Cheshire Cat 2010



  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Rode it a couple of years ago and I thought the route was pretty uninspiring and quite convoluted which combined with average signing led to lots of people getting lost - OK once was supposed to be down to a farmer moving a sign but even so it wouldn't be on my list of must rides.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Will Young wrote:
    andy_wrx wrote:
    I am actually struggling to find a challenging event in March-April... any idea anyone?

    Is that hard enough for you then ugo ?

    It is indeed... I had looked at the northern ones... I was kind of hoping to find something a bit closer, like Wales or Kent... but it doesn't seem to be the case (although there are plenty of hilly Audaxes in Kent).

    Has anyone done this one? How does it compare with the FWC? It seems to have a lot less climbing (2600 mt they claim vs something closer to 4000 for the FWC), but still has the "big ones"

    I rode this last year, it's a great event. As you say it's not got the the climbing of the FWC,DLMC or the Wild Edric,but the scenery is amazing. It includes the Hardnott and Wrynose which come right at the end. It's early in the season and if it rains the aforementioned climbs take on a different challenge.

    Looking at the profile, it seems that Hardknott-Wrynose are half way through, rather than at the end...
    Also, 2600mt of climbing, but I don't see many flat miles... and it looks very similar to the FWC, which claims 4K or so of climbing... have they measured them properly? Although I'd like a challenging ride, I don't want to sign in for a 4K in mid April.

    Infact I don't want to sign in for a 4K at all... I think 2to 3K of climbing is appropriate for a challenging 100 miler.

    There seems to be a lot of confusion about this climbing metres. It's not rocket science to measure them properly. I did the Autumn Epic, which is brilliant, but it claims it's got 3K of climbing, while it's only 2.4. You can ride it with a decent altimeter and measure it... you'll make a 5% error, but not 25%. Also, some softwares do give quite accurate numbers, I find BikeHike is probably the best. Others, like Mapmyride, give a rubbish estimate.

    I mean, how hard can it be to get it right?
    left the forum March 2023
  • a_n_t wrote:
    andy_wrx wrote:
    I just wish they wouldn't hype 'the Mow Cop Killer Mile' so much - it just isn't the North Face of the Eiger.


    I know, the 25% bit is what? 50 feet? Easy!

    easy for some mate ;-)

    I tried Mow Cop yesterday and I got up OK as far as the pub but that short steep bit finished me off - I just couldn't get enough speed up and I just managed to unclip before toppling over.

    I would take my hat off to anyone who can get up without a compact or triple.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    moolarb wrote:
    I would take my hat off to anyone who can get up without a compact or triple.

    why? I do it on 34:23, harder than a 39:27!
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • benjboy
    benjboy Posts: 258
    I have done it on a 39x23 once :evil: .Never again now do it on a 39x27 Mow cop is part of my training run.I do it a least once a week it makes you feel alive :twisted: .
    Keep the chain tight all the way.
  • benjboy
    benjboy Posts: 258
    Over 700 places filled already for next years event.
    Keep the chain tight all the way.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    moolarb wrote:
    a_n_t wrote:
    andy_wrx wrote:
    I just wish they wouldn't hype 'the Mow Cop Killer Mile' so much - it just isn't the North Face of the Eiger.


    I know, the 25% bit is what? 50 feet? Easy!

    easy for some mate ;-)

    I tried Mow Cop yesterday and I got up OK as far as the pub but that short steep bit finished me off - I just couldn't get enough speed up and I just managed to unclip before toppling over.

    I would take my hat off to anyone who can get up without a compact or triple.

    Plenty of people could get up that, I flew up it in 34/25 on the CC last year, found it rather easy, could have change to a harder gear really.

    I wish I could do it once a week, but it's abit of a trek to get down there :(
  • benjboy
    benjboy Posts: 258
    True not really a killer,nobody had died on it yet. :evil: :evil: :evil:
    Keep the chain tight all the way.
  • galatzo
    galatzo Posts: 1,295
    I know the only way to see what it's really like is to ride it but how does it compare to Riber, Bank Road in Matlock or Cromford Hill if anyone has done these and Mow Cop? Local ones to me I know well so be a good to compare them in advance of doing the CC.
    25th August 2013 12hrs 37mins 52.3 seconds 238km 5500mtrs FYRM Never again.
  • Mow Cop is about a mile long in total from the level crossing at the bottom.

    It starts with a moderate gradient, has a couple of steep sections, each of no more than 100 yards, before settling into what I'd say. is about a 10% gradient for half a mile. Then, 200 yards from the top, there is a very sharp increase in pitch, to what the gradient sign says is 25%, but others have reported as being steeper. It then eases off to low gradients up to the top.

    What makes it difficult is that the steep section is at the end. Most people on last year's CC got up it, including me, a relative novice to sportives. I found it relatively easy until the last pitch. But Macc Forest & Wincle were harder.

    There are lots of tougher hills, longer hills, steeper hills, famous hills, windy hills, wet hills, hot hills. If you've ridden it-well done, especially if you eschew compacts and triples. If you haven't, give it a go and then make a judgement.
    “I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.”
  • freehub wrote:
    I wish I could do it once a week, but it's abit of a trek to get down there :(

    No it's not.
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    Oh yes it is.
  • Panto season started already??? :D

    you could always get the train down to Macc will during a weekday and then start....I got it back from the club hill-climb event and was just £4 and 10 mins to Stockport...

    ...and that would also answer your issue on the climbing thread you created in the Training section.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    you could always get the train down to Macc will during a weekday and then start....I got it back from the club hill-climb event and was just £4 and 10 mins to Stockport...

    ...and that would also answer your issue on the climbing thread you created in the Training section.

    Trains cost money and Will is from Yorkshire.
    I like bikes...

  • you could always get the train down to Macc will during a weekday and then start....I got it back from the club hill-climb event and was just £4 and 10 mins to Stockport...

    ...and that would also answer your issue on the climbing thread you created in the Training section.

    Trains cost money and Will is from Yorkshire.

    ...but will gladly spend his grant money on a wheel ? :shock:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    you could always get the train down to Macc will during a weekday and then start....I got it back from the club hill-climb event and was just £4 and 10 mins to Stockport...

    ...and that would also answer your issue on the climbing thread you created in the Training section.

    Trains cost money and Will is from Yorkshire.

    ...but will gladly spend his grant money on a wheel ? :shock:

    Wheels last longer than a train journey.

    I can understand Will's reluctance to get a train though, I'd rather ride my bike somewhere than get a train somewhere. The problem with Manchester is that it's shyte.
    I like bikes...

  • Just entered the 100 mile route - looking forward to it. Good incentive to do some serious winter training.

    Some interesting comments on Mow Cop. I realise that there are some strong cyclists out there who could climb it (or fly up it?!) but not sure that makes it easy. It's a short but steep climb with a gradient of 1 in 3.8 (26%) near the pub. That makes it one of the steepest road sections in England. It remains one of only two climbs that I haven't yet managed, the other being Winnat's Pass.
  • moolarb wrote:
    Just entered the 100 mile route - looking forward to it. Good incentive to do some serious winter training.

    Some interesting comments on Mow Cop. I realise that there are some strong cyclists out there who could climb it (or fly up it?!) but not sure that makes it easy. It's a short but steep climb with a gradient of 1 in 3.8 (26%) near the pub. That makes it one of the steepest road sections in England. It remains one of only two climbs that I haven't yet managed, the other being Winnat's Pass.

    Winnats is one of the toughest in the "area", constant 20% for a mile, while, you can find "Mow Cops" with short section at very steep gradients pretty much everywhere in the Peak District.
    left the forum March 2023
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    I made it up Mow Cop this year, but failed last year.
    At 100kg, a 34-28 setup, just about made it. Took it really easy till the very steep bit.

    Is it the same course as 09? Quite tough for early in the year, but now planning the long
    route at Flanders the week after!
  • TheStone wrote:
    I made it up Mow Cop this year, but failed last year.
    At 100kg, a 34-28 setup, just about made it. Took it really easy till the very steep bit.

    Is it the same course as 09? Quite tough for early in the year, but now planning the long
    route at Flanders the week after!

    If you accept a good advice, do the 140 Km RVV one. If you do the 256, you'll get to the interesting part around Oudenaarde after 160 Km, already spent and will have to walk up the best cobbled climbs... frankly pretty pointless.
    That unless you are already superfit in early April.
    The race really becomes interesting in the last 90-100 Km, all what is before is boring and avoidable
    left the forum March 2023
  • benjboy
    benjboy Posts: 258
    Climbed Mow Cop today,did it on a 39x23.Was not planning on doing it just was cycling past it so thought hey give it a go on a 23 and see what happens.Well got up it ok only done 15 miles to get to it. I think come March 28th 2010 when after Mow Cop you still have 80 odd miles left it will be interesting.Going for a sub 6 hour if i can get into a good working group..Oh half way up Mow Cop a white van woman tried to stop me and ask for directions, could not give any due to lack of oxygen. I think she understood due to the expression on my face :shock: .
    Keep the chain tight all the way.
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    HQ is <1m from my house, am torn between '28 quid to ride a route I can do any day of the year' and 'sportive right on my doorstep, no getting to the start hassles' points of view... hmm
  • benjboy
    benjboy Posts: 258
    Do it for the fun of riding in a big group of like minded people :D .There is the challange of riding a 100 miles as quick as possible :evil: .
    Keep the chain tight all the way.
  • andy_wrx wrote:
    I think that climb out of Congleton before the Bridestones and then Danebridge/Wincle will make people suffer more...

    Just seen the route, oooof. Yup Blacky Bank, as it's apparently called, tis a bit steep & sharp. Preceeded by a nice downhill too, which makes it all the more painful.
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    andy_wrx wrote:
    I think that climb out of Congleton before the Bridestones and then Danebridge/Wincle will make people suffer more...

    Just seen the route, oooof. Yup Blacky Bank, as it's apparently called, tis a bit steep & sharp. Preceeded by a nice downhill too, which makes it all the more painful.

    Yeah, on two occasions I've hammered down that downhill, got up to 40+, under the viaduct and ended-up crunching gears and swearing trying to change down...
    - the first time should have tought me my lesson, doing it twice was just sloppy !
  • fluff. wrote:
    HQ is <1m from my house, am torn between '28 quid to ride a route I can do any day of the year' and 'sportive right on my doorstep, no getting to the start hassles' points of view... hmm

    just do it mate - you're lucky it starts on your doorstep - it used to start on my doorstep (Knutsford) but now they've moved it 30 miles south so I've got to drive :x
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I've taken the plunge and gone for the 100 miler.

    Now I've just realised the missus is going skiing with school that day and I need to take her to the airport!
    No idea what time yet. Hopefully it's a very early flight so I have time to take her then drive to Crewe. :roll:
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    Gone for the medium sized girls blouse option and the 67 miler, don't really fancy a 100 in March as I probably won't be that fit, and it can get depressingly grey and wet around here that time of year.
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Signed up for the 100 - think about 150 places left.

    I wouldn't worry too much as the hills are early in the ride.... last years was a little crazy with Swiss Hill after so many miles....and early in the year...

    Couldn't ride last year with a shoulder injury (accident) - just hoping it will hold out for that sort of distance this time...... Might do the odd run straight out to Mow Cop, then back via the route, and head back to South Manchester from Macc...
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    I am going to have another bash at this for 2010. My time the first time around was woeful and I would like to improve on it. The start is a little more inconvenient for me but then again I think by the end of the day I will be feeling pretty inconvenienced anyway :oops:

    A good ride to aim for in March, but depending on how the winter training goes I might wimp out and do the 67-mile route instead. It gets in all the climbs and it is my aim to try and ride these instead of walk up them :cry:

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!