Sportives in Kent?

cyclingpunk Posts: 368
Anyone suggest any good ones round here? I am up for a couple this year, looking at any 40-60miles. I am Folkestone kent so further South East is preferable.

I was wondering if SRSEvents were doing the one they ran last year?

Many thanks.


  • SRS Burgess Hill spring sportive is running...entries open.
  • Thanks, I will track the site down and see if I can get my name down.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    I am organising the San Fairy Ann Sportive in May, 73 miles not too hilly. Will be run from Marden, so not too far from Folkestone.
  • Thanks, I will take a look. 73 Miles would be a massive achievment for me though :?
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    It isn't the hilliest of routes to be honest, if you can do a tougher 60 miler, then this one shouldn't provide to much hassle for you.

    It isn't just distance, but the terrain as well, the Burgess Hill sportive will be a lot hillier.
  • Yea thats a fair point. Last year I was doing 55milers which were pretty tough with a decent amount of climbling (for me anyway) I will have a look at home when I can access the site
  • I also rode the Burgess Hill Springtime Classic last year and it was really good.

    Very well organised and most importantly to me what seemed like millions of arrows to make sure you don't go off course (I hate having to look at any map). I think about 500 rode last year, great atmosphere definately one of the better cyclosportive in the UK.

    I think they still have places left on the Burgess Hill Springtime Classic and they do some other events as well. I can't remember the web address but its worth booking up now just incase they sell out.

    I am going to do the 71 mile ride and it is a tough one a very good test for early season.
    The Burgess Hill Springtime Classic does 3 rides the 71 mile then a 53 mile route and a 35 mile route. The 53 Mile still has a few hills in it which includes the Cobb Lane hill which is a fun one to try and get up. Not sure on the terrain of the 35 mile route.

    Also I am going to enter the Tour de Weald (2nd May I think that's the right date ) as well, although I probably won't do the longest distance which is around 100 miles which is a bit far for me but again this event starts in Burgess Hill, which is conveinent to me because I live in Hounslow and it just a quick drive down the M25 and then the A23 for me.

    The San Fairy Ann event looks interesting too, although I have never done that one before and it might be too far for me to travel to. But I will definately check it out.
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    Downlands (Canterbury) run a few events too;

    Also, Cyclingpunk, if you want/need to get some decent training rides in have a look at Ashford Wheelers. We have regular Sunday rides (usually around 40+ miles) as well as the occasional 'Invite rides' aimed at encouraging complete beginners along.

    If you fancy coming out for one of the regular club rides PM me and I'll send you the details :D
  • Well I have my name down for one now. Wimped out though and went for the shorter one as I feel very unfit at the moment and would rather enjoy a short blast than risk half being picked up from the pavement by the meat wagon!!!
  • Chrissz wrote:
    Downlands (Canterbury) run a few events too;

    Also, Cyclingpunk, if you want/need to get some decent training rides in have a look at Ashford Wheelers. We have regular Sunday rides (usually around 40+ miles) as well as the occasional 'Invite rides' aimed at encouraging complete beginners along.

    If you fancy coming out for one of the regular club rides PM me and I'll send you the details :D

    Thanks for that, very close for me so will consider the 100k.

    Feel free to send me over details of the club, I may well be interested once I have blown off the cobwebs :)
  • Thanks, all recieved. Will get in touch when I sort myself out 8)