Video: Winter Solstice Morning Commute

LesMcLuffAlot Posts: 15
edited December 2009 in Commuting chat
If your idea of a good time is watching a video of a Canadian commuting to work on a cold, dark, snowy morning while listening to 5 of Canadian folk rock hero Bruce Cockburn's greatest hits. I have the video for you.


  • And I'm afraid to cycle on the icey Central London roads! :oops:

    Excelent video, well done! What tyres are you using?
  • Technical question: how do you manage to get out of bed when it's that cold, dark and snowy?
  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    Technical question: how do you manage to get out of bed when it's that cold, dark and snowy?

    For me, it's like: Yeah, no one's around, I have the road to myself!

    After a few times, it comes easy.

    And after a few subzero commutes, this weekend's going to feel like summer (8C apparently around here...)

    I must admit though, yesterday I was worried the pork loin I just bought was going to be battered to pieces in an unforeseen fall: I eventually decided to stick to the main roads on my way back from the supermarket.
  • Thanks for your comments and views, they are appreciated.

    MadammeMarie, thank you for the compliment. The tires are studded Schwalbes, with 303 studs in front and 108 studs in back.

    Deptfordmarmoset, after a week of -20C and colder mornings, -15C actually feels warm in comparison. Sad but true. Adaptation is a wonderful thing.
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Cool video! Good music too 8)
  • Excellent video - enjoyed it....especially in a nice warm house :wink:
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • Thanks for your kind words everyone,

    I realize it's a long video. I've editted it down to fit my favourite Bruce Cockburn song and put it on youtube.

    So if you suffer from Attention Deficeit Disorder here is the 5 minute version.

    For the full meal deal experience: