RPCC 'falling leaves' ride - this weekend 7th/8th Nov



  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Can we really have a 'falling leaves' ride with so few of the original core of RPCC?! :?

    Felgen - what's your verdict? Without you I have no idea on the route to the pub you chose! :roll: :lol:
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    Can we really have a 'falling leaves' ride with so few of the original core of RPCC?!

    Of course you can, that's the whole reason RPCC has lasted for over a year.

    Everyone is core 'cos everyone keeps its going... (IMHO :roll: )

    It's the vibe of the thing.
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Hi chaps,

    I think I am okay for Saturday. Looking at my planned route, I was thinking it would be relatively easy to chop out the Leith Hill bit and just ride across Ranmore common towards Send and Ripley. Having said that, I reckon as we are taking it easy it should be not a biggie if we did the whole hog. Its going to be odd actually coming along to an RPCC ride - when was the last time I actually made one that wasn't a hoonfest?
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Good man, see you Sat then 8)
  • voxegam
    voxegam Posts: 244
    felgen wrote:
    Its going to be odd actually coming along to an RPCC ride - when was the last time I actually made one that wasn't a hoonfest?

    Ahhhh, good old hoonfest memories.... :lol:

    Sorry wont be able to make this one....have fun though! :D
    Trek Madone 6.5 Pro
    Planet-X (now winter-bike)
  • Mark73
    Mark73 Posts: 146
    Can't make this weekend. Have a great ride folks. Good on you Rich as always for making it happen.
  • Are we going to hit Box Hill early on in the ride - wondering whether to rest the legs tomorrow to make for a big assault?
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    We could do Fuji - again, I'll have to refer this question to routemaster for the day...

    Felgen - verdict? :shock:
  • I'm not about this weekend guys, I'm off to Devon with my better half to see my gran for her birthday. the weekend after i'll be watching her jump out of a plane :-)

    Have a few sherbets for me :-)
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    jrduquemin wrote:
    I'm off to Devon with my better half to see my gran for her birthday. the weekend after i'll be watching her jump out of a plane :-)
    Your gran's jumping out of a plane?! Awesome! :wink::lol:
  • Rich-Ti wrote:
    jrduquemin wrote:
    I'm off to Devon with my better half to see my gran for her birthday. the weekend after i'll be watching her jump out of a plane :-)
    Your gran's jumping out of a plane?! Awesome! :wink::lol:

    I can see how that sounds now I look at it from a different perspective :-D

    That would be a sight to see considering she's 94 years old :-)
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Hi, sorry, not been too hot on keeping up with the thread. Yes there will be an early Box Hill assault/meander depending on whether you want a PB to round off the year with. I thought just a regroup at the top and then keep moving. Do some more nice hills then aim for the pub and back via the KW chaingang route from Brooklands. Rich - I posted a link to the route, don't suppose you have seen it?

    Anyway proposed route is earlier in the thread, and easily downloadable for those with Garmin 705's

    9am is fine for me and saturday of course.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Sorry chaps, was hoping it wouldn't come to this but I've been feeling pretty ropey the last couple of days so I don't think I'm going to do more than the odd couple of park laps this weekend. I'd force myself out but even my 20 min slow bimble of a commute has been an effort this week. :(

    Apologies again dudes - enjoy it though 8)
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    Sat is looking good for me - see you at the gate at 9 :)

    Sorry you can't make it Rich - I've not been feeling particularly full of these last few days, but don't think I'm ill so hoping to get an early night and wake up good to go in the morning.
  • Hope you recover fully soon Rich. No point in pushing youself at this point of the season.

    See you guys at 9 then.
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    LOL! have been feeling a bit off this week, but at least my nose has dried up. I still aim to be there at 9ish.

    So who's in? Who do we need to wait around for i the morning??
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • In for a steady ride tomorrow. 9am!
  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    Yep. See you all tomorrow at 9. Had a few drinks tonight so might not be my cleverist in the morning :?
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Oops! I was 10 minutes late leaving and I arrived at 9.13 and seem to have missed everyone!
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • You must have just missed us, my chock showed 13 past when we rolled off.

    Good ride though, we ended doing the tried and trusted route, Peaslake then Leith Hill and up to Box Hill. There was some running event on so we had a snack in the Box Hill CBD area. I clocked 60 miles at 15.8mph. Enjoying some couch time watching the rugger.Cheers
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Damn, must have ridden past you on my way in! Yeah I made it to Box Hill too no PB on my way up to the top, but definitely cowbell assisted. I even managed to stay upright round the hairpin, which was a lot better than the same time last year where I dropped my bike and snapped my mech hanger...

    The beer in the pub was nice - Hoffbrau and it went down very nicely. I have to go out and clean the bike now, it was filthy by the time I got back.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Glad you all still managed to get out and sorry this didn't quite go to plan! :oops: :lol:

    I made it out for a barely-worth-bothering 15min run (first time I've done any running for YEARS!) and my legs hurt more today than they have after any bike ride I can remember in recent times! :shock:

    Potential for one final CCC of the year next Sat - anyone keen on that?
  • voxegam
    voxegam Posts: 244
    Rich-Ti wrote:
    Potential for one final CCC of the year next Sat - anyone keen on that?

    Psssh.....acting like the year is basically over......still got the whole of December to go. Just to say, I'd be up for one when I'm back from Uni sometime (Dec 13th onwards)......ooooh.....how about a Christmas/New Year ride?!?!?
    Trek Madone 6.5 Pro
    Planet-X (now winter-bike)
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    Sorry you just missed us felgen :(

    Thanks to the others for the ride, was enough to properly knacker me. Although maybe last night's 9 hour martini drinking session may not have helped the recovery :oops:

    Unfortunately I probably can't do a long ride next sat as I have to be off. Hope to see you guys again soon though!
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  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    phips wrote:
    voxegam wrote:
    how about a Christmas/New Year ride?!?!?

    Sunday 3rd could be a go-er. Can't do Chrimbo, I shall be Up Nurth at the inlaws. And riding out into the Yorkshire Dales on Chrimbo day :-)

    Sunday 3rd? Que? Surely Sunday 6th?
    Dont know if I want anyhting other than an easy ride, as I might be a little sore after the hoonfest of the Saturday at Hillingdon.
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    felgen wrote:
    phips wrote:
    voxegam wrote:
    how about a Christmas/New Year ride?!?!?

    Sunday 3rd could be a go-er. Can't do Chrimbo, I shall be Up Nurth at the inlaws. And riding out into the Yorkshire Dales on Chrimbo day :-)

    Sunday 3rd? Que? Surely Sunday 6th?
    Dont know if I want anyhting other than an easy ride, as I might be a little sore after the hoonfest of the Saturday at Hillingdon.

    Think he means January...
    It's the vibe of the thing.
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  • Rich-Ti wrote:
    Potential for one final CCC of the year next Sat - anyone keen on that?
    Weather permitting, I'm still interested. We'd need as early a start as people can cope with (leaving home first light?) or make sure we have lights for the last half hour or so.
    Anyone else?
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Weather permitting, I'm still interested. We'd need as early a start as people can cope with (leaving home first light?)
    Good man Nick - reckon we'd be ok with an 8am start as long as the cafe stop was kept short :wink:

    I could be convinced by 7:30am though, maybe...