Rock Shox Tora 318 Air From Merlin - Travel Adjustment

dno Posts: 12
edited January 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
I've been looking around at forks for an old full sus frame I have and have settled on the Tora 318 Air which gets lots of thumbs up on the net for the price though a little heavy!. My understanding (which may be wrong!) is that the fork is adjustable from 85mm - 130mm by adding/removing internal spacers. As the frame is an old one and orginally had an 80mm fork on, I'd like the ability to drop down to 85mm on the Tora if need be. I was about to buy them from Merlin Cycles who currently have them for £149.95. ... oploc.html

I called and asked if the fork came with the spacer to reduce the travel down from the stock 100mm to 85mm and was told that the fork was not adjustable - 100mm only.

Is there OEM versions of the Tora 318 which aren't adjustable or was Merlin just quoting the specs listed on their website which states travel 100mm??? Anyone bought these from Merlin and confirm they can be adjusted and know if the additional spacer is included???

Thanks in Advance!


  • podgeorge
    podgeorge Posts: 188
    I should think 100mm travel on a 80mm travel bike would be absolutely fine, i'd would have thought you wouldn't notice the difference!
    BOYDIE Posts: 528
    Some toras,Sl,oem and XC versions have cut down stanchions, but you can change them with an all travel spacer between 80 and 100mm,you cant change them to 130mm as the stanchions are not long enough.Rockshox did this to save weight on its XC range.

    Had this same problem with a set of 2008 Rock shox Recon SL 100mm,wanted 130mm but had to stay at 100.The all mountain versions dont have this problem,full 80-130mm travel via all travel spacer.

    If you are not happy with stripping them down just buy a U-Turn version,bit of a weight penalty,but less hassle.
  • Duffer
    Duffer Posts: 379
    BOYDIE wrote:
    Had this same problem with a set of 2008 Rock shox Recon SL 100mm,wanted 130mm but had to stay at 100.

    Were these forks the RS Recon SL Coil? i have the same forks and am looking to see if i can extend them...

    [/ thread hijack]
  • captainfly
    captainfly Posts: 1,001
    I think merlin may have meant that they are not user adjutable, but fitting a 15mm all travel spacer should be possible to restrict the piston stroke to 85mm, but it means taking the fork apart.
    Mongoose Teocali
    Giant STP0

    Why are MTB economics; spend twice as much as you intended, but only half as much as you wish you could afford? :roll:
    BOYDIE Posts: 528
    No they were air ones, but usually any thing with SL or XC in the name has shorter stanchions.
  • dno
    dno Posts: 12
    Thanks for the replies guys - I'll go get me some Tora's then!

    I considered the coil spring version but due to my weight 13st and a bit! I suspect the stock springs would need changing straight away = extra expense : ( and I'm hoping to lose a a bit of weight over winter so the air will be easier/cheaper to tune.

    One more question - if anyone can help. Merlin list the fork as having adjustable rebound but state that the pop lock lockout doesnt have the pictured dial adjustment. Does this mean that the rebound can still be adjusted on top of the fork leg and the pop lock has a simple suspension locked/suspension unlocked operation??? Also, is fitting of the poplock optional ie. can I opt not to fit it and just adjust on the top of the fork leg??

    Would be great if anyone has bought these from Merlin or same forks elsewhere.

  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Rebound is adjusted at the bottom of the fork leg.

    Poploc activates full lockout.

    Merlin have forget to say this is a Motion Control fork. Basic poplock means you cannot (easily) adjust compression damping independantly of the on/ogg poploc.
  • dno
    dno Posts: 12
    Thanks for the quick reply Supersonic! Will this fork still have compression adjustment??

    Can you please expand on the (easily) part???

    Does the Poploc replace the standard top which would allow compression adjustment & lockout and therefore on these with the basic poploc, there is no compression adjustment, just on/off lockout??? There is no mention on Merlin of compression adjustment?????

    Slightly confused!!!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Merlin's description is dire. 318 have motion control damping. Without poploc fitted you can adjust the fork top dial from fully open, tho fully locked and anywhere in between. The poplock version has a different top cap and a spring in the damper - the poploc holds the adjuster at fully locked, then it springs to fully open. The blue dial on the adjuster allows you to set the compression damping so it springs back to where you want.

    You can remove the poploc and modify the fork easily so it becomes in effect a standard adjuster.
  • dno
    dno Posts: 12
    Thanks again for quick reply!! Are there instructions/pics anywhere for this conversion?? - Do I need to buy any additional parts - new top cap etc????
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Yes, there was a recent thread on this in this section.
  • dno
    dno Posts: 12
    Thanks Supersonic - was it this one: ???? ... t=12670490