorted me discount on products later.

    im very glad i kept my cool and waited as in the end i seem to have come up trumps,

    i feel that this has become a happy ending and look forward to a good year of cycling.

    many thanks for all tthe help
  • Frame arrived today


    the reason i chose the meta 55 is that the monarch 2.1 large air shock would fit and would cost nothing to me

    IT DONT, so im now have a frame that i have to spend loads buying a new shock for.
    WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have had it and am now going to talk again with trading stands and send them a recorded letter stating my demands including a 14 days to sort somthing

    how can one person have so many problems with one company,how many months and phone calls does it take,

    this would not of happend if my insurence company had given my local bike shop the money for the bike that was stolen last year and then i could have been sorted by them in the first place.

    warning to all DONT USE WHEELIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775
    Sorry to hear that, dude.
  • That stinks Geminidisco but I'm not suprised at all, my experience with Wheelies was exactly the same, they're useless. I explained the situation to my insurance company and they settled my claim with a cheque instead, it might be worth having a word with your insurance company?
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Did the shop say that shock, with it's hardware would specifically fit the new frame?

    In what way does it not fit?
  • wheelies said it would fit and they checked with there suplyer,

    the reason it does not fit is that the shock and stroke are to long,
    i told wheelies i did not mind buying the bushes ect if my shock would fit, they did warn me that some of the bits would not fit(like the frount mec) but this did not bother me as i have enough bits to build it from old stuff till i have some cash,

    its going to cost me £100 for a shock from chainreaction now, if they had said this i may of taken the enduro and paid the extra £50.

    i think they have done this knowing that, now they have replaced it there is probley nothing i can do.

  • Does the Enduro come with a shock?

    If it does I would be inclined to go for that and get them to cover your postage costs of sending the Meta back.

    If it doesn't come with a shock obviously check that your Monarch will fit first.