Fantasy Cycling Season

SportingNonsense Posts: 9
edited January 2010 in Pro race
Ive helped to create a Fantasy Cycling Season for 2010 over at a Pro Cycling Manager website PCMdaily, and thought I would post a link to it here to see if anyone is interested in joining it?

The basic premise is you pick a team of 16-30 riders through the season using a budget of 10,000,000 , with points to be scored for any results in .1 categorised races or above - with a monthly 'transfer window' where you can bring up to 4 riders in to your team, and get rid of as many as you like (so long as the team size is at least 16).

Im hoping that it will be a fun game to do throughout the season - and wont be a lot of work for players once their original lineup is picked - and of course I would like to see as many people as possible taking part, to make it all the more interesting.

So if you think you might like to join, the link is:


  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    nice work dude..
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Pro tour pundit does my head in enough....

    Oh, what the heck, why not!

    Strava is not Zen.