Stinking Rapha

raynaw Posts: 18
edited November 2009 in Road buying advice
I have a lightweight softshell which I use almost daily, and really rate in all respects bar one...

... it hums ... and when I say stinks ... it really can reek, no matter how careful I am to air it after wearing.

None of my other cycling gear suffers so I'm pretty convinced it's the jacket not me!

I've taken to washing it everytime I wear it - which doesn't do much for any vestiges of water repellency - and even then it can still be a bit whiffy.

Does anyone else have a similar problem, and does anybody have any bright ideas to fix it? or do I just accept that this is just a unique feature of the jacket.


  • Moaner
    Moaner Posts: 117
    I have the same jacket. I ride 4-5 days per week, only wear the jacket when it's cold / wet i.e. nothing like every day.
    Not noticed it humming more than other jackets and maybe washed it twice in 12 months.
  • My softshell doesn't stink either - and I've had it donkeys
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  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,824
    Are you drying it outside ? I think that UV rays (getting quite rare as we head into winter !) can help kill the wiffy bacteria.
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Are you using fabric conditioner when you wash it? Most bike kit requires you not to use it as it impedes the breathability of the fabric.
  • DaSy
    DaSy Posts: 599
    I've had my Classic Softshell for about 3 years, and have only washed it about 4 or 5 times in that time.

    It does get a bit smelly after a good few rides, but I do mean quite a few, 15 or 20 I'd say.
    Complicating matters since 1965
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    All of the above suggests that you need to shower more :wink:
  • I've notcied mine smells quite quickly too...problem of man made fibres I believe...those who's don't obviously aren't working up a sweat in theirs :P
  • Hudster
    Hudster Posts: 142
    This very reason is why I stay away from spending Rapha money on cycling kit. Almost all kit I have that's made with man-made fibres starts to smell a bit. My commuting kit especially even with washing everyday. I think a lot of the problem is that it gets warm and sweaty in the morning, then sits all day at work where is builds up smelly bacteria.

    The best thing I have found is to risk a wash with the temperature set a bit higher and hope it doesn't suffer. I have also heard tips like putting vinegar and bi-carb in the wash with the washing liquid, but I've never tried that myself.
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    No smelly issues with my lightweight softshell either.
  • raynaw
    raynaw Posts: 18
    No fabric softener ever used on it, but it does get dried on a rack inside.

    The UV suggestion is a good one. All I need is for the sun to come out.