Scary film thread

fourcrossjohn Posts: 2,500
edited November 2009 in The Crudcatcher
Post your 5 scariest films and explain why you thought they were scary
whack a star next to it if you only thought it scary first time round

here is my pick:

no particular order

* jaws : floaty head scene always gets me
* hostel :with the torturing and how gruesome parts are
ghost ship : the cheese wire decapitation was enough for me
signs : watched first 20mins and last 10 mins
* eightlegged freaks : made me scared of big as spiders , no just love its cheesey style


  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    little mermaid
    finding nemo
    toy story
  • The Excorcist
    The Shining
    The Blair Witch (when I first saw it, it freaked me out)
    Paranormal Activity (saw that last night)
    The Ring (original Japanese version)

    plus loads more I can't think of...
  • In no particular order.

    The Grudge
    The Ring
    John Carpenter's The Thing
    Bambi - always get a lump in my throat when his mum dies.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • descent was scary at bits and the thing was awesome!
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    Not sure about the out and out scariest but the spookiest / scariest for me is The Ring original Japanese version as mentioned above.
  • Not sure about the out and out scariest but the spookiest / scariest for me is The Ring original Japanese version as mentioned above.

    Best one, was when my (ex) missus told me that she couldnt hear it and to turn it up when we were watching it on video. It's in Japanese FFS with subtitles :lol::lol:
  • The Exorcist
    Stephen Kings It
    The Thing
    The Grudge
    The Ring
    *Rock Lobster Team Tig SL (22lb 14oz)
    *C. Late 1950's Fixed Gear
    *1940 Raleigh Dawn Tourist with rod brakes
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    Not sure about the out and out scariest but the spookiest / scariest for me is The Ring original Japanese version as mentioned above.

    Best one, was when my (ex) missus told me that she couldnt hear it and to turn it up when we were watching it on video. It's in Japanese FFS with subtitles :lol::lol:
    Did you do the hand zooming over your head when she said it. :lol:
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    The Fog 1980 John Carpenter version was up there too.
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    "Don't look now" full, original 70's version. Action, suspense, realistic bonking with a naked Julie Christie in her prime and...terrible, shocking twist at the film's ending!
  • Splottboy wrote:
    "Don't look now" full, original 70's version. Action, suspense, realistic bonking with a naked Julie Christie in her prime and...terrible, shocking twist at the film's ending!

    Good choice, I have that on DVD.... great film, creepy and atmospheric!!!
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    Paranormal Activity (saw that last night)

    I just got back from seeing this, it's ok but only the last 5 mins are properly scary!
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • bradford
    bradford Posts: 195
    Splottboy wrote:
    "Don't look now" full, original 70's version. Action, suspense, realistic bonking with a naked Julie Christie in her prime and...terrible, shocking twist at the film's ending!
    + 1 Great choice :wink:

    Also The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween part 2 :mrgreen:
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    In no particular order:

    The Fog (Original)
    The Thing (Original)
    The Mist (Modern Version)

    And has anyone ever seen "Fire in the Sky", was made in 1993. I cannot bring myself to watch it.
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    Yeh, I've seen it a few times. And there was a lot poetic license taken with the film but there's some great playing with people's worst fears in it. :lol: I tell you what, Travis Walton's actual account is a damn sight more frightening, story hasn't altered by any of them in over 30 years.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    i'v seen fire in the sky
  • colintrav
    colintrav Posts: 1,074
    The Exorcist
    Stephen Kings It
    The Thing
    The Grudge
    The Ring

    Stephen kings It is one of the most pathetic films ever made ...
  • colintrav wrote:
    The Exorcist
    Stephen Kings It
    The Thing
    The Grudge
    The Ring

    Stephen kings It is one of the most pathetic films ever made ...

    I love horror films and properly scary clowns do it for me. Horses for courses I guess.
    *Rock Lobster Team Tig SL (22lb 14oz)
    *C. Late 1950's Fixed Gear
    *1940 Raleigh Dawn Tourist with rod brakes
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    Cannibal Holocaust
    Cannibal Ferox
    Some redneck horror movie which I forget the name (I remember there being pliers and a bawsack - say no more I guess)
    Another one where a girl gets brutalised by 5 guys and goes about killing them all very harshly, again I forget the name

    Cant think of another one.

    Don't find myself being scared of films, just grossed out.
  • I spit on your grave schmako, the one with the girl.

    It was banned for ages, may still be?