Round Rutland Ride weekend of 14th/15th November

puddle-rider Posts: 295
edited November 2009 in MTB rides
Got the title correct with date and location!

I am planning an all day loop around the northern edge of Rutland expect to cover something in the order of 25-30 miles. Will be departing from one of the Rutland Water car parks, Whitwell or Sykes Lane at about 9.00am, actual date and venue to be confirmed.

Will be heading over towards the A1 crossing into Lincolnshire and heading up to towards Clipsham,, then looping across over the A1 again to Market Overton, across to Wymondham, down past Teigh to Wissendine, Ashwell and Burley to rejoin cycle track near Egleton and return to the car park.

the ride should be about 60/40 off road mainly on Bridleways so expect a bit of mud but the good news is the three pub stops on the way around. Mainly level with nothing technical just a good jaunt.

So if any one want's to join me on this odyssey then give me a pm


  • 44 views so far but no interest, don't tell me some are afraid of the mud :lol:
  • ji_
    ji_ Posts: 38
    I have added this to my forum - - so you may get some more takers. Any idea how long you reckon to take? - Louth Area Mountain Bikers
  • I think about 4 hours in the saddle + stops
  • OS maps have been scoured, google earth checked out and i'm all set to go! Riding out this Sunday, departing Whitwell car park at 9.30am on a little tour of North Rutland. Considering two routes each of about 30 miles with convenient pub stops on the way. A couple of riding buddies from Peterborough are coming over and any extra company is welcome. We have done parts of these routes before but never linked the bits together into one route so it might be a bit of a map reading discovery ride allthough from google earth it does look like all the tracks and ROW's are in place.

    This should be the link to the routes if you want to check things out before committing yourselves. ... et-Overton ... land-Round
  • Both routes look good. Would of liked to join you but on childcare duties this weekend. Be interested to find out the feedback from your route as i only live in Grantham and ride Rutland quite frequently.

    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Just raising this to the top of the list to see if I can't generate a bit of last minute interest!

    It seems all my usual biking buddies are tied up on Sunday so sadlly :cry: it looks like i'm on my own.

    Despite the dire predictions of ankle deep mud i'm still mad enough to do this ride so if there any equally mad people out there you are more than welcome to join me.
  • Let us know how that route was
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Given that this is Rutland and Lincolnshire and therefore very flat it is a good route.
    Mostly on bridleways across fields and very easy to follow as almost all the Bridleway marker posts are in place.
    Some interesting wooded parts through Lady Wood at the rear of Stocken prison, had to go across a couple of seeded fields so the mud stuck to the tyres a bit but other than that a good ride.
    I did the slightly shorter of the two routes going back to Whitwell via Market Overton and Cottesmore all in it took me 3.5 hours with no stopping.
    It would make a good summer all day ride as you could have stops at the pubs in Clipsham, Market Overton, Wymondham and Whissendine, before wobbling back to Whitwell :wink:
    I will be doing the other half of this ride starting at Market Overton and going round by way of Wymondham and Whissendine hopefully before Christmas or even during the Christmas period to work off the excess calories so keep an ey out for future posts.
  • Are the woods at Lady Wood worth a visit? My other half runs the Olive Branch at Clipsham but never really done any riding down there.

    I am still trying to find somewhere to build some trails/jumps to play on.
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!