Ultegra Hub Bearings

milese Posts: 1,233
edited November 2009 in Workshop
I noticed the bearings in my rear ultegra hub weren't very smooth, so I pulled it apart and found that one of the bearings is a bit deformed. Looks like some of the smooth outer has broken off leaving it was a rough, squared off section.

The other bearings and the bearing seats looks fine.

Can I get replacement bearings from anywhere, or do I need to scratch around DIY shops?


  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    Any good bike shop should have them. You need 1/4" ball bearings, 9 per side.
  • milese
    milese Posts: 1,233
    Just had the thought, I'll see if I can canabalise a buckled old wheel.
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    Try and find at least a grade 100 bearings which I believe are what grade come standard in the Ultegra and Dura Ace. The smaller the number the better such as a 10grade. 100 grade are carried by most LBS and cheap and 10's not much more expensive but harder to find. Replace all the bearings in each side with new so that they all have the same roundness and will last much longer than mixing old with new. Check the bearing race in your hub to make sure that the bad bearing hasn't caused any damage.
  • milese
    milese Posts: 1,233

    I'll pick up a couple of new sets next time I'm in the LBS, but until then I've stolen one from a old broken wheel.

    Is a genuine purpose lithium grease ok?
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    Yes but a water resistant one is better at this time of year.