Work Out Tips

Alienman Posts: 91
edited January 2010 in Health, fitness & training
I am just getting into the sport of mountain biking. I got my bike and gear, but I don't want to do winter riding over here in Canada. Before the spring comes and I can hit the trails I would like to get into shape so I am not dying after my first ride. I need some advice on some good work out routines for in the gym. So if people can post some of their gym routines that would be helpful for me.
'09 Rocky Mountain Fusion


  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Alienman - do you have any targets? This makes all the difference.

    Basic rules if you want to build muscle:

    Warm up well (running machine/rower/cycle machibe)

    Stretch well

    Do no more than three sets of each exercise - start with large muscle groups and work down to small ones (legs, chest, back, shoulder, triceps, biceps, abs).

    Do every last set to failure.

    Get you form perfect.

    More than 15 reps - too light, Less than 6 - too heavy.

    Eat sensibly but don't get obsessed.

    This helped me gain almost two stone. Once you get to where you want to be, keeping in shape is very easy -it's well worth it and I find it helps almost every other sport unless you go silly and get massive.