The UCI's war on the AFLD, round four.

BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
edited November 2009 in Pro race
Looks like McQuaid is determined to stop the AFLD taking control of the dope testing at next year's Tour, or come to that from being involved at all. We know who the UCI are determined to protect, don't we kiddies? :wink: Still, I guess the continued cover up is 'good for cycling'. :roll:

McQuaid: UCI doesn't need French anti-doping agency

"One has to ask the question, 'what's going on here?' What's the agenda? What's the objective? Is it to damage the Tour de France? It doesn't make sense. Cycling and the UCI, as defender of cycling, won't accept it anymore," said McQuaid...

"They sent two doctors to the Tour de France and requested that we target certain riders, which we did. That was their only input in the Tour de France and I wouldn't risk that again to have Bordry further damage the sport, at a time where everybody inside and outside the cycling world knows that cycling is doing more in the fight against doping than any other sport. ... ing-agency


  • Looks to me like Pat has a psycotic urge to be seen as the big man.

    Quite why hes unable to manage these spats with everyone so that they dont spill out is beyond me. Didnt he encourage the dismissal of the previous chap running the tour becasue he didnt get obiedience, didnt he have a similar public spat with the guy at WADA?

    He seems like one of the militant Union bosses that ends up screwing things up because hes "right" and "strong"
  • Looks like McQuaid is determined to stop the AFLD taking control of the dope testing at next year's Tour, or come to that from being involved at all. We know who the UCI are determined to protect, don't we kiddies? :wink: Still, I guess the continued cover up is 'good for cycling'. :roll:

    McQuaid: UCI doesn't need French anti-doping agency

    "One has to ask the question, 'what's going on here?' What's the agenda? What's the objective? Is it to damage the Tour de France? It doesn't make sense. Cycling and the UCI, as defender of cycling, won't accept it anymore," said McQuaid...

    "They sent two doctors to the Tour de France and requested that we target certain riders, which we did. That was their only input in the Tour de France and I wouldn't risk that again to have Bordry further damage the sport, at a time where everybody inside and outside the cycling world knows that cycling is doing more in the fight against doping than any other sport. ... ing-agency

    WTH are you blabbing about? AFLD are a political organisation now so why should they be respected ...look how easily they can if they want spike EPO into the velonation article and see the science behind spiking a sample...far easier than Ashenden says...AFLD;s work has hard science behind it, they don't need to get into arguments...they have an entire scientific community backing them and rightly so...they just need to test samples, pass or fail, court and heard, convicted rider...we need not even know their names-the scientists names...they are testers only
  • :?
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • markwalker
    markwalker Posts: 953
    edited November 2009
    PauloBets wrote:

    WTH are you blabbing about? AFLD are a political organisation now so why should they be respected ...look how easily they can if they want spike EPO into the velonation article and see the science behind spiking a sample...far easier than Ashenden says...AFLD;s work has hard science behind it, they don't need to get into arguments...they have an entire scientific community backing them and rightly so...they just need to test samples, pass or fail, court and heard, convicted rider...we need not even know their names-the scientists names...they are testers only
    Errr im a little unsure what you're saying?

    Is it your opinion that AFLD are untrustworthy because they "could" spike samples? or because the head of the AFLD has spoken out and raised concerns about the manner in which the UCI conducts its testing and consequently might spike the samples for his/its own ends?
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    You know what's scary? When Hein fked off I thought, thank God, maybe a bit of good Irish common sense will prevail now :roll:

    Strava is not Zen.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    Don't know if anyone has actually read the UCI response to the AFLD report (it's available on their website) - a worse piece of unprofessional 'he said, he said' sniping I have yet to read, particularly masquerading as a professional report. Wonder if McQuaid actually reads this stuff before it goes into the public domain?
  • calvjones wrote:
    You know what's scary? When Hein fked off I thought, thank God, maybe a bit of good Irish common sense will prevail now :roll:
    But Verbruggen never went away; instead he got himself elected Honorary President of the UCI, and so can never be voted out of office and is in an ideal position to keep on yanking McQuaid's strings.