UCI Director Sportif training course

dave_1 Posts: 9,512
edited November 2009 in Pro race
I'd love to see the training program/workshop content. Is this really a worthwhile use of UCI cash?

http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/uci-hol ... -directors


  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,481
    Do you think the curriculum included advanced driving skills? :wink:

    I see Rod Ellingworth was on it, I wonder what role he'll have in the Sky set up?
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    andyp wrote:
    Do you think the curriculum included advanced driving skills? :wink:

    I see Rod Ellingworth was on it, I wonder what role he'll have in the Sky set up?

    well...I am trying to think of what they could learn...they drive team cars, make travel arrangements, tell expert cyclists what the cyclists already know...anybody know what was on the curriculum?
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    My suggestions:
    the 10 best dog names / pseudonyms
    the 10 best delay tactics for testers
    the 10 most popular excuses for riders
    the 10 best refrigerated motorcycle couriers
    the 10 best veterinary / gynaecological consultants that provide 'training plans'
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    glad to see the wednesday comment at CW largely concurs....IMO this UCI "course" was a load p*#h, a waste of money and perhaps the DSs should be given a real exam? and also make them take a polygraph test, offer an exam that tests them properly , requires more than knowing how to drive a car...that allows people outwith the largely 1990s ex pro group a fair run at the top jobs...
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    A copy of their final examination has landed on my lap.

    Here are a few of the multiple choice questions.


    During the Tour, you walk into the hotel room of your star rider one evening and see that his left arm is attached to an IV dripping what appears to be blood. What do you do?

    a) scream then faint. How the hell could he do this without locking the room door first?
    b) smile and remind him to lock his door
    c) shout at him for not taking the transfusion an hour earlier, doesn't he know that he's holding up dinner?


    During the Giro, the drug testers arrive and ask for your star rider. How do you respond?

    a) smile sweetly at them, pour some coffee and chat for half an hour, knowing that your prearranged code word (muffin) to the soigneur means she has sped up to his room and warned him.
    b) smile sweetly at them and explain that you are in a terrible state because no-one has seen him since he took off in his ferrari for a short spin an hour ago.
    c) smile sweetly at them because you recognise both of them. They take the samples from the mechanic without a murmur and you ensure that the envelope of used notes is safely in their car glovebox before they leave.


    During the Vuelta, you are contacted by Paul KIimmage, who says he has information, including photographs, testimonies and photocopies of bank transfers, of your star rider seeking 'training information' from a notorious Spanish gynaecologist. Do you......

    a) laugh hysterically, then slam the phone down
    b) tell Kimmage you're listening to every word whilst simultaneously texting your mistress
    c) tell Kimmage that you manage the women's team, and then bore him rigid about your star rider's menstruation problems.