20 interesting facts about Steve Peat

Gazlar Posts: 8,083
edited October 2009 in The Crudcatcher
I've just been told some interesting facts about the good lord Steve Peat, I'm surprised at some of them, please add any more facts that you may know

1- Steve Peat's middle name is Steve.

2- Steve Peat wants to be scattered after his funeral, not cremated, just scattered

3- Steve Peat once made a sub-standard Medeteranian Vegetable quiche for Anthony Hopkins. The dinner party was ruined and they have never spoken since.

4- Steve Peat doesn't understand irony.

5- Steve Peat doesn't believe in the Pythagorean Theorem. In fact his is very sceptical about alot of basic trigonomity and eucildean geometry.

6- Steve Peat has never met Greg Minaar.

7- Steve Peat is allergic to candles. Birthday parties where always a let down at the Peat household. His family have never forgiven him for his allergy. Steve rides mountain bikes to try and reclaim the love of his father. It has yet to work.

8-Steve Peat falls in love too easily.

9- Steve Peat was a top rated cage fighter and once beat Alex Reid in a drag race. Jordan has wanted to bed him ever since but knows she can't have him.

10- Steve Peat likes a good whisky and the smooth sounds of Kenny G.

11- Steve Peat is an anagram of Pat Tevees. If Steve was a cowboy or a professional wrestler this would be his new name. In fact he dreams of mimicking Dog The Bounty Hunter and having his own television series in the same vein. It would be called Street Justice with Pat Tevees. His catch phrase would be "Bang, That's Justice". He would say this everytime he shot someone. He would shoot alot of people.

12- Steve Peat is deaf but nobody has noticed yet. Not even Steve knows.

13- Steve Peat ended Shane Ward's music career with a phone call to Simon Cowell.

14- Steve Peat walks Noddy Holder's dog for him every single morning as a favour. In return Noddy agree's to wake up Steve once a year on Christmas morning by shouting "Itsss Chriiiiistmas!!!" Though slightly deemening Noddy feels this is a very good deal.

15- Steve Peat was the real reason why Michael Jackson died.

16- Steve Peat is a rascal, he's just a rascal. So said Dizzie.

17- When Steve Peat was five years old he had a pet tortoise called Sir Winstone Woodsmoke III. The tortoise died in a tragic boating incident. Steve does not really like talking about the incident as he feels that he is responsible.

18- When Steve Peat wins a race he is thinking about your Mum.

19- Steve Peat is a keen dog breeder and trainer. He competes in Crufts every year but he or his dogs have yet to make the podium.

20- Steve Peat never forgets.
Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt


  • myopic
    myopic Posts: 692
    WTF are you on?!! :roll:
    You don't need eyes to see, you need vision
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    I think someone is in love with a certain mister Steve Peat...!!!

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    gazderry - you have far, FAR too much time...
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • I was hoping for chuck norris'esqe style quotes.... FAIL.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    steve peat once jumped a raleigh burner over the red arrows at dawlish carnival

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    'fact' 11 made me laugh! :)
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • steve peat has actualy won the word title 24 years in a row despite only mountain biking for 5 of those years of which he did dirt jumping
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    yes it is true I do have a lot of time, on my own, going backwards and forwards at work for hours on end in silence, it leads me to think of these things, but I dont love Steve Peat, not in that kind of way but I think I do heart Rachie Atherton a little bit
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Very good! Bit subtler than your average internet joke, I like.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Found out a few more facts

    Steve Peat is a sperm donor, he gave the sample that fathered pop duo John and Edward


    Steve Peat punched Leona Lewis in the face, they had previously met in Nando's in Braintree, where Leona insulted Steve's Nova SRi. Steve vowed that he would take his revenge at an opportune moment.


    Steve Peat knows where Bin Laden is
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Steve Peat CAN believe its not butter.
    "Pain is temporary, success is permanent"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Steve Peat CAN believe its not butter.
  • fumps
    fumps Posts: 227
    Steve Peat lost his virginity before his dad.
    Arrrghhh it's worse than i thought!!!!!
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    it was steve peat who designed the santa cruz v10. he liked it so much that he send the idea to santa cruz who stole the design.
  • Turrican
    Turrican Posts: 755
    Steve Peat RULEZ man, well the law is based around Steve

    Steve FTW too :D
    I don't have a bike addiction problem.....bikes seems to have a problem with me.....it just can't seem to stay on.

  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    In a shock revelation by the Financial Times it was discovered that Santa Cruz, 661 and Royal have all had majority share holdings brought by a mysterious invester over the last 5 years - his name? - Pat Teeves. Pat had this to say: "Steve Peat ain't sponsored by nobody other than Pat Teeves fool!" His voice was a pitch perfect impression of Mr T.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • steve peat baptised the pope
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    steve peat had no balls. but then he started DH biking and they are now one of the biggest in the world :lol:
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Now we're on a roll

    Steve peat won the award "Black Afro CarribbeanPipe Smoker of the Year" by Shag magazine in 2004

    Steve Peat has a wooden leg, but a real foot

    Steve Peat's earwax tastes of marzipan

    Steve Peat sued me for libel after I posted a thread on a website called 20 interesting facts about Steve Peat, apparently I had been innacurate about him falling in love to easily
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    Some say his nipples have a circumfrance of 52.657, and some say that his only toy that he had when he was a child was a man's finger.
    all we know he's called Pat Tevee or Steve Peat or Peaty, which ever one you fancy
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    the athertons are a result from 3 different pub crawls involving steve peat

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • steve peat still canot beat fxj at being a tw@t
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    Steve peat is an origami master, he once folded together a 10" downhill bike out of a single copy of MBUK - It was faster than his V10, but he was unable to use it as the adverts in the magazine depicted rival brands to his sponsors.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • steve peat went to the moon in 1628 on a replicar of da vinci's flying machine and breathed in racoon sharts to stay alive
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Steve Peat is scared of paint.
  • steave peat csn crawl the 100m in 9.48 seonds and still beat husan bolt
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Steve Peat owns the world's only reliable set of MArzocchi 55s.
  • Steve Peat owns the world's only reliable set of MArzocchi 55s.

    no thats me mine work fine
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    steve peat eats seagulls with mash
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    Steve peat has made an igloo out of his old full face helmets, because he sweats pure titanium when he's on a race run, the linings of the helmets have become a super hard compound and therefore the igloo is resident to all conventional weaponry.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    steve peat used to be a baker, he was kicked out after thinking it was an erotic bake shop. some chilidren were scarred for life