It Snowed This Morning...

Torres Posts: 1,266
edited December 2009 in MTB general our Whinlatter trip got cancelled.
Forever the optomist i built a small snow jump in the yard...
Nothing huge, but spent about an hour sessioning it, epic fun :D

Took a whilt to get used to riding in the snow, and managed to put the bike sideways (and fall off) the first time i grabbed my brakes.

The bike did get a bit snowey...
...but with the travel wound down to 115mm it makes a brilliant DJ bike

Awesome fun!:twisted:
What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity


  • haha fair play!

    I went out to fiddle with some bikes today... managed to cut 2 tyres off and almost get a 5 year old caliper off (bastard bolt is stuck grrr) but then it got snowed off... I could hardly bloody see!

    Was hoping to have the bike running for a week of commuting to work but I doubt its gonna happend now... bloody weather!

    I've also taken all the drive off my NS... the chainrings, chain and casette were getting a bit weathered so I took em off for now :)
  • asdfhjkl
    asdfhjkl Posts: 333
    I love the idea of building a snow jump. That's my afternoon sorted :D
  • after this thread i spent ages building one in my garden.

    Only we have a small garden so i built it near the end so i had room to get some speed. I hit the fence several times. :(

    still was great fun. cheer

    Go big or go home.