Merry Christmas - A card my friend gave me...

DevUK Posts: 299
edited December 2009 in Commuting chat
My friend very kindly gave me this christmas card. He hand draws his cards every year which must take forever :)

Figured I'd share as it's "on topic" ;)


Merry Christmas all! Stay safe and warm on the roads :!:
FCN Daily commute = 11
FCN Fixie commute = 5


  • A really lovely card to receive.

    Merry Christmas too. And if the roads are too slippery over Christmas, look on every mince pie as calories stored up for the thaw.
  • My wife and I always exchange homemade birthday and anniversary cards, the subject matter is usually based on humorous life experiences. I don’t think that many people outside of our immediate family would understand them. Lots of hassle to do, but great fun to receive.

    I like your card DevUK

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    I ache, therefore I am.