And it was all going so well - Funny Friday!

downfader Posts: 3,686
edited November 2009 in Commuting chat
Been a bit quiet here of late but today.. Saw two vehicles today nearly get rear ended!!!

First one, woman wanting to turn right, I also want to turn right but hold off to let her out, even gesture but for some reason she hesitates. All of a sudden an Astra van comes flying around the corner WAY too fast and hammers on the anchors. He must have stopped an inch from her backside. Then he gets "fidgitty" and decides to squeeze through the gap to his left as she's pulling away, I noticed he's moaning and shaking his head out of his window, I think he thought it was either her fault or mine, the plebicite. :?

Secondly, I'm approaching lights that are changing so I'm slowing, small white van behind me comes flying past at about 40mph through the amber. For some reason he fails to see the big, 7.5 tonne lorry that is reversing for a delivery ahead and oh so nearly went right up his a***! I mean it was one of those close misses where the back end of the little van slid out slightly (and it was wet)

Then I'm approaching a green light, I'm trying to head over to the right a tiny bit due to the smashed road surface, but 3 drivers, yes 3, decided to drive within 2 inches of my handlebar to get past me. I get through and theres a car behind me waiting what seemed patiently until a traffic island appears up front and they gun it over the chevrons only to brake so they could turn right. I just lost it, frustration just burst out and I shouted "And what was the bl**dy point in overtaking if you were going to turn right!!?"


So I get to work and it seems my workmates who also cycle have had the very same problems. One said he has been very close to smacking someones wing mirror off today. Think I'll fit the camera again next week, just incase.


  • Looking forward to my new gadget toy, the Muvi mini camcorder and adventure kit, to record my cycling mishaps!
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Yes, lots of Clever People on the roads today.

    This morning: I hear a car coming up behind seriously fast. He's past me like a bullet, then overtakes two cars ahead of me, cuts back in front, jams on the brakes, turns left into the side street, and parks up. What was all that in aid of.

    Just beyond that incident I somehow spot a dark shape across the road - yes it's a ninja. Dressed all in black, on a black bike, no lights, no reflectives. It was still dark (7am), streetlights off on this stretch of road, and under some trees. I think I only saw him after I heard his bike.

    Arriving at work's carpark, as I'm turning right into the entrance a car comes up behind and nearly right-hooks me, barely slowing down for the turn - thought she was even going to hit the barrier - then foot down again, off to her bay, and she's almost out of the door before she's come to a stop, then legs it over towards the building. Yes you might be running late, but driving like that isn't really going to save any significant time.

    Then tonight, riding past a side street, there's a car waiting to turn left. She starts pulling out, spots me, stops again, waits until I'm nearly in front of her, then goes for it. Thank you, madam. Then at the next side street, another car waiting to pull out does the same to her :D

    It was one of those days when I arrived home, shook my head, and thought - what the hell was all that about :roll:
  • I went round a roundabout yesterday, watching this driver who didn't seem to sure of where to go, waits til I get just in front of *her* car (I don't like saying women are bad drivers, they're better than men most of the time. Anyway almost all car drivers are rubbish IMO.) then she pulls out, spots me and slams on the anchors. It was fine as she stopped before hitting me, and was very appologetic when she went past me.

    As long as people appologise, I'm generally happy to let it rest.
    jedster wrote:
    Just off to contemplate my own mortality and inevitable descent into decrepedness.
    FCN 3 or 4 on road depending on clothing
    FCN 8 off road because I'm too old to go racing around.
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    iain_j wrote:
    It was one of those days when I arrived home, shook my head, and thought - what the hell was all that about :roll:

    Thats how I feel now.

    Oh and there was another plum on the way home, I can see up ahead a minibus is pulling out onto the road I'm on, no harm to me, but at this moment a lady in a MASSIVE people carrier decides its a good idea to overtake me and nearly flies into the front of said minibus.

    Sometimes I just feel like saying "if you want to really feel speed, get on a bike". It just seems so pointless racing around like a loon in a car.
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Whenever I see them racing like that only to arrive at the next red light, I smile when I think "well, that was a waste of fuel and brake pads".
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    iain_j wrote:
    Whenever I see them racing like that only to arrive at the next red light, I smile when I think "well, that was a waste of fuel and brake pads".

    We all know this, but I get the distinct impression they either a) are stupid or b) dont care. :lol:
  • janm399
    janm399 Posts: 132
    On my ride from work today, I was very aware of attempts to overtake when I was keeping up with the traffic and undertaking when I was turning right. I was rock solid in primary, so they didn't actually go for it, but I could not help shake off a general feeling of uneasiness.

    Everyone seemed to be driving very nervously, as if deciding what they should do next, but whenever they made up their mind, they all just went for it. Slamming on the breaks or accelerating hard.

    Slightly OT, but has anyone noticed the number of cars driving around with just the parking lights on? It is absolute madness--I grudgingly got used to ninja cyclists, but ninja cars are absolute nightmare.

    Anyhoo, time for a strong ginger beer, dinner and some non-cycling fun ;)
    Computer geek, Manchester Wheelers' member since 2006
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    No but there's plenty round here with NO lights on.

    That includes a few cars driving out of work's carpark .... police HQ :roll:
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Have seen a fair few cars driving around with knackered headlights this week. On a couple of occassions I thought it was a motorbike until it got up close.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    iain_j wrote:
    Whenever I see them racing like that only to arrive at the next red light, I smile when I think "well, that was a waste of fuel and brake pads".

    Lost count the number of times I've lost the race to the red light, something to do with the fact that I'm doing 8mph and feathering the brakes.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.