Today is...

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited January 2010 in Pro race
50'th anniversary of Fausto Coppi's death

I think of all the pre-80's cyclists, il Campionissimo is the one who fascinates me most.
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    iainf72 wrote:
    50'th anniversary of Fausto Coppi's death

    I think of all the pre-80's cyclists, il Campionissimo is the one who fascinates me most.

    +1. His story had everything. And preferred the Giro to the Tour despite the Lucre

    Strava is not Zen.
  • Angus444
    Angus444 Posts: 141
    My brother gave me the book, Fallen Angel, for my birthday last week. Looking forward to reading it......coincidence I picked up this thread re the 50th anniversary......
  • mm1
    mm1 Posts: 1,063
    Wore my Campionissimo T daughter asked who Coppi was
  • Bernie S
    Bernie S Posts: 118
    RAI Tre had a long programme last pm with lots of film and his son Faustino as guest. Poll in Italy of best Italian sportsman since the war...Gianni Rivera footballer 3rd
    Alberto Tomba skier 2nd....and Il Campionissimo 1st

    Never forget do they...
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Link for the RAI programme shamlessly nicked from WeightWeenies (Coppi's bike was probably too heavy for there anyway) ... 211bd.html

    Mind you, the woman hosting looks like she'd wants to be anywhere but in a flippin' cycling tribute. She does a very good line in eye-rolling.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • PauloBets
    PauloBets Posts: 108
    is not the current sport and its issues with doping the gift from Coppi and his peers, the legacy of permissive attitude, his?
  • PauloBets wrote:
    is not the current sport and its issues with doping the gift from Coppi and his peers, the legacy of permissive attitude, his?
    Although there is a link between the modern era and the days of Coppi, there were no rules governing doping then. In fact he had already been dead 7 years when doping was outlawed.
    The saying "if you can't say anything nice, better to say nothing at all" comes to mind.
    Looking through your posting history, you seem to only post re doping. Perhaps you need to find another sport to follow that won't offend you as much? Crown Bowling, maybe?
  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    ultimobici wrote:
    PauloBets wrote:
    is not the current sport and its issues with doping the gift from Coppi and his peers, the legacy of permissive attitude, his?
    Although there is a link between the modern era and the days of Coppi, there were no rules governing doping then. In fact he had already been dead 7 years when doping was outlawed.
    The saying "if you can't say anything nice, better to say nothing at all" comes to mind.
    Looking through your posting history, you seem to only post re doping. Perhaps you need to find another sport to follow that won't offend you as much? Crown Bowling, maybe?

    It has been endemic all through history of cycling - read that book about the Tour - Blue glasses and something. It's quite interesting.
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • Ms Tree wrote:
    It has been endemic all through history of cycling - read that book about the Tour - Blue glasses and something. It's quite interesting.
    Plus I think cycling was the first sport to introduce testing. Football still turns a blind eye relatively speaking. 2006 WC had NO blood tests as it was deemed too expensive!!!