God I'm slow

suzyb Posts: 3,449
edited November 2009 in Commuting chat
I thought I was doing quite well today cycling up hill back into town at 7mph. Until a winter lycra clad roadie went flying by me giving me a hello and a wave as he did so.

By the time I got round the first bend he was up the road going round the second bend 100 yards away.

I guess I'll need to make my little legs move faster :wink:


  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Comes with practice... also he may well have just started his ride and not have done as many miles as you. :wink:

    When I start my ride I often pass 4 or 5 slower guys going up hill, but right at the end I may well get passed by someone else. :)
  • Just have fun, push yourself and enjoy your ride, your not out there to race.....
  • Onan
    Onan Posts: 321
    I regularly have to get off and push...

    And the other day a man who is clearly well into his 60s overtook me easily on the flat.
    Drink poison. Wrestle snakes.
  • PARIS75
    PARIS75 Posts: 85
    -null- wrote:
    I thought I was doing quite well today cycling up hill back into town at 7mph. Until a winter lycra clad roadie went flying by me giving me a hello and a wave as he did so.

    By the time I got round the first bend he was up the road going round the second bend 100 yards away.

    I guess I'll need to make my little legs move faster :wink:

    dont worry its the commuting forum, no one will hold it against you 8)
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    edited March 2010
  • AidanR
    AidanR Posts: 1,142
    posterboyj wrote:
    Just have fun, push yourself and enjoy your ride, your not out there to race.....

    You, sir, are an affront to SCR.

    Bike lover and part-time cyclist.
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Have told this story before...

    I was gunning it uphill on one of the local bridges here, I'd guess about 20-25mph and thinking "god I'm great at this today" only to be overtaken by an old boy on a boneshaker in sandles, big white beard. :D
  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    I was once passed by a man with one leg. No joke. (But I could only laugh. Actually, it made my day. :shock: :D )
  • Onan
    Onan Posts: 321
    I see a couple of old boys out and about who can properly shift. Makes me think I want to grow old gracefully like that. It's encouraging, and shows cycling is a sport you can genuinely do for life. You don't see many pensioners playing rugby.
    Drink poison. Wrestle snakes.
  • iPad
    iPad Posts: 112
    I was over taken by a jogger the other night..! :oops:

    As he went past, he shouted a cheery 'good evening', just to rub things in..!

    I was going to shout something clever (and abusive) back, but I was too busy puffing and panting to say anything!
    I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they have such great ideas
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    Everyone starts somewhere.....Just keep on truckin' and it'll all be okay!
  • downfader wrote:
    only to be overtaken by an old boy on a boneshaker in sandles, big white beard. :D

    See title of this thread for answer as to who this was...
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    I am slow too. Never mind what anyone else does, its how you feel that matters.
    Everyone has their own targets and aspirations from cycling.

    I want to lose a little weight and increase stamina, from that an increase in speed will come (hopefully). Its about putting the hours in, doing it when it is easier not too, but also not overdoing it.

    The one think I would say, is always enjoy it!!
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    iPad wrote:
    I was over taken by a jogger the other night..! :oops:

    As he went past, he shouted a cheery 'good evening', just to rub things in..!

    I was going to shout something clever (and abusive) back, but I was too busy puffing and panting to say anything!

    There's a certain gradient at which running becomes faster than cycling. It's pretty steep, though :)
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Funny thing is I did a personal best.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    God can't help you, only *you* can help you!
  • iPad
    iPad Posts: 112
    biondino wrote:
    iPad wrote:
    I was over taken by a jogger the other night..! :oops:

    As he went past, he shouted a cheery 'good evening', just to rub things in..!

    I was going to shout something clever (and abusive) back, but I was too busy puffing and panting to say anything!

    There's a certain gradient at which running becomes faster than cycling. It's pretty steep, though :)

    It's not that steep for me...! :oops:

    I was at the top of a pretty steep climb (well steep by my standards), and virtually at the end of my route, well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it..!
    I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they have such great ideas
  • verloren
    verloren Posts: 337
    I too am in that not-so-select band of people who are expressing no modesty when they say "I'm slow"

    '09 Enigma Eclipse with SRAM.
    '10 Tifosi CK7 Audax Classic with assorted bits for the wet weather
    '08 Boardman Hybrid Comp for the very wet weather.
  • sarajoy
    sarajoy Posts: 1,675
    I'm sllooowooowwwwwwww too!

    I've rediscovered the granny ring and have stopped feeling bad for using it (long slow gentlish uphill to work, tiring by the end, short sharp hill home, nice to spin easy for a bit when cresting)...

    Also cos I'm dancing more lately I'm cycling less often and not really managing to beat any PBs any more. Ho hum!!
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    downfader wrote:
    only to be overtaken by an old boy on a boneshaker in sandles, big white beard. :D

    See title of this thread for answer as to who this was...

  • FeynmanC
    FeynmanC Posts: 649
    I was down to 3mph and just staying upright going up the hill from Bath to Lansdown at the weekend, but it was the only time I went into granny ring on the whole ride AND i made it up the hill without stopping, or falling over, or dying, so that I met my own personal goals.

    That's all that really matters at the end of the day 8)

    (though it would be nice to beat some of the guys up one once)
  • FeynmanC wrote:
    I was down to 3mph and just staying upright going up the hill from Bath to Lansdown at the weekend, but it was the only time I went into granny ring on the whole ride AND i made it up the hill without stopping, or falling over, or dying, so that I met my own personal goals.
    Tha'ts a tough hill. :) I used that when I was road testing my last bike to make sure I could live with the 36/25 bottom gear. ;) I'd put good odds I would have been going about the same speed.

  • NGale
    NGale Posts: 1,866
    I pootle too, which is why I usually leave for work at 5 to get in for 7 (usually takes me 45 minutes at most so I can have a sit down and have a cuppa in work) also it gives me time to take in the view and actually enjoy the ride into work.

    I can be speeder when I want to be...i.e when there is a pub at the end of the route :lol:
    Officers don't run, it's undignified and panics the men