circuit training and beep test

bobpzero Posts: 1,431
edited January 2010 in Health, fitness & training
stupidly i have a bit of lower back pain and right knee is a bit stiff. will rest only help me recover? apart from that should do more of the circuit training while the others do the beep test. any questions just ask.


  • Get some ice on the knee, that usually helps me. Ibuprofen do a spray which works wonders too (as it absorbs in to the area in which it is sprayed). But I'd take a few days off until the niggles have gone.

    What are you wanting from your training? I'd do circuit training to help general fitness. The beep test is what it says, a test. So not something I'd incorporate in my training, apart from occassionally to roughly gauge my fitness. I say roughly, as it won't full represent how fit you will be on the bike.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    I'd take it easy and stretch gently for a bit.

    Circuit training is good - I used to teach a kickboxing class that stuff (to the point of some throwing up...) and the fitness gains in everyone with staying power was immense.
  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    What are you wanting from your training?

    its only on monday late evening each week, its usual warm up , 2laps of 9 parts (20seconds each) of the circuit training then beep test to finish off (3 evening done so far). not quite sure, building muscle mass or probably body toning. i never go hard enough to throw up