3 close misses

cyberknight Posts: 1,238
edited October 2009 in Commuting chat
.....In the space of 2 miles today .

Coming home late so its dark and the infamous bollards by the businees park makign trap points and then going round a left bend and some chelsea tractor comes within about 6 inches and then proceeds to stop and hurl abuse when i shout OI !!.

Maybe they are getting used to the dark or maybe they are twats .The alternative route i have had some close shaves as well so i do not know whether to duck or weave :roll:
FCN 3/5/9


  • PARIS75
    PARIS75 Posts: 85
    .....In the space of 2 miles today .

    Maybe they are getting used to the dark or maybe they are twats .

    the latter I would suggest

    Its half term just wait until the proper bozo chelsea tractor brigade start picking up from after school activities next week

    carnage :roll:
  • Maybe they are getting used to the dark or maybe they are twats .

    If they've only just started driving and have never driven in the dark before they might have the beginnings of an excuse but, like Paris75, I'd go for the latter.

    And the latter will go for you... :(