Cycle Sport or Pro Cycling Magazine subscription for roadie

geeteewmb Posts: 2,221
edited December 2009 in Pro race
Going to buy my roadie mate a sub for his Christmas.

Which one is better - especially for road racing news, stories and features? (He's not a Cycling Plus kind of guy.)


  • pro cycling
  • andyxm
    andyxm Posts: 132
    In my opinion Cycle Sport is slightly less infantile.
  • Bicycling ... it's American but way better than tbe UK offerings ...
    Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it.
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    BiciSport the Italian mag is cover to cover bike porn. ProCycling is always good and the bike reviews are excllent but poss.CycleCport has the edge at the moment.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Toss a coin between Procycling and Cycle Sport.
  • thomasmc
    thomasmc Posts: 814
    IMO Cycle Sport
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Bicycling FFS! - Do you want a cycling magazine or a whole load of pages adverts for SUVs! Pity there isn't an emoticon for a slap - when I was working in the US I'd pick it up in the airport and it would take about 15 minutes to read. Velonews is better and the long-lamented Bicycle Guide. There's a very good Australian magazine - Ride too

    If you want a magazine about racing and riders then it has to be Cycle Sport - Procycling varies greatly in content and the bike reviews are a joke - have they ever given a bad review since the days of Robert Millar? Marcel Wust in particular - let me tell you how good I was...
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Road - the Australian mag, bi-monthly and it beats both Pro cycling and Cycle Sport hands down. It really is the best cycling mag available.
  • Don't think there is much between Pro Cycling and Cycle Sport, but I would also suggest Rouleur as well. Probably a bit different sort of mag than everything else suggested and maybe not what everyone is looking for, but I buy then every now and again when there are interesting articles. And the photos are top notch too...
  • I'm from Aus and get Procycling and Cyclesport whenever they are in the newsagency but i have to say I like Ride the best. The only gripes i have about it is that it is only a 3 monthly magazine. If you want to subscribe to ride you can do it here.

    Although it will probably be a bit expensive for UK people. And just watch out if you go to that site to cos the current issue has Cadel on the cover because of his worlds win so it is like Cadel mania.

    But as for the OP's question, i like Procycling better, i can't really put a reason on it actually. But if i only had enough money for one it would be Procycling.
    Do you have any Therapeutic Use Exemptions?
    No. Never have.
    Never? What about the cortisone?
    Well, obviously there was the cortisone
  • cycling weekly

  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    I get both but IMHO Procycling takes the edge.
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    1,000,000 % Pro Cycling
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    Bikeradar is Procycling's website, so opinions here are likely to be biased
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,623
    andyxm wrote:
    In my opinion Cycle Sport is slightly less infantile.
    Really? I find Cycle Sport to be infantile in the extreme, especially the Broomwagon section which I believe is actually meant to be funny. :shock:

    I'd add my voice to those suggesting a Rouleur subscription, it's not something you'd normally buy yourself so is a nice gift and an excellent read too.
  • Hi Folks.

    After subscribing variously to the comic, Pro Cycling, cycling plus, 220 as well as picking up the occasional copy of cycle sport I came to the following conclusions:

    - The news is generally waaay out of date
    - The reviews are usually advertorials
    - The training advice is often contradictory and based on ropey 'science'
    - I liked the features.

    Hence I've ended up with a subscription to Rouleur, which is all features, front to back. Ok it only comes out quarterly, but I've been filling in by buying back issues off wiggle.

    Cheers, Andy

    ps Pro Cyling do the best competitions though!
  • SpaceJunk
    SpaceJunk Posts: 1,157
    I find that with both PC and Cycle Sport I get sick of their format after 10 or so months. So I currently subscribe to each mag in alternate 12 month periods. (Just started up Cycle Sport again).

    I believe Ride is the best mag out there. Normally 200+ pages and it only comes out every quarter.

    Been getting it since 2003 and have never missed an issue, or ever git sick of it either.
  • I pcked up the latest copy of Ride at Brisbane Airport (I paid for it honest). What a smooth product! It shows what time and money can produce. Very well written if a little Cadel heavy. But he is World Champion! and Australian :)
    The older I get the faster I was
  • SpaceJunk wrote:
    I find that with both PC and Cycle Sport I get sick of their format after 10 or so months. So I currently subscribe to each mag in alternate 12 month periods. (Just started up Cycle Sport again).

    I believe Ride is the best mag out there. Normally 200+ pages and it only comes out every quarter.

    Been getting it since 2003 and have never missed an issue, or ever git sick of it either.
    Yea I flick between the 2. Sometimes I decide on who has the best offer. Can you get Ride in the uk?
    If suffer we must, let's suffer on the heights. (Victor Hugo).
  • SpaceJunk
    SpaceJunk Posts: 1,157
    I pcked up the latest copy of Ride at Brisbane Airport (I paid for it honest). What a smooth product! It shows what time and money can produce. Very well written if a little Cadel heavy. But he is World Champion! and Australian :)

    Yes, the latest one is very much centered on Cadel. Probably understandable since the owner of Ride just brought out his autobiography.
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329

    If you're going purely by content, ProCycling is EASILY the best out there. BUT, it's twice the price of Cycle Sport (at least here in America) which is a bit ridiculous.

    Most magazines here are anywhere from $12-$30 for a year's subscription (US dollars). I understand that ProCycling is imported from overseas but $80?! PLEASE ProCycling, lower your subscription price or I'm going to have to stop subscribing. :cry:
  • zippypablo wrote:
    Yea I flick between the 2. Sometimes I decide on who has the best offer. Can you get Ride in the uk?

    Yeah mate you can but it will probably cost an arm and a leg.

    Go to the subscription page to find out more. Next one comes out in Janurary (so it will probably be in newsagencies about mid Jan) so if you want to subscribe now is probably the best time. Do it at a later date and you might have to wait to for Apr/May/June edition.
    Do you have any Therapeutic Use Exemptions?
    No. Never have.
    Never? What about the cortisone?
    Well, obviously there was the cortisone
  • Pro cycling this month is pony, cycle sport fairly interesting. Unfortunately they both seem to alternate on quality and content all too frequently so a subscription means you're stuck with one or the other. Ride would be a great present as the content and quality are pretty consistently good and it isn't readily available here.
  • blim
    blim Posts: 333
    Cycle Sport.

    Or Rouleur, which works out at the same price (or less) because, although its £9 an issue, its quarterly. And you want to keep your issues after reading them, unlike (speaking for myself) the "glossies".
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