Great britain cycling kit - should we wear it?

harrylennon13 Posts: 43
edited December 2009 in Road buying advice
I have an old nike great britain jersey,which i wear with pride, but what is your opinion on cyclists like us wearing national kit?


  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Just like the Union Jack, there'll be little green in it to represent Wales!

    I suppose you could argue that Newport Velodrome is sometimes in Wales, Gwent, but occasionally it's classed as Monmouth, so no need to add the green then...

    I think bit's of red,white and blue is too French, but a flag with a Dragon? Now that's cool!
  • I'm a bit old fashioned with things like this. I think you should only get to wear a National jersey if you've actually represented your country at the sport.
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • i'd buy a jersey with a dragon on it but not a gb union jack kit. couldnt care less tbh

    kinda agree with the above too. looks kinda silly when you get scalped but someone wearing any old tat too
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • always an odd one this and still a part of the weird value set that cyclists work to.

    I dont really care what anyone wears, I for one dont think everybody I see is a professional riding for trade teams if decked out in full garb ( often cos its so much cheaper than the plain stuff ) just the same as I dont think every body wearing a football shirt is a professional who just happens to be in the local pub!

    As far as national jerseys...wear it if you want.

    whatever takes your fancy, it's your money, your shirt and your hobby/passion/pastime.

    I would be interested to know what other nationalities outside of GB think, I bet the Americans have no issue with it!

    as for getting " scalped".....who cares......

    I just LOVE the inclusive attitude of cycling.

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • GavH
    GavH Posts: 933
    Splottboy wrote:
    I think bit's of red,white and blue is too French, but a flag with a Dragon? Now that's cool!

    Wouldn't wear a Union Jack top here in NI because I'd likely get shot riding through some parts.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I've said it before and will say it again - if they sold the GB cycling kit publicly, then it would be meant to be worn be the everyday cyclist. Football teams, pro cycling teams, etc - they all sell replica kit - so they intend they fans to wear it.

    GB don't sell their kit to the public and therefore don't intend the average person to wear it.
  • I'm a bit old fashioned with things like this. I think you should only get to wear a National jersey if you've actually represented your country at the sport.

    + approx 1million.
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    If it makes you happy, wear it, life's too short.
  • Flasher wrote:
    If it makes you happy, wear it, life's too short.

    Life is indeed to short to give sh1t what others do. Look after number 1, no-one else really will 8)

    (apart from family, obviously)
  • ... spx?cid=12 ... erseys.htm ... s_s/67.htm

    guess it is a British thing then..

    plenty of other national and/or trade ones to buy....and some totally wacky ones!

    better not buy a Pink Floyd one unless you have sold 50million albums and your names David dont want people getting the wrong idea!

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • ... erseys.htm ... s_s/67.htm

    guess it is a British thing then..

    plenty of other national and/or trade ones to buy....and some totally wacky ones!

    better not buy a Pink Floyd one unless you have sold 50million albums and your names David dont want people getting the wrong idea!

    No you'd better not buy a Pink Floyd one cos you'd look a right t i t
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Pokerface wrote:
    I've said it before and will say it again - if they sold the GB cycling kit publicly, then it would be meant to be worn be the everyday cyclist. Football teams, pro cycling teams, etc - they all sell replica kit - so they intend they fans to wear it.

    GB don't sell their kit to the public and therefore don't intend the average person to wear it.

    But I bought an Adidas GB jersey about 18 months ago in a cycling shop in France - so someone was selling it to the public - maybe unofficially though!

    I generally don't wear it, and have thought about getting it signed. I have seen a few others wearing them, someone was wearing one on our club ride - and I don't think he represented GB at any time.
  • I always think that you can wear another country's National or Champions jersey if you like the design or wish to pay homage to a certain team/rider etc. but never your own country's unless you earned it ...
    Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it.
  • Do people really care who wears what top?

    All very sad, and IMO very elitist. I dont like most of the National Kits, or Tour kit, but If I saw somone wearing it, it wouldnt bother me in the slightest.

    Its like saying you cant wear a rugby top unless you have played for England.. ..really...
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I've got one - its slightly different to the official kit (unless its an earlier version?) but even so, don't think anyone would confuse me for a GB rider. My mate also has some GB kit - his Dad is part of team GB. Is that allowed? Its all b*ll***s really isn't it, you can wear whatever you want.
  • Yes you can wear what you want - but the OP asked for people's opinions!
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    My opinion preceded the "you can wear what you want" bit! :wink:
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    It's kind of a British thing though isn't it, I mean - in Italy loads of people wore the kit of their favourite pro-tour teams - it was Lampre and Liquigas mainly - the more garish the better it seemed - and the Dutch love a bit of Rabobank...

    Aren't we just a little more reserved? I mean the only club kit I wear is my kit for Reading Cycling Club - and my Leicester Tigers rugby shirt - but it's a lot more acceptable to go to the rugby in your shirt!
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    TommyEss wrote:
    It's kind of a British thing though isn't it, I mean - in Italy loads of people wore the kit of their favourite pro-tour teams - it was Lampre and Liquigas mainly - the more garish the better it seemed - and the Dutch love a bit of Rabobank...

    Aren't we just a little more reserved? I mean the only club kit I wear is my kit for Reading Cycling Club - and my Leicester Tigers rugby shirt - but it's a lot more acceptable to go to the rugby in your shirt!

    I've seen old guys in Italy riding along the Milan San Remo roads in full world champion colours - I'm sure that would be frowned upon over here but I was just pleased to see so many people out on the roads.

    (OT but I was astonished how many were on Specialized and Trek bikes - you'd expect to see Pinarello and Colnago, Bianchi at the very least but Italian bikes were surprisingly rare).
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    MatHammond wrote:
    (OT but I was astonished how many were on Specialized and Trek bikes - you'd expect to see Pinarello and Colnago, Bianchi at the very least but Italian bikes were surprisingly rare).

    At the top of the Madonna del Ghissalo my bike was the newest by perhaps a decade - the old guys had come up on all sorts of old steel bikes, with first gen Look delta pedals, old worn out concor saddles... Beautiful!
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I don't see the problem with Team GB kit, it's as common as muck where I ride.
    I like bikes...

  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    I wear my GB shirt and shorts sometimes. I live in the Netherlands and wear my GB colours with pride. Of course i have plenty of other kit but i,m also proud to be British and dont really care what anyone else thinks.Too many people are of the opinion ''what will they think of me"'well i couldnt care less what anybody else wears. If you,re of the opinion that you should only wear National colours if you have been selected for the National team then fine, it,s your opinion, whatever rocks your boat.
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • i am kinda half and half on this, i think you can wear your favourite pro tour teams or riders team jersey but not full kit, but prize jerseys are a no no just because if i was to win a jersey ie yellow, green etc i would want to be the only person who could wear it as i would have earned the right, i am also along those line with gb kit and even more so gb teams such as rapha candi tv etc as it is quite pissible you could actually ride for them but if you dont its kinda wierd imo. i think we have this feeling over here because cycling isnt a big sport, in italy spain etc where its a big sport they probably see it to be the same as wearing a football shirt
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I guess I'd draw the line at the GB champions jersey, although the last kit I got made up did have the arm bands suggesting 'm a former champion... :oops:
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,040
    I had a genuine one of the early 90's BCF national jerseys where the flag was made into a wheel shape. It was the best top I've owned and I used it until it fell apart. At the same time others had the official replica shirt which was far worse quality so if you get one make sure it's the same standard as the real thing.
  • dont wear it unless you've earned it i say. it also makes people who want to wear it work harder, like to get a ride in the gb kit is a BIG think i imagine for any rider and maybe one of the proudest moments on there life
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    They have sold team gb kit in the past. Its been on sale in the comic.

    I cant see the problem with it - look at how many 'yellow jerseys' you see riding round.

    Is there any difference between a footy player wearing an England Top ?

    I'm all for them selling the Team GB kit and the proceeds going towards the team. It could be a nice lil earner for them.

    I really dont think that any of the Team GB riders have been inspired to work harder just to get a free jersey....
  • its not that your getting a free jersey, its what it stands for!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Let's put it this way - I'm currently training for a shot at making a National Team (not GB). They sell the jerseys publicly. I could go buy one no problem.

    But I'm training my ass off because I want to EARN the right to wear it and if I ever DO strap that jersey on, I'll know I deserve to wear it. Something about national pride and a sense of accomplishment. It's not about getting a "FREE" jersey - it's about EARNING the right to wear it.
  • Airwave
    Airwave Posts: 483
    I'm British,so therefore if i wanted to wear the British kit i would.When you go abroad it's common to see the national colours being worn by cyclist.Where as here a lot of people seam to think it's just not cricket old boy.I would think any rider who is in the GB squad would stand out with their class anyway,compared to us mere mortals who pootle along by comparison.