Kentish Killer Sportive. 17th January

anybody doing it?


  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    I'm intending to and have registered etc but I think we'll have to see what the weathers doing on the day.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I'm doing it provided the weather is OK. My kit seems to keep me warm down to about -2, any lower than that and I'll be tempted to stay in bed.
  • flix23
    flix23 Posts: 72
    I'm doing it.

    Long range forecast suggests a bit of a thaw taking place that weekend, so fingers crossed, (although that may mean rain :( )
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    They've now moved the sportive to 28th Feb.
  • flix23
    flix23 Posts: 72
    Thanks for update

    That's annoying, (or at least the underlying casue is annoying..)
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2010
    Is anyone driving to this from London and want some petrol money? I was going to get the train but it turns out that Sunday means coach replacement day so that's out the window.

    EDIT: There is a train from London Bridge to Sevenoaks which get you there in time so no problem.

    a serious case of small cogs
  • shane515
    shane515 Posts: 139
    Anyone doing the re-arranged KK this sunday? As I sit here with the sun breaking out....just heard very strong winds and LOTS of rain for Sunday......oh well once you're wet, you're wet I suppose!!

  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Looking like another really bad day.
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    I'll decide on the morning. At the moment it's looking pretty diabolical - strong winds, thick cloud, heavy rain/sleet. Don't see how it could be worse.

    a serious case of small cogs
  • shane515
    shane515 Posts: 139
    toontra wrote:
    I'll decide on the morning. At the moment it's looking pretty diabolical - strong winds, thick cloud, heavy rain/sleet. Don't see how it could be worse.

    Sounds like a good plan to me :)
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Could be icy as well! If its as bad as predicted I'll be giving it a miss unfortunately.
  • Have been waiting for this ride for weeks now so definitely turning up, maybe the weather men get it wrong again!
  • First sportive of the year,will be prepared for the worst should the weather be as bad as expected-hope carbon doesn't melt!! :lol:
  • That was properly wet. The best of British weather.

    I enjoyed it though in a "lets see how fast you can ride through that big flood while hoping there aren't any pot holes" kind of a way.

    28mm Gatorskins, mudguards and flexy steel frames FTW! Not a ride for summer bikes :-)
  • Got there late, pot holes,2 visits from the fairy,crap weather,went home :(
  • hit a hidden pothole in over half a foot of standing water, flew over the handlebars and landed on my back. cut my arm open and grzed my knee. mobile ruined as it was flooded! this was after 2 visits from the fairy!

    cant fault avanti for the organisation though, came to get me straight away!

    its a great route, that would have been brilliant if it was a summers day.
  • Wow, what a wet ride, not surprised a lot of people did not turn up. Must say well done to the organisers though, great number of marshals and the soup at the end saved my hands from frost-bite.
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    I gave it a miss in the end. I would have got totally drenched just getting to the start, and I was concerned that there would be branches and all sorts of rubbish blown over the roads. Excuses, excuses....

    Well done to everyone who turned up.

    a serious case of small cogs
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Didn't go either.

    The effort of getting there and back and riding in that weather was a bit much. Well
    done to those that turned up.

    .... I hope this weather changes soon. 2 months of misery so far this year.
  • Surrey Rumble next weekend, I am praying for no rain or wind.
  • He he! I just went to check my bike was in order before tomorrow's commute and I can hear water sloshing around in my rims…

    No wonder those last hills where hard.

    Sorry to hear about people having a bad ride, it seems for once luck was on my side. I met a bloke at the end who had snapped his chain - he couldn't stop shaking from cold. Apparently a barman at a pub had taken pity on him and let him in for shelter, but then the land lady said 'We're closed' and kicked him out. Nice.
  • shane515
    shane515 Posts: 139
    I went, broke all my PBs, rode like a demon and had not one blow out, in fact I was so good that I was signed up by a pro team at the finish line but I wont mention which team..........

    Then my alarm went off, I looked out the window and got back in bed, well done all for even attempting to ride in that weather :shock:

    Note to self.....grow a pair, no more no shows :evil: