


  • CraigXXL
    CraigXXL Posts: 1,852
    Sorry Bails but the copper who pulled me couldn't accept he made a mistake and I was going to have broken a law of some kind before he was finished with me. I had just left the army and then a trainee accountant at the time, driving a Pug 405 estate just after lunch and no criminal record past or present. If I wanted a weapon in the car it would have been the 4 cell Maglite.
    I had explained that I was on my way to a mates to loan him the chisel but he wouldn't have any of it. I have lots of mates who are coppers and worked alongside them for a long time but like every profession there is always a cock and he was it. He was not doing his job but abusing it.

    I suggest again that if you need to carry a knife that you keep it in your bag and of a sensible size. If your are stopped and told by an officer that you're pocket knife is an offensive weapon make sure they apply by the law dictated in Code A from the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as follows:

    "Code A requires the search record to include your name, or if the police do not know your name, a description of you and a note of your ethnic origin. The record must identify the person making it and state the object of the search, the grounds for making it, the date, time and place, whether anything - and if so what - was found, and whether any - and if so what - injury or damage resulted from the search."
  • nonnac85
    nonnac85 Posts: 1,608
    I did a knife defence course recently and they told us that all locking blades are illegal.
    A knife with a non-locking blade is legal but you have to prove you have it for an acceptable use if caught i.e. its fine for a fisherman to carry a knife but why would you need a blade on its own for biking (I have a knife but its part of my multi-tool which proves usage).
    My Website - Trail Centre info for the UK: MTB Trail Time
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    Even my Topeak Alien II has a locking blade, plus I take a Leatherman on tours, it has nagged at me a bit that these are probably illegal :?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    loads of blokes carry lethermans on their stable belts at work, i have a wave but never carry it around camp. thing is though, they come in handy all the time.

    if you want a tool with a blade then a pen knife like a swiss army thing is handy enough but if you want a knife, buy an actual knife. i have a gerber which is awesome, i never use the blades on my leatherman as they are rubbish by comparison.

    i would imagin as long as whichever tool you decide to use is kept in a bag or saddle bag no one will get a sad on over it.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Maybe he was being stupid then. The point I was making was that if whoever pulls you up over it believes you, you'll be ok. I'd imagine that the younger you are, the greater the risk of not being believed though.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • hyperman
    hyperman Posts: 232
    i would think that the likelyhood of a copper pulling over a cyclist and searching your backpack for weapons is pretty slim, as long as your not doing something really dodgy like driving along in a car, lets say a peugeot 405 estate, with no tools or evidence of being a workman of some kind, carrying something which could be used as a weapon, for argument sake lets say a...ermm...chisel...and when you get pulled over by the fuzz you tell him that your taking it to a mates house...ha ha..then you should be ok.. :D:D
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    hyperman wrote:
    i would think that the likelyhood of a copper pulling over a cyclist and searching your backpack for weapons is pretty slim, as long as your not doing something really dodgy like driving along in a car, lets say a peugeot 405 estate, with no tools or evidence of being a workman of some kind, carrying something which could be used as a weapon, for argument sake lets say a...ermm...chisel...and when you get pulled over by the fuzz you tell him that your taking it to a mates house...ha ha..then you should be ok.. :D:D


    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."