Looking for trails around Farnham

edited December 2009 in MTB beginners
Hi Guys,

Bike newbie here, Im looking for some trails around farnham, I occasionally go over the ranges between farnham, fleet and aldershot but its getting boring now.

I've been over to swinley forrest but its not very local, this is the kind of thing im looking at nice crafted downhills and forrest runs! Has anyone got any good routes or places to visit around the area?



  • JamesBrckmn
    JamesBrckmn Posts: 1,360
    Hi, i'm fairly knew to the forum and mtbing too (about 6 months ago) and live near Godalming. I've been to swinley too, it's pretty good, but the trails are a bit short and don't really flow, but the jump gulley was good fun. Pitch, homebury and leath hill are even better, but a bit further to go than swinley. There are lots of purpose built trails, however it's not a trail centre a such. As far as i know there isn't any nearer purpose built trails nearer than swinley for you. Luckily for me pich hill is only 20 minutes away, but you'll only find natural ridding (bridleways etc.) nearer than swinley unless anyone else knows any better. However, at rodborough common there are some dirt jump trails i go to quite often, but those are about to be flattened. Luckily more are going to be built on some private land we have got hold of, and more will be built with the help of DMR and a digger. There is also good natural riding at hascombe hill, hydons ball and elstead/witley/rodborough/thursley common.
  • Hi James,

    Ive heard leath hill is a good ride, I justt need to a) find out how to get there and b) find a good map! I dont mind driving and guildford is only down the road.

    I've done a frew bridleways like accross the downs all the way to guildford, but It wasnt really "exciting" it was more of just a ride!! Nothing challenging!!

    Will the jumps on the private land be open to anyone, I would be intrested in the location to check it out when its done!

    Where is pich hill?


  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    Suspect, James is right about the area.. he's pretty much hit the nail on the head..

    Pitch Hill is near peaslake:

    http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&sou ... a=N&tab=wl

    I do a regular ride from Guildford, up through the Chantreys, to St Marthas Hill, then to Newlands Corner, over to Pitch, Holmbury and (if I've got the legs left!) onto Leith Hill. It's a great ride, about 40 miles or so. (Or alternatively, I go through Winterfold Common for a shorter ride).

    If you can get to Peaslake Village, there is a shop called Pedal & Spoke, they sell maps and will/should be happy to mark down on the map where the best trails are (BKB, Yoghurt Pots, Summer Lightning etc)

    Although not challenging in the conventional way, there is also the downs link from just outside Guildford, that runs all the way into Shoreham along an old train track (resurfaced, so it's comfy!) The challenge is getting there and back in a day.. lol, 80 miles starts getting painful after a while! :oops:

    Milford jumps are available to all (as far as I know), there's also the North Shore stuff over Esher way, and the jumps at Wisley common..

    More Farnham way though, as you already know, are the ranges.. I go over there a lot, there's not some bad stuff if you hunt about!

    Also, check out http://tunnelhilltrolls.co.uk/ - from what I've heard, these guys are really friendly, and know the area well.. you might find some more info out from them?

    Oh, theres also a thread in the routes section about the Surrey Hills: http://www.bikeradar.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12649310

    Anyway, thats enough from me, I best get back to work.. :wink: