Long Distance Ride Planning (170~ miles)

clarkd Posts: 6
Hello Everyone!

I'm new here so just gonna introduce myself quickly! My names Dave Clarke. im 16 and live in Kidderminster, UK. I love to go out on my bike & explore new places etc. I have decided I want to cycle from Kidderminster to Brighton about 170 miles!

Basically where should I start? I've done a bit of planning, researching directions, hotels and stuff. ViaMichelin.com gave me all the directions, those will be fine yeah?
Travlodges are gonna be home over the 5 days ill be cycling. Does anyone know if your allowed to bring bikes into rooms etc?

Also whats an average distance to cycle each day? Im thinking 30-40 miles each day which should take 3-4hours average cycling?

Any other tips & advice will be greatly appreciated!
Dave :D


  • To plan your route use www.bikehike.co.uk it's the most reliable, especially for altimetric data.

    I think with a bit of training over winter if you plan to do it in spring, you should be able to do 50 miles a day or even more, if the terrain is not too hilly.

    Try and plan your route using B roads and unclassified roads, especially in the south east. A route through the Cotswolds could be pleasant and roads are quiet.
    Stay as far as possible form London.

    And ultimately, don't get lost in the horrible roundabout system in Kidderminster... I did!

    Good luck :D
    left the forum March 2023
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    clarkd wrote:
    Does anyone know if your allowed to bring bikes into rooms etc?
    I've never had a problem taking my bike into the rooms in in Travelodges and Premier Inns.

    Sounds like a good trip you have planned, enjoy!
  • fudbeer
    fudbeer Posts: 118
    Make sure you have the right saddle and shorts and are used to that long in the saddle day after day as problems in this area can be a nightmare in my experience.
    Currently I have been mostly riding a Specialized Roubaix Comp
  • clarkd
    clarkd Posts: 6
    Thanks for the advice everyone! All really helpful :)

    I havent really done any long distance cycling like this before so am gonna stick to 40 max I think - as in Februrary could be bit rainy/foggy etc. My last day only gonna be 26, so I have some time (if im not too tired :P) in brighton to look about, visit my relatives who live there etc.

    Have plotted all my routes with bikehike.co.uk using mainly B & unclassified (the white ones yeah?) and only using A roads when I have to!

    What kind of training dya think I need to be doing? Just doing some 30/40 mile rides or other exercise too, jogging,swimming etc?

    AndyRubio - Thanks for the info! Sent them a message to check too so will let the people here know when I get a reply!

    fudbeer - I havent really done any long distance cycling before (did some walking - 20 miles a day) But dont really have any specialist cycling equipment? If im doing it in februrary - wont it be a bit cold for shorts? :D
    I have a royal gel saddle - and that seems alright for the 4-5 mile rides I normally do?

    Thanks again everyone!
  • clarkd wrote:
    Thanks for the advice everyone! All really helpful :)

    I havent really done any long distance cycling like this before so am gonna stick to 40 max I think - as in Februrary could be bit rainy/foggy etc. My last day only gonna be 26, so I have some time (if im not too tired :P) in brighton to look about, visit my relatives who live there etc.

    Have plotted all my routes with bikehike.co.uk using mainly B & unclassified (the white ones yeah?) and only using A roads when I have to!

    What kind of training dya think I need to be doing? Just doing some 30/40 mile rides or other exercise too, jogging,swimming etc?

    AndyRubio - Thanks for the info! Sent them a message to check too so will let the people here know when I get a reply!

    fudbeer - I havent really done any long distance cycling before (did some walking - 20 miles a day) But dont really have any specialist cycling equipment? If im doing it in februrary - wont it be a bit cold for shorts? :D
    I have a royal gel saddle - and that seems alright for the 4-5 mile rides I normally do?

    Thanks again everyone!

    Not sure why you want to go in February, but I assume it's got to do with school. Try and ride steadily 30-40 miles every time you have the chance... between now and february. In your area you got quite some hills. Hill training will give you a psychological advantage when you'll be out on the road. Get familiar with fixing punctures, fiddling with the gears and replacing a chain if needed. That's probably the best advice I can give you.
    left the forum March 2023
  • Yeah, School half term is in februrary :) - when thought for this idea, originally said december but then thought about the weather & how soon it was etc etc! :D

    Probably every 2 weeks Ill try to do that then. Kidderminster is a pain for hills tho - flippin everywhere! And ill go out for shorter rides when I can during the week etc!

    I can do punctures & have put a chain on before - was a year ago now, so cant quite remember, will read up &maybe have a go!

    Now, I need some advice on pannier rack/bag! Anybody see anything wrong with these:
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Basil-Double-Pa ... B002KMK2AE
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Adjustable-Spri ... B000VT47O0

    Also is this stuff any good: http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... yId_228377

    Thanks again Everyone!
    Dave :)
  • Can't give you advice on panniers, but the sealant looks like a con to me.... if it really worked we would all use it, while I am not aware of anyone using it
    left the forum March 2023
  • fudbeer
    fudbeer Posts: 118
    clarkd wrote:
    Thanks for the advice everyone! All really helpful :)

    I havent really done any long distance cycling like this before so am gonna stick to 40 max I think - as in Februrary could be bit rainy/foggy etc. My last day only gonna be 26, so I have some time (if im not too tired :P) in brighton to look about, visit my relatives who live there etc.

    Have plotted all my routes with bikehike.co.uk using mainly B & unclassified (the white ones yeah?) and only using A roads when I have to!

    What kind of training dya think I need to be doing? Just doing some 30/40 mile rides or other exercise too, jogging,swimming etc?

    AndyRubio - Thanks for the info! Sent them a message to check too so will let the people here know when I get a reply!

    fudbeer - I havent really done any long distance cycling before (did some walking - 20 miles a day) But dont really have any specialist cycling equipment? If im doing it in februrary - wont it be a bit cold for shorts? :D
    I have a royal gel saddle - and that seems alright for the 4-5 mile rides I normally do?

    Thanks again everyone!

    Hi Dave

    The point I was making was not so much about keeping warm and yes yiou are right shorts alone probably would not be enough in febuary,but about being in the saddle for that amount of time several days in a row when you are not used to it can make it very uncomfortable on the backside,even to the point where being in the saddle is almost umbearable infact I have even heard of pros retiring from tours for this reason.

    It seems to affect some more than others but getting used to long rides,wearing the right clothing,(I often where cycle shorts under longs in the winter)having the right saddle that you are used too and ensuring it is the right height and angle all help.

    On my first century ride it was this issue that gave me the most pain!!
    Currently I have been mostly riding a Specialized Roubaix Comp
  • fudbeer wrote:

    The point I was making was not so much about keeping warm and yes yiou are right shorts alone probably would not be enough in febuary,but about being in the saddle for that amount of time several days in a row when you are not used to it can make it very uncomfortable on the backside,even to the point where being in the saddle is almost umbearable infact I have even heard of pros retiring from tours for this reason.

    It seems to affect some more than others but getting used to long rides,wearing the right clothing,(I often where cycle shorts under longs in the winter)having the right saddle that you are used too and ensuring it is the right height and angle all help.

    On my first century ride it was this issue that gave me the most pain!!

    I'll have to look into adjusting the saddle (sometimes it does move a bit - have to tighten it up, every so often - very annoying. Was brand new in August! Any advice on shorts/trousers? Or will just some tracksuit bottoms be fine?

    Can't give you advice on panniers, but the sealant looks like a con to me.... if it really worked we would all use it, while I am not aware of anyone using it

    Hmm okay. Read some reviews on halford that seem positive. There was a branded version called Slime - any better? lol

    Also there was a inner tube liner - strip of material that goes between inner tube & actual tyre - worth it?
    http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... yId_228377

    Anyone else give advice on the panniers, linked above!
    Thanks all!
    Dave :)
  • pprince
    pprince Posts: 141
    if ur worried about mechanicals take a list of bike shops en-route and only basic spares
    worse case, you're a phone call and taxi away from help

    plot a route off the a-roads too

    1. for safety
    2. to enjoy the trip and the countryside
  • fudbeer
    fudbeer Posts: 118
    I wear cycle shorts then trousers over the top the important part is the cycle shorts as they are what gives you the comfort,tracksuit bottoms are ok but not ideal as they tend to flap a bit better to get a pair of cycle dedicated trousers as they fit closer and are better for cycling.Talk to your local bike shop for some ideas.

    But the priority is to get a good pair of cycle shorts the bibs are what I use as they stay put! I would not dream of doing a long ride without them. check out here for some ideas,.

    http://www.evanscycles.com/categories/c ... ing/shorts
    Currently I have been mostly riding a Specialized Roubaix Comp
  • Just had a look at the clothing range on that site (thanks fud!)
    What would you say to these: http://www.evanscycles.com/products/kon ... t-ec018066

    I already have 3 base layer t-shirt things so they should be fine! Have a lightweight waterproof/windproof/breathable coat too so I think the top half of me should be fine :P

    Also, these http://www.evanscycles.com/products/end ... s-ec002074

    Wouldn.t they be uncomfratable if you had some boxers on underneath or do they act as boxers?

  • fudbeer
    fudbeer Posts: 118
    I would get some normal lycra cycle shorts or bib shorts something like these

    http://www.evanscycles.com/products/ast ... t-ec019302

    The advantage of bib shorts is they have the top bit which means you dont have to keep pulling them up :)

    (You dont wear anything under them)

    Then I would select a pair of lightweight trousers to go over the top something like these

    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/Endur ... 360029513/

    The one you selected look a bit baggy to me and more for mtb
    but it may be best to go to your local bike shop and have a look also sizing can be a nightmare at least you can try them on at your lbs.or you could use your track suit bottoms and just buy the cycle shorts to wear underneath if you want to save money.

    Point is I would not dream of doing a long ride without cycle shorts no matter what I wear with them!!
    Currently I have been mostly riding a Specialized Roubaix Comp
  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    A couple of points

    1) Going for a long ride in February is not a good idea. The weather is uncertain. Ice on the roads will be particularly dangerous if you are on roads you don't know. February is the coldest month

    2) In my experience viamitchellin is pretty good for routes

    3) 30 to 40 miles a day seems a bit slow even for a 16 year old beginner. This is another problem with riding in February, everyones fitness is lower

    4) You mention that you don't have any winter cycle clothing. If you are doing it over 4 days and you get drenched on days one and two you'd better be sure that whatever you are wearing will dry out overnight. Or you will have to carry spares.
    You don't mention gloves or shoes. When I ride long distance in the winter I usually take 3 pairs of gloves and have either goretex MTB boots on or overshoes over normal cycling shoes. And I usually have a spare pair of socks.

    Are you doing this alone?

    Finally, I don't want to be negative but...
    I have several years experience in long distance cycling. I don't want to put you off doing long rides. It just seems that this particular suggested trip in February is a bit much. If I was going to do that distance in February I would pick a fine day (there are some good days in Feb) get off at first light and ride it all in one go, aiming to finish before midnight. The problem with spreading it over a few days is that you are certain to hit adverse conditions such as snow, ice, storm force winds etc