Somethings Got To Go



  • Its a win win situation, delivered to your inbox, enviromentally friendly, honest and full of stuff you actally want to read.

    Oh yeah, and its free :wink:
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    GHill wrote:
    Wideopen mag? More of a DH/gravity bent though.
    That's not a patch on IMBmag, it's just a PDF. IMB has tons of video's, video tutorials and the interface is 3 gazillion times better. Click the sig below and check it out!

    While it's not as flashy as IMB (which I read every other month), I still think wideopen is worth a read - offers something different. Just because something doesn't have all the bells and whistles it doesn't automatically mean it's rubbish.
  • Issue 1 (the one linked to in the editor's profile!) appears to be broken. Issue 3 I can read.

    It looks like a decent enough mag but I still can't see the point of having a user interface that makes little papery noises every time you click on it, or randomly starts playing cheesy music at you. And "the first ever internet MTB magazine"? Really?

    IMO if you want to start a magazine online you should treat it as an opportunity to try something different. The best one from back in the day was probably Stopadoodledoo - the UK DH scene as written about by a bunch of scabrous alcoholics. It was very very funny and, for me anyway, it was far more relevant than a bunch of chuff about what knobs are going to be on next years' forks.
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    I'm not 12, don't like bright orange/green/pink clothing, breaking the law by riding on pavements and footpaths, and a conviction for criminal damage after digging up huge area of private land wouldn't be the best option for my career. So that's MBUK out.

    WMB is a buyers gude and the expensive kit they test isn't relevant for what I can afford (except the yearly £500 bike review, which bizarrely always seems to includes a £650 bike which wins). Although I agree with the trickle down effect on cheaper kit, being told that a £9k bike can totally transform your riding, for that price I'd expect it to. I've also noticed that they seem to chose a different bike every year to rave on about, only to dump it the next year. How long before they do this with Lapierre?

    MBR seems to offer a more info but can get itself confused with reviews. I like the way they've realised that not everybody lives in Wales/Lake District/South Downs area as have WMB. But on a couple of occasions I've been so bored by it it's been like reading a Specialized or Orange catalogue.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    What magazine are you reading Spong because it cant be WMB.

    Issue 102 - Review of £500 hardtails (Winner - Carrera Fury £530)
    Issue 104 - Review of £700 hardtails (Winner - Revolution Triad £650)
    Issue 106 - Review of £700 hardtails (Winner - Voodoo Bokor £700)

    And thats just in the 6 copies of WMB I have, then we go on to the component tests and they certainly are not high end kit all the time, thats why they have their "Value award".

    So much for the "yearly" cheap bike tests you claim ;)