cape argus pick n pay

hi is there any body doing the cape argus race from uk i will be in cape town the week before and would like to do some training rides if any body out there.


  • Garrigou
    Garrigou Posts: 145
    Before I moved out of the Middle East I used to ride with the Dubai Roadsters club. They always sent a good contingent to the Argus, often including several Brits. If you've not had any response elsewhere, may be worth giving them a try for folks to hook up with (pretty sure they have a website etc).
    Hope it's not as windy as last year :)
    Between me & Eddy Merckx we've won pretty much everything worth winning on a bike.
  • hi thanks may give them a try ,thanks
  • How about checking on I am sure you'd be able to pick up a local chaingang or club, who know some good routes, and I'm sure you'd be welcome (as long as you dont mention the cricket)
  • thanks will get on to that