damn its muddy out there in my woods, whos riding this weeke

rhyko7 Posts: 781
edited November 2009 in MTB general
i wanted to do cardio today but didnt fancy the gym, so at 2 Oclock i decided to don the waterproofs and venture out into the great outdoors. i dont mind riding when the ground is wet, but i suddenly remembered why i dont like riding in the rain-because you have the choice of getting laodsa mud in your eyes or not being able to see through a pair of glasses. well i went for the 2nd option which was made much worse by foggy weather and darkness quickly approaching.
the ground was bogging, however i decided to have some fun anyway and hit up a few descent in my woods, the bike was going everywhere and i couldnt see, thank god i wasnt on the hardtail or some of the rocks would have sent me flying im sure. the high roller on the front is brilliant on hardpack, however throw some mud at it and it seems to forget what its job is and suddenly turns into ski.
even tho the weather was crap, i could barely see the ground in front, the ground was bogging, i was riding on my own, i had the wrong tyres and was all over the shop etc... i still thoroughly enjoyed myself :lol:

i could have made a million excuses not to ride or decided i didnt want to risk wearing components wah wah, but i didnt i went out and kicked some arse.
the weekend is here now get out and do the same!

so who's tearing what up this weekend?
Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

my riding:

Some of my Rides Data/maps:


  • CraigXXL
    CraigXXL Posts: 1,852
    All being well I'll be going round Newmillerdam on Saturday. Not had the chance to get out for the last fortnight and looking forward to getting muddy.
    SPIRO Posts: 200
    Just finished preparing my steed for what will be another fun and muddy day at swinley tomorrow. Not decided where to go sunday, maybe epping
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    gonna be up woodbury common tomorrow

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • Not out til Monday - Dalby night ride :D

    As to mud in the eyes - try one of those neoguard things - they keep the worst of it out.
    I hate it when people say David Beckham's stupid...its not like anyone ever says: 'Stephen Hawking - he's s**t at football.' Paul Calf
  • All being well, me and the hubby are doing a local 10 mile ride to Whalley, it's not difficult, it's just fun and quiet
    Caz xxxx
  • Vegman
    Vegman Posts: 35
    Beetya, me and the missus got down and dirty (in the best possible mtb way ) in our local woods on Weds evening... Qecp mud and chalk took ages to wash off the bikes, still hot showers and cottage pie after, mmm ...roll on the mud. :D
    A bike..in my garage.....I MUST tinker.
  • i took a trip over my local wood rain was lashing down mud every where 10 mins in i nearly took a trip over the bars .....specalized fast trak tyres are not i say not for the winter months ha ha :lol: still had a laugh
  • I'm not too happy about getting muddy, we've no bloody boiler so no hot water and haven't has since the 21 st October ! so no warm baths or showers to come home to. :(
    Caz xxx
  • Vegman
    Vegman Posts: 35
    Forgot to say I got to hug a bush too!!!!!!
    A bike..in my garage.....I MUST tinker.
  • yeah ive been to Swinley and Mytchett in the week , must say it has been muddy so had to go and buy a Crud guard the front down pipe type . shall be over Swinley again tommorow :D 8)
  • Me and a mate are off to Swinley tomorrrow.
    Should be a interesting and dirty ride with the weather we have had.
  • weather permitting off to Llandegla tomorrow. First time out in about a month, so should be interesting....

    Fingers crossed it doesn't lash it down in the morning, as the lads I go with are a definately good weather riders..
  • I'm obviously a complete wuss! I tend to avoid the trails in the winter months, and stick to local bridlepaths, mainly just to keep my fitness up. This is also a good time of the year to do a few jobs on the bike, start a project, etc. Rain doesn't bother me a jot, but XC isn't too easy on a lightweight HT in a foot of mud, unless you like visiting A&E. I'll be out this weekend though. got an untried 14 mile loop to have a go at, which hopefully does not involve too much mud.
    Ridley Orion
  • Ballaugh for me tomorrow morning, doing the DH there for the first time. Looks like I will also have totally the wrong tyres as my new ones still havent arrived.
  • Well for me its just gonna be a local trail through the woods etc ... and look at it the sun is shining, but i know its gonna be very muddy out !! But i dont mind a bit of mud :)
  • Yes our mild dry Autumn is officially over, I went round Newmiller just over a week ago - nice and dry although I couldn't see the trail for all the fallen leaves, it's a different story after all this weeks rain though, went round Coxley woods yesterday and got very muddy.

    Time for some new thinner winter tyres for me.
  • ads4
    ads4 Posts: 698
    Swinley was damn wet on Thursday and my local ride is no better! Just been out with the Mrs up onto the Oxdrove - very muddy and interesting at times :) At least we stopped at our local on the way back and ate and drank well :lol:

    Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

    Current ride - Yeti ASR 5a X0
  • i went out this morning and came back absoloutely covered in mud splattered all over my clothes/face/helmet

    dug out some old mud guards and tie wraps when i got back
    Carerra Fury 08
  • chris_sw
    chris_sw Posts: 100
    Going to be going out for my first ride since the weather got bad tomorrow on Exmoor, got a set of clean clothes packed so I don't have to drive back soaked through and covered in mud :P

    Forcast is for mostly dry tomorrow, but it's been raining for the past week so it's gonna be slippery!

    Also I get to test out my winter clothes, well it's actually just a long sleeved t-shirt on top of my normal t-shirt and the same shorts. I better not stop for too long, max temp of 10C predicted tomorrow :shock: .