Winter training around Bristol

benp123 Posts: 13
Are there any groups that go out training in the evenings during the week in Bristol? Something along the lines of a chain gang, or just any steady rides. I will be working up there starting from the new year and would like to go out with others.


  • I hear rumors that there is a group that ride around Aztec West industrial Estate which is north of Bristol just before almondsbury junction of M5 this is a mile loop quite well lit and quiet by 6.30 pm which is time they meet on tues evenings

    may get up there myself in next couple of weeks to try to bring some speed into my legs will report back if all is still happening
  • attica
    attica Posts: 2,362
    I'd be interested in joining a similar group South of Bristol if anyone knows of one.
    Failing that does anyone want to start one? Starting from somewhere near the Cumberland Basin perhaps.
    If I was going to choose a route I might start by trying the Portway as that's fairly well lit IIRC, would take a little planning to effect an about turn somewhere.
    "Impressive break"


    ...I can taste blood"