
cyclopsbiker Posts: 516
edited December 2009 in Commuting chat
so, cycling towards Deptford from LB, get to the usual carnage at Rotherhithe roundabout, weave my way a little to the front of the queue in the right lane as turning right...edge out a little so I'm a quarter way onto the roundabout (this really is the only way to get onto this roundabout when turning right as traffic is usually stationary or v. slow moving). I'm patiently waiting til I know it's safe to weave across the cars already on the roundabout, when the right lane is clear. waiting waiting waiting. it's taking a while but I sit it out, knowing I'll be safer to wait than force myself in between cars etc. when, all of a sudden...BUMP.

some idiot t*at in a big black metallic thing of a car (range rover size) hits me from behind. now, it wasn't all that hard, and there was no damage. but I was fuming. he could clearly see me there waiting with my 2 rear lights, white helmet, fluorescent vest and reflective bits all over the place. but no. not only did he not see me but he didn't even know that he'd hit me. he (and his other 3 middle aged passengers) couldn't understand why I got off my bike to inspect it and give him the evils while shouting a few choice words. he's still looking bl**dy clueless. I make a point of him knowing I'm noting his number plate.

now, there's no damage to my bike. there was no real danger to me. but I was furious. his registration is HK59 AKE (or was it HK59 APE). it's really not worth telling the police, no damage no interest I would imagine. but still. he was a total clueless knob. (and no, this really doesn't surprise me)

just like to add a big thanks to the guy that also took the car reg and pulled in to the bus stop after the roundabout to make sure I got it right. pretty sure you didn't see what happened but thanks for showing another road user a bit of courtesy and help.

well rant over.


  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    FFS not another! Only just read the "too close for comfort" thread. What is wrong with people, put them in a tin box with wheels and they lose rational common sense?

    Glad it was only a minor bump.

    Take care out there people.