Now I know why I wear a helmet and gloves

spongtastic Posts: 2,651
edited January 2010 in MTB general
went out Saturday morning and took it noce and easy on the slippery roads, bit faster on the gravel and tore down a grassy slope, only to hit the trail at the bottom which had become a solid sheet of very smooth, very shiney ice.

This resulted in the back wheel of my bike sliding out from under me at about 20mph and travelling about 20ft into a hedge, slamming my a**e onto the ground and then my arm and head, all so fast I didn't have time to brace, unclip or take my hands of the handlebars. Got up and everything hurt, that's when I checked my hands and the gloves were ok but a couple of chunks of meat dropped out with quite a bit of blood, checked the lid and one side was flat and the casing was a complete mess.

If I hadn't been wearing a helmet this would have been my head that was mangled, and without gloves my hands would have been shredded. I can also certify that endura rip stop fabric does indeed do what it says on the label.

Got bandaged up and went out again yesterday....
Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

Who are you calling inbred?


  • glad you're ok.i must admit that i do not wear my helmet nearly as much as i should.i'll start to wear it every time i go out on my bike.
  • loltoride
    loltoride Posts: 460
    edited January 2010
    I don’t move without wearing mine although more to just prove to my kids, then I read a story like this and thank god. I see people every day without helmets and wonder how they do it and why is it a fashion thing or something as they certainly don’t get in the way. Glad you ok!
    So Far!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2,086
    Don't forget to replace your lid.

    If it's a Giro or Bell, give Ultimate Pursuits a phone call on 01908 326032 who can guide you through the process of getting your helmet replaced at cost rather than buying a new one at retail.
  • stomith
    stomith Posts: 332
    with any impact to the head area like that....i'm just pleased you're here to tell us about it.

    too often, anonymous names in the press just become a statistic....and I don't want to become a statistic. You can 'count' on that much. :)
  • Go for a Specialized helmet next time & take them up on their crash replacement if you have another stack!
    Mad Jock
  • Glad they did their job. I learnt the helmet lesson a few years ago when I got hit by a car cycling through a town centre (in a cycle lane).
  • m_cozzy
    m_cozzy Posts: 132
    Hope you are ok.
    One of the reasons I will never use spd's as I dont fancy crashing whilst having the bike fixed to my feet!
    Banned from singletrack forum again :-)
  • captainfly
    captainfly Posts: 1,001
    I had an icy off last week and am pretty sure I would have broken something in my elbow/arm were it no for the chicken wings, and taken a beating in the kidney/back but giving the new core saver an airing :oops: Better a bruised ego than a broken body.
    Mongoose Teocali
    Giant STP0

    Why are MTB economics; spend twice as much as you intended, but only half as much as you wish you could afford? :roll:
  • Phinx
    Phinx Posts: 297
    Another proof how not-so-extreme riding can lead to rather extreme consequences. I aint going out on my bike until my helmet arrives...
    Giant Yukon FX3
  • JamesBrckmn
    JamesBrckmn Posts: 1,360
    I always wear my helmet - i have a cheapish specialized air force 3, but it's still light enough that you don't notice that it's on one you start riding. I am learing to store my helmet and gloves inside now, as with the cold weather, if i keep them in the garage with my bike they get very cold, and the straps go stiff, because the sweat on them from the previous ride freezes it.