on one bikes.

heffordvtr Posts: 113
edited January 2010 in MTB general
anyone ever had any problems ordering from them.

I ordered a 456 frame on 30th december. stil waiting for it now. i spoke to them yesterday at midday. i was told they would call me back. i ended up calling them at about quarter past 3, to be told the order had not gone out as nobody had printed it off. and it wouldnt go out today(yesterday) as the courier had already been. nobody thought about sending it out off their own back to get it in the post. i was told the order had not gone out as the paperwork had not been printed off over the christmas period.
i was told the frame would be in the post today and i would be emailed when it was, so still waiting for the email at 4 oclock i rang them. aparently the snow is so bad the courier could not get to them, not their fault i know, but no phonecall to explain i had to ring them to find out.
i cant imagine the frame will be in the post tomorrow due to the weather so it will be friday at the earliest, even monday before i get it.
what makes the whole thing worse is that not one person has made so much of an apology. the closest i got was "these things happen" when i was told about the screw up over christmas.
gonna be nearly 2 weeks wait for something that should have been sent out next day delivery.
rant over


  • nonnac85
    nonnac85 Posts: 1,608
    Did you have to pay for next day delivery?
    Get them to refund it if you did!
    My Website - Trail Centre info for the UK: MTB Trail Time
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    So you ordered a frame over Xmas, and complain 2 working days later that you haven't got it?

    You're being a bit unreasonable.

    Just my opinion.

    Edit, just seen the bit about next day delivery. If you paid for it then fair enough. But it's next day once it's with the courier, so you should still expect it to take longer at this time of year.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • the frame should have arrived last thursday. there have been 3 working days gone the frame could have been delivered or at least sent. now it wont be sent till at least friday. i dont feel that s an unreasonable complaint
    my complaint is more the fact that nobody there seems to care that they have screwed up. like i said the weather is not there fault, i would say ive been quite understanding.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Did you pay for next day delivery?
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Cant really complain ... its life ! Snow happens and disrupts things

    Alright if you paid for next day and they should refund you
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • next day delivery is free. its the fact that nobody seems bothered that they have screwed up thats bothered me and the reason for my post. although a bit pissed off at not having the frame when im supposed to, i can live with the fact its christmas and the snow stops the courier. what annoyed me most is like i said above, not a single apology, only "these things happen".
  • next day delivery is free. its the fact that nobody seems bothered that they have screwed up thats bothered me and the reason for my post. although a bit pissed off at not having the frame when im supposed to, i can live with the fact its christmas and the snow stops the courier. what annoyed me most is like i said above, not a single apology, only "these things happen".
  • R2 D2
    R2 D2 Posts: 34
    Can see your point tbh. Have ordered loads from them beforeand never a problem. As well as the snow and Xmas they are moving offices/warehouses soon so that may be the cause of the chaos. Think you've just been unlucky on this occasion.
    Good choice of bike though sir! :)
  • Really looking forward to getting it and having a play. Maybe that's why I'm getting frustrted about it all. Got all the bits lying on the spare bed. Even put the brakes and gear shifters and grips onto the bars. Got nothing left to fiddle with now. Apart from myself. :P
  • Duffer
    Duffer Posts: 379
    Ordered a 456 on the first, and it arrived this morning - allbeit with cream decals instead of black....
  • they got my order spot on, i had to wait ages for parts from merlin though, unfortunately it is just one of those things sometimes.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    They c0cked up when I ordered an Inbred frame and sent the wrong one out but luckily the persons frame I had, had mine and we lived 3 miles apart. A quick phone call to the office it was sorted out to a certain extent. An hour later I got a call from the rep and he swapped the two frames over.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • sellisnba
    sellisnba Posts: 181
    I know where your coming from. I ordered a frame from them about 6 weeks ago after two weeks i asked for a full refund (missus got me a new frame :D ). After about 10 phone calls and about 4 emails i am yet to get a refund or an apology.
    I agree with the "nobody seem's to care attitude" when i speak to them on the phone, the person who i useally end up talking to sound's like a stroppy teenager.
    I'm glad i sold my 456 frame it means i will never have to deal with this company agin.
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    they do care, but they're very busy and not a large outfit that can spend huge amounts on call centres. Give them time and they're usually ok. It just seems people have forgotten the ancient art of patience.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • sellisnba
    sellisnba Posts: 181
    I reckon waiting for nearly 4 weeks for a refund is being patient. A refund should only take so long. I wouldn't mind if i had the frame i ordered, but i don't even have that.
    It take's the p""s a little bit,the fact they have MY money and i don't even have a frame or refund.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    My Rebas turned up really quick, was surprised as I thought I'd paid the standard postage!
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    they do care, but they're very busy and not a large outfit that can spend huge amounts on call centres. Give them time and they're usually ok. It just seems people have forgotten the ancient art of patience.

    Hmmm....sounds like straightforward poor customer service to me even if the cause is understaffing / lack of resources.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • fcumok
    fcumok Posts: 283
    I bought a frame from them before Christmas. Emailed them to see when it coming late on a Fri night and got an email back from them a couple of hours later. I know I wouldn't get that kind of service from the big companies. I guess they're just a bit snowed under (excuse the pun) with the move and stuff.
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    In my experience British manufacturers and companies (not all) dont have much in the way of customer service skills at all.

    Pace are the pits.
    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • grumsta
    grumsta Posts: 994
    I've found on-one pretty helpful - very quick to answer emails etc.

    You ordered at a very busy time of year, in the middle of some of the worst weather in years - yeah it sounds like they have been a bit disorganised but cut them a little slack surely.
  • im all for sutting them slack, but look at it from another point of view. you turn up at the airport for a flight, theyve charged you but have not put the papers through and when you speak with them about it they say these things happen. different situation but same basic principles.

    anyway, ive cancelled the 456, still no form of apology.having spoken with mike at dialled bikes i picked up an Alpine 18" this morning. got the deep red. responded to emails at 1130pm and 0130am. thats customer service, and head for the hills in dorking had one in stock and prepared it for me free of charge.

    well happy with it. now to get building