What is your cycling perfect moment?



  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    FlacVest wrote:
    7) Oh and the most recent, riding around a lake at ~5pm, and watching a couple pass me in a jeep, stop, let a dog out, and watching the dog run across the field, by himself, racing the jeep home. That was probably the most awesome thing I've ever seen while cycling.

    Wow! That must of been unbelievably "awesome". I can't wait until I see a dog running towards it's owner.

    Can't think of much as awesome as that - Truly incredible.

    And beyond dull!!
  • jonomc4
    jonomc4 Posts: 891
    A few from recently that spring to mind -

    1) drafting a car at 30 mph and then overtaking him (on the right) when he came to the speed camera in the road - loved the look on his face when I passed

    2) taking a left bend at speed - metal man hole cover (quite large one) losing the front end but correcting it enough to stay up and avoid a booboo

    3) going down a regulaar hill with a little more pace than usual recently - I am such a scardy cat on downhiills

    4) just being out there and enjoying life and getting away from the job and hassles.
  • Drumlin
    Drumlin Posts: 120
    Over 25 years ago, my first, (and only !) road race win. I was away in a break of three, dropped them on the last climb, soloed the few miles to the finish, crossed the line with arms aloft and a smile from ear to ear. Perfect ! I've had thousands and thousands of enjoyable cycling moments since but that one stands out !
    Would welcome company for Sat rides west/south of Edinburgh, up to 3 hrs, 16mph ish. Please PM me if interested/able to help.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    i bet the mums and dads 100m cycle race has never been the same...
  • Riding into the castle grounds at the end of this years Castle 100, sounds of applause, caused an unexpected thrill on my first ever sportive.
    Some people are like slinkies - not much use for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

  • boogi11
    boogi11 Posts: 354
    For me it gets perfect just as the kids and wife become to quiet no hear.
  • Finally rolling under the Eiffel tower after 2 days of riding from London, on a fixed wheel, track bike that everyone thought would never do the journey. :lol:
  • Ok, I've only had my bike 2 months so last Saturday (20/10) was a memorable moment. I'm still pretty slow and havent done anymore than an 18 miler, so I've looked at entering the Goole Skyride in November. Was a little nervous as it states an average speed of 13-15mph must be able to be achieved.

    So I dropped my daughter at work at 8 in Leeds and then drove over to reccy the route. On my own, parked up at the leisure centre then headed out of Old Goole towards Swinefleet.

    Once out of Goole the roads are dead flat and oh so quiet. Such an amazing experience to be on country roads and have all the roads to yourself. The weather was really warm and sunny with a bit of a breeze.

    I just couldn't get over how tranquil the ride was and all the way I tried to push as hard as possible.

    Eventually arrived back at the leisure centre and stopped the Velodroid program on my phone and found I'd done 26 miles in 1hr 45mins at an average of 14.5mph.

    Was over the moon and now just want to go out and ride and ride and ride just because I can. I know this is quite dull compare to most posts on here but it is in the "road beginners" section and I am just that.

    Cant put into words the feeling of reaching a personal goal like this one.
  • That bit where I return home from a long hard ride, fall off the bike with my legs like lead, haul myself upstairs and sink into a hot bath with a big bottle of isotonic Guiness in my hand.
  • I know this is quite dull compare to most posts on here but it is in the "road beginners" section and I am just that.
    I know exactly what you mean. I'm into my third week, and it's still all shiny and new for me too.

    Moments I've had so far..

    - The first ride on the new bike - Richmond Park, one lap, and home, on the afternoon I got it home. Quite nervous, mostly cos I really didn't want to take any chances and fall off on my first time out. But it was just like when I got my last new bike (age 15, 35 years ago). Way more exciting than I'd have predicted for an old git.

    - The first time I didn't feel the need to scrub off speed on the downhill towards Kingston Gate in Richmond Park, but freewheeling all the way down. I'm also a total chicken on the descents, but with confidence building that was a good feeling.

    - The first longish ride (38 miles) starting early on a Sunday. After constant shin splints as an ex-runner, it was amazing to be in no pain after more than 2.5 hours on the bike.

    - Getting to the top of a steepish (for me) hill without stopping, past several people walking up pushing their bikes.

    Mostly though, the feeling of optimism - that I'll be able to get and stay fit, without injury. I need to ease off a bit though, since I think I've done a bit too much too soon... getting a bit of soreness in the knees. :oops:
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • greentea
    greentea Posts: 180
    I know this is quite dull compare to most posts on here but it is in the "road beginners" section and I am just that.
    I know exactly what you mean. I'm into my third week, and it's still all shiny and new for me too.

    Moments I've had so far..

    - The first ride on the new bike - Richmond Park, one lap, and home, on the afternoon I got it home. Quite nervous, mostly cos I really didn't want to take any chances and fall off on my first time out. But it was just like when I got my last new bike (age 15, 35 years ago). Way more exciting than I'd have predicted for an old git.

    - The first time I didn't feel the need to scrub off speed on the downhill towards Kingston Gate in Richmond Park, but freewheeling all the way down. I'm also a total chicken on the descents, but with confidence building that was a good feeling.

    - The first longish ride (38 miles) starting early on a Sunday. After constant shin splints as an ex-runner, it was amazing to be in no pain after more than 2.5 hours on the bike.

    - Getting to the top of a steepish (for me) hill without stopping, past several people walking up pushing their bikes.

    Mostly though, the feeling of optimism - that I'll be able to get and stay fit, without injury. I need to ease off a bit though, since I think I've done a bit too much too soon... getting a bit of soreness in the knees. :oops:

    Dear ChrisAonabike

    It was lovely reading your moments on a bike that gave you a smile, long may they continue!

    If you dont mind me giving you some of my advice and experience, may i suggest you check the position of your cleats with regards your 'knee soreness'. Assuming you use cleats, a lot of knee problems come from either 1. seat height not being correct or 2. Cleat position and float not being right, forcing the leg to twist at the knee.

    Hope this is of some help.
    kindest regards
  • I know this is quite dull compare to most posts on here but it is in the "road beginners" section and I am just that.
    I know exactly what you mean. I'm into my third week, and it's still all shiny and new for me too.

    Moments I've had so far..

    - The first ride on the new bike - Richmond Park, one lap, and home, on the afternoon I got it home. Quite nervous, mostly cos I really didn't want to take any chances and fall off on my first time out. But it was just like when I got my last new bike (age 15, 35 years ago). Way more exciting than I'd have predicted for an old git.

    - The first time I didn't feel the need to scrub off speed on the downhill towards Kingston Gate in Richmond Park, but freewheeling all the way down. I'm also a total chicken on the descents, but with confidence building that was a good feeling.

    - The first longish ride (38 miles) starting early on a Sunday. After constant shin splints as an ex-runner, it was amazing to be in no pain after more than 2.5 hours on the bike.

    - Getting to the top of a steepish (for me) hill without stopping, past several people walking up pushing their bikes.

    Mostly though, the feeling of optimism - that I'll be able to get and stay fit, without injury. I need to ease off a bit though, since I think I've done a bit too much too soon... getting a bit of soreness in the knees. :oops:

    Exactly how I felt. First ride out after spending 20 mins at the side of the house clipping in and out and then going up and down the gears getting used to these modern gear changers. We also have a steepish hill near us which maxes out at 18% and used to be a killer in our school cross country all those years ago. Well, the first time I went up it, knocking it down the gears and then realizing there were none left, having to get out of the seat and nearly coming to a standstill, breathing out of your backside and then it starts to level off a bit and it gets slightly easier, trying not to look at the top of the hill and just pedal to the top and then the joy when you reach the top and know that now you've done a hill like that you just want to try something steeper and more famous.

    I'm becoming slightly addicted I think :P
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    for me as a newbie,has to be the ascent of the horse shoe pass...5 mile climb upto over 1400ft...no stops just pushed and kept going even though every part of me was saying stop.awesome feeling.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • I'm becoming slightly addicted I think :P
    Yes, me too. Just had a cycling perfect moment (hereinafter referred to as a CPM).

    I got home just now, a little before midnight, after an evening trying to beat some maths and physics into two 15 year old twins... I'd shared a couple of glasses of wine with their mum, a good mate of mine for years, and had to run for the train. Walking home from the station, I was struck by the stunning absence of traffic, dry roads, and...

    ...a bike in the house. My OH is asleep, and I was (am) a touch inebriated. So I bolted my lights on to the bike, switched my GPS tracker on, just in case, and headed out. No helmet, I just fancied the air.

    So I just rode around for about half an hour, just for the hell of it, because I felt like it, and cos my mum can't tell me I can't any more.

    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Ok, I've only had my bike 2 months so last Saturday (20/10) was a memorable moment. I'm still pretty slow and havent done anymore than an 18 miler, so I've looked at entering the Goole Skyride in November. Was a little nervous as it states an average speed of 13-15mph must be able to be achieved.

    So I dropped my daughter at work at 8 in Leeds and then drove over to reccy the route. On parked up at the leisure centre then headed out of Old Goole towards Swinefleet.

    Once out of Goole the roads are dead flat and oh so quiet. Such an amazing experience to be on country roads and have all the roads to yourself. The weather was really warm and sunny with a bit of a breeze.

    I just couldn't get over how tranquil the ride was and all the way I tried to push as hard as possible.

    I ride the routes around Goole, Snaith, Drax and Selby regularly. I love the way it lets you tram along at a reasonable pace and the traffic is never too heavy.
    Havent heard of the Goole sky ride. Tell us more !!
  • Check this link out. Free to enter and if youre like me and dont want to get shown up yet in a sportive or a club bike ride then it sounds perfect.

  • Check this link out. Free to enter and if youre like me and dont want to get shown up yet in a sportive or a club bike ride then it sounds perfect.

    Thanks for the nod pal. Just signed up so I suppose I'll see you there.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    I am envious... Not like that here in Cornwall
  • cycle1.jpg
    This was whilst me and my girlfriend were cycle touring this summer over the Lambourne Downs on our way home after 3 weeks.
    And this was on the same trip but in Exmoor on the Ridge Road through West Anstey, the photo hardly does it justice but it was virtually car free tarmac with the most amazing view for hours.

    Whilst I've had some great moments/achievements road cycling, little compares to the emotions I've experienced on a long tour - hence next summer we shall be going for longer (one of the few benefits of my girlfriend being a teacher with long holidays and I'm a student).
  • d87francis wrote:
    This was whilst me and my girlfriend were cycle touring this summer over the Lambourne Downs on our way home after 3 weeks.

    Whilst I've had some great moments/achievements road cycling, little compares to the emotions I've experienced on a long tour - hence next summer we shall be going for longer (one of the few benefits of my girlfriend being a teacher with long holidays and I'm a student).

    Mate, I know that road very well. Cycle it a lot myself. It's lovely being out there late evening on a summer's day.
  • the first time that i sprinted away from my housmate on the final stretch of richmond park where he wasn't able to catch me before the end!

    very minor and circumstantial i know, but still put a big grin on my face and fired me up for another lap :)
  • I had a good moment last summer. I am a school teacher and two colleagues and I took 15 or so pupils on a sponsored London to Paris ride over four days. For safety reasons on the fourth day we stopped about 5 miles outside central Paris and climbed in to the support cars to take us to the hotel. The next day was a rest day in Paris and some of us left the hotel at about 5.30 in the morning and cycled into the centre whilst it was still quiet. We managed to get to the Champs Elysees and did about four circuits from the Arc de Triomphe down to the Place de la Concorde and back again before it got too busy. It was late June, the sun was shining and there was very little traffic at that time. A glorious experience! It was not my only perfect moment, but it was one of the best.
  • Check this link out. Free to enter and if youre like me and dont want to get shown up yet in a sportive or a club bike ride then it sounds perfect.

    Thanks for the nod pal. Just signed up so I suppose I'll see you there.
    I've got a white Specialized Allez Sport so come say hello. :D
  • BobScarle
    BobScarle Posts: 282
    A couple of great moments from last month, and a few before that.

    Seeing the mileage on the computer tick over to 100 miles for the first time.

    Picking up my new Bianchi from Epic cycles.

    Getting up Dovers Hill in the Cotswolds for the first time. In fact getting up St Kenelms Pass in Clent after having walked before.

    Riding the Cyclothon around Brands Hatch Grand Prix circuit.

    Riding through Cwm Hirnant and over the Aran mountains.

  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757

    Need sound to appreciate it.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    Cresting the top of this after cycling all the way up.

  • Philly8mt
    Philly8mt Posts: 552
    I've not been at this long enough to climb iconic routes through the Alps or clock up my first hundred mile ride ... But ... Went out early one evening last week and had a bloody big Owl fly alongside me for what seemed like ages!
    Put a silly smile on my face :)
    Still thinking of something clever to say!
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    Philly8mt wrote:
    I've not been at this long enough to climb iconic routes through the Alps or clock up my first hundred mile ride ... But ... Went out early one evening last week and had a bloody big Owl fly alongside me for what seemed like ages!
    Put a silly smile on my face :)

    Heh :) Got one of them as well: https://youtu.be/y3p2mWtuRHI
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • motogull
    motogull Posts: 325
    Philly8mt wrote:
    I've not been at this long enough to climb iconic routes through the Alps or clock up my first hundred mile ride ... But ... Went out early one evening last week and had a bloody big Owl fly alongside me for what seemed like ages!
    Put a silly smile on my face :)

    Heh :) Got one of them as well: https://youtu.be/y3p2mWtuRHI

    I like that. Best I can offer is following a duck for 40m which stayed about 4ft off the ground. 6ft in front of me. It did loads of quacking, which I like to think of as telling me to eff off. Put a massive silly smile on my face.