Handlebar sizing

Posts: 41
what width- should you go for normally? If you were say a 40" chest would that normally be 40cm for handlebars "roughly"?
No, goes by shoulder width, I believe...Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!0
One method that seems to work for a few people is to hold your arms slightly bent in front of you, similar to the position they would be while riding with your hands on the hoods with your palms facing each other. Slowly bring your arms together until you feel as though your shoulders are being cramped and then back off until it feels comfortable. Measure the distance and repeat a few times to make sure it's consistent. That usually will give you about the right handlebar width. Of course it's best to already have another set of bars to gauge arm width against for a more accurate measurement but it seems to work fairly well even while holding loose bars at a shop. Doesn't work for everyone but worth a try.0