Work experiance.....

ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
edited December 2009 in The Crudcatcher
arghh. its doing my head in. i need to find somewhere to go and all the letters i have sent off, i have not had 1 reply. any ideas??? :?


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Pornography studio.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Keep trying....
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    wow that was the quickest replies ever. yeah i am now trying three more bike shops. :lol:
  • Bignige
    Bignige Posts: 223
    Spearmint Rhino 8)
    Ride it like you stole it.........Yeah Baby!!!

    2008 Spesh Enduro SL Expert
    2010 Fuji Roubaix 1.0 Ltd Edition
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Try somewhere thats not a bike shop.
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    hmmm. i will try to find an engineering firm then.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Try loads of places. Places you don't necessarily want to work in the future but will give you a different kind of experience.
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    thanks for the advice. all the places need to be in plymouth or where i live or torpoint. so i probably find something. :)
  • I suggest you spell it right 1st....
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    Yeah, sorry. It is getting quite bad.
  • fitch28
    fitch28 Posts: 155
    i suggest you phone them after writing, letters are far too easy to ignore.
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    Whatever you do, don't teach English!

    Just moan, and moan, and moan and moan at people until they give you experience - it works normally.
  • fitch28
    fitch28 Posts: 155
    supersonic wrote:
    Crash test dummy?

    you could draw the black and yellow markings on your face top gear style :D
  • ask family members if there's somewhere that they can stick in a good word for you?
    2009 Genesis core 00
  • Phone up the company first and say:
    "Hello, I'm calling to enquire about Work Experience and was wondering who I should talk to"
    They'll then put you through to the relevant person or give you their address (which you can then send directly to the right person - oh, and make sure you have their name spelt correctly!)
    You'll get one pretty quick that way, or, they'll say from the word go that they don't do it, so you can cross it off your list.
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    thanks for the advice.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2,086
    Get some experience with the Oxford University Press.

    You might learn something.
  • Shorty12
    Shorty12 Posts: 478
    I did 1 week at a engineering place which i tested chainsaws and fixed diggers and 1 week at a bike shop where i spent in the workshop and on there computer system and getting coffee and muffins :)
  • Shorty12
    Shorty12 Posts: 478
    I did 1 week at a engineering place which i tested chainsaws and fixed diggers and 1 week at a bike shop where i spent in the workshop and on there computer system and getting coffee and muffins :)
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    my brother went to a kitchen in a primary school.
    he found it funny because he had to give out the sponge cake and the liitle kids would say "i want that one", "actually i want that one" but they were all the same :lol:
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    hmmmm. i might try more engineering firms then. thanks.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    tleast engineering firms will give you a look at the whole design process with any luck. i did work experience at factory making plastic injection moulded pipes and stuff but the week was set up so i got to visit every department form maintenance to designing to actual shop floor production, was pretty interesting to be honest.
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    Now thats not very nice :lol: I can see where you are coming from though. Believe it or not i got an A* for some english course work. :lol:
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    ramemtbers wrote:
    Now thats not very nice :lol: I can see where you are coming from though. Believe it or not i got an A* for some english course work. :lol:
    how is that possible. you must have brought in a spell checker becasue your nearly as bad as 4XJ and that is pretty bad :P
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    Yeah something like that. Although on microsoft word there is a spell check, but here i believe not. It would be handy if there was one, i would be able to communicate with the normal people. Not only the miss spellers. :lol:
  • Shorty12
    Shorty12 Posts: 478
    Or just spell correctly to start with :)
  • ramemtbers
    ramemtbers Posts: 1,562
    Spelling is not one of my strong points. I am better at mechanical things and doing things with my hands. Not all that academic stuff. :lol:
  • Shorty12
    Shorty12 Posts: 478
  • Halfords
    "It is not impossible, its just improbable"

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