Keeping up Appearances



  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Hercule Q wrote:
    i have average bikes and i'm faster than steve peat on his way to a free bar! :lol::wink:

    Sorry a free bar! where?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    i drank it, peaty didn't stand a chance

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    colintrav wrote:
    I wrk 12 hr days 5 days a week and further more just because you aren't aware of such people in life that act like this It happens and it does

    Your entitled to your view as I am to mine ..

    You've still not explained why you think its a problem, them buying these bikes makes it cheaper for the rest of us, FACT, if they didn't your bike now wouldn't be as good for the same money! You say you aren't jealous - yet it sure sounds like it......even more now

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • M6TTF
    M6TTF Posts: 602
    Sounds like you need a better job then colintrav!
  • I can guarantee you that if I could afford it, and I can't, then I'd have lots of bikes!

    Oh....I have.

    If the disposable income was available, I'd have the best of everything. I'd have new bikes all the time, I'd have the latest technology as soon as it was available, I'd have carbon this, I'd have kevlar that, I'd make Sam Hill's rhubarb 'n' custard suit look tame, let me tell you!

    I'm just a bloke who (for now) works in a factory, but bikes are "my thing", so like most other people on here, I'm prepared to sacrifice lots of cash to buy the things I want.
    I have around £4K in bikes in my shed, but it's not because I'm loaded, it's because mountain bikes float my boat.

    I suppose I could always get into cocaine.
  • we need more people to go out and spend to keep the economy moving- so long as they can afford it.
    if that means buying new bikes, bike clothing, dvd players, cars so be it
    i would never criticise anyone who wish to spend their own money on whatever they want be it £5000 set of golf clubs, £200k sports cars or £40m yachts
    what may seem like a fortune may be a drop in the ocean for others - so mr abromovich you think you need ANOTHER super yacht, dont you have 4 already? - good for you, i salute you
    i think whats worst than spending loads on whatever you deisire is to die with a fortune in the bank
  • gonga
    gonga Posts: 225
    All this testosterone fueled behavior is making xc become alot more appealing than trail centres for me at the min.
    I have been scoft at a few times by better riders who force me to pull in at inappropriate places because they see someone with a £1500 bike with far less skill than them and want to ram the point home.Even had the "get out the way d**K head" and then "he had a trek ex8,what a knob" :shock:
    I hate most activity's that become a competition and certainly don't want my riding and gear to be about bettering others!!!
  • gonga wrote:
    All this testosterone fueled behavior is making xc become alot more appealing than trail centres for me at the min.
    I have been scoft at a few times by better riders who force me to pull in at inappropriate places because they see someone with a £1500 bike with far less skill than them and want to ram the point home.Even had the "get out the way d**K head" and then "he had a trek ex8,what a knob" :shock:
    I hate most activity's that become a competition and certainly don't want my riding and gear to be about bettering others!!!

    I have to say that in all my years of riding, I've never, ever, had anything like that.
    I must have met hundreds of people on my bike, some on clunkers, some on virtually factory-team bikes, and they've all been . . . well, just like me really.
  • I must have met hundreds of people on my bike, some on clunkers, some on virtually factory-team bikes, and they've all been . . . well, just like me really.

    Totally agree!!! I wonder where some people ride? Who they ride with? I've never bumped into any jumped up idiots on trails, if anything I have found people to be friendly and helpful, I've even gone on my own and ended up tagging along with others who have insisted I join their group. I really don't get this bike/ability snobbery, maybe I'm just being naive, but I only see good natured banter, maybe I'm just lucky? And I definitely put myself into the category of "less ability than the bike".
    Ridley Orion
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    i have never seen any of this so called snobbery either. I think this is a percieved thing invented by people, who for no other reason than their own induced pressure stemming from jealousy, take issue with people on better bikes than them.

    When i see people on better bikes than mine, it doesnt affect my day, but i suppose the difference is that im not an insecure prick consumed by jealousy and dissapointment in not having made different choices.

    I notice there arent any threads started by folk on 'expensive' bikes about how ace they think they are
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    Im glad i dont happen across the masses of aresholes who ride their amazing bikes really badly all over the country.
  • Im glad i dont happen across the masses of aresholes who ride their amazing bikes really badly all over the country.

    LOL - I really did laugh out loud!!! :lol:
    Ridley Orion
  • _Ferret_
    _Ferret_ Posts: 660
    to be honest I've never had this snobbery thing either.
    I assumed it was happening back home in the trai centres over the country.Wherever there's a concentration of people there will always be a few anus-heads around.
    Maybe it does happen here but I just don't understand them. :lol:
    Not really active
  • Has anyone else noticed colintrav has a tendancy to start shite threads...? Or post stupid, judgemental posts?


    And yeah, I ride good bikes, but no-one has ever said ''Hey, toss-pot, why are you riding that amazing bike like a granny, you total sh*t c*nt, learn how to ride! FFS....''

    But on the same point, nor has anyone said ''Wow, youre bike is WELL crap compared to my XTR.FOX.CANECREEK.SUPERLIGHT.UBERSWEET.BOUTIQUE brand bike... :?

    TBH, it's only gonna be either kids - like 12 years old - or people who act like kids, that are gonna judge how and what you ride, and label you too sh*t to ride, or the bike is too sh*t to be riding on the trails that you be on...
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
    SPIRO Posts: 200

    And yeah, I ride good bikes, but no-one has ever said ''Hey, toss-pot, why are you riding that amazing bike like a granny, you total sh*t c*nt, learn how to ride! FFS....''

    With a name like big chaz - no surprises there! :lol:
    colintrav wrote:
    I wrk 12 hr days 5 days a week and further more just because you aren't aware of such people in life that act like this It happens and it does

    Your entitled to your view as I am to mine ..

    You are entitled to your view as is everyone thanks to us all living in a modern democratic state.

    However Are you suggesting that people who work hard 12hrs/5 days a week blah blah are not thought about?! If you are then all i can say is - UTTER BOLLOCKS! Several of the guys i work with earn far less than others and work unbelievable hours and you know what, the topic of who works hardest/who earns most/who's bike is best or worst never comes up - Why? - cause mountain biking is an awesome leveller where no-one cares. You don't need to pay subs to do it, be part of a clique etc - its open to everyone regardless - that's what i love about MTB.

    If you do get bothered by "all the gear types" that is very much your problem not a general problem of those who work hard and get paid not as much.

    ps - on the "entitled to your view" point, we have had many responses to this thread from many individuals covering all wage brackets and bike prices - funny how they all seem to be in the opposite camp to you - just food for thought :wink:
  • SPIRO wrote:

    And yeah, I ride good bikes, but no-one has ever said ''Hey, toss-pot, why are you riding that amazing bike like a granny, you total sh*t c*nt, learn how to ride! FFS....''

    With a name like big chaz - no surprises there! :lol:
    Haha, ok, fair point. I'm 'only' 6'2'' (not like Valuev's 7'!) so I'm not a giant, but I work out, and have a large frame - but I'm soft as shite really! Not keen on fighting. So if someone did say that, I'd say something like ''Ok, I'm going to cycle off...'' :lol:
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • Such a judgemental thread -

    You're judging people based on their bike, but you don't even know how they they came to buy such nice gear. You're assuming that they are rich or spoilt, have you stopped to think that they might have saved up for years to get the bike they want? Or that they might have come into some money through tragic circumstances? No, I didn't think so!

    Fu**ing get over yourself, with a chip on your shoulder that large, I'm surprised you can ride a bike at all!

    I bought a nice bike recently and because of the attitude of people like you, I felt a little anxious the first time I took it out because I thought I might get judged. Thankfully, you're in a minority and so far people I've met have been positive and friendly.
  • I bought a nice bike recently and because of the attitude of people like you, I felt a little anxious the first time I took it out because I thought I might get judged. Thankfully, you're in a minority and so far people I've met have been positive and friendly.

    You bought a nice bike?! :evil: How dare you, you bloody elitist aristocrat!
    Vive le revolution!!
  • "You bought a nice bike?! How dare you, you bloody elitist aristocrat!
    Vive le revolution!!"

    Yeah, sorry everyone, perhaps I should go back to riding my 90's peugeot flame, join a convent and spend my spare time in calcutta :shock:

    Shame on me :D

    (Yes, I messed up the quote button)
  • No, as a penance, you can ride for the rest of the year only in purple lycra.
  • i don't really care, i know i have a nice bike. I don't have any fitness at the moment though. :(
  • Purple... Hmm...Thank god it's nearly the end of the year :lol:

    Actually purple would match the decals on the old peugeot - Vintage chic
  • When i see people on better bikes than mine, it doesnt affect my day...

    I actually enjoy seeing the super high-spec bikes when I'm out and about in the same way I enjoy seeing a Ferrari or an Aston Martin even if they're driven by fat 50 year olds. Bikes are great, just enjoy them! Plus I doubt there's one forum member here who wouldn't be straight down the LBS buying some carbon loveliness or ridiculous 10" DH beast if their lotto numbers came up!
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • When i see people on better bikes than mine, it doesnt affect my day...

    I actually enjoy seeing the super high-spec bikes when I'm out and about in the same way I enjoy seeing a Ferrari or an Aston Martin even if they're driven by fat 50 year olds. Bikes are great, just enjoy them! Plus I doubt there's one forum member here who wouldn't be straight down the LBS buying some carbon loveliness or ridiculous 10" DH beast if their lotto numbers came up!

    i debate the or in your last sentence 8)
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    I think it happens when you aren't happy with your bike (I used to get annoyed at bikes snobs too - only ever seen a few).

    I've now customised mine enough that it's spot on yet didnb't cost the Earth and don't give a stuff whether someone rides a £200 or a £5k bike. It's whether they can ride it, how fun they are to ride with and the lack of BS that counts.

    A bike is a bike just like a pair of shoes for walking are a pair of shoes for walking - I can't say many people get "walking shoe envy" - just get out there and enjoy it.
  • bike-a-swan
    bike-a-swan Posts: 1,235 ... core-12522

    see 'expensive bikes'. if you're going to be bitter about people having nicer bikes, then keep it to yourself and take private solace when you scalp them on the climbs/descents/tea stop sprints.
    Rock Lobster 853, Trek 1200 and a very old, tired and loved Apollo Javelin.
  • Sheepsteeth, that's a nice looking saddle on your 09 Stumpy Fsr Comp, mind if I ask what make/model it is?

    Sorry for the thread hijack. :oops:
    Stumpjumper fsr comp £1,600
    Some cycle clobber £357.26
    A load of stuff to clean and lube with £54.56
    Hydration rucksack £9.95

    Watching this clueless buffoon make an ar$e of myself out on the trails. PRICELESS! :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    thats an SDG ti-fly. is nice and light very comfy, tough and i reckon it looks the biz. i dont remember spending that much on it though!