Anyone use 09 Saint rear mech on Nomad 2?

lochussie Posts: 276
edited November 2009 in MTB workshop & tech
Do you also have problems getting the mode converter to butt against the hanger stop (which limits how far the mech body can rotate forward, like any mech)? Initially it seemed ok but after riding for a short time the soft metal of the hanger wore away and allowed the mech to rotate forward, essentailly removing the effect of the mode converter and reducing the capacity etc of the mech.

Have I got a duff hanger or does this happen all the time? The hanger is fine with XT and SLX mechs.


  • is this the m800 or m810 mech?
  • It's an M810 GS (medium cage).

    I'm not stupid enough to try fitting an axle mech to a hanger. But I might be stupid enough to have missed something else. The mech works fine on other bikes, it's prob just the shape and softness of the Nomad hanger. Somebody else must have tried this though?
  • You could see if BETD do a hanger for a Nomad. The OEM might be too soft as you say.

    I've got the M810 on my NS and its always been fine.