More Wiggins Twitter hilarity

DaveyL Posts: 5,167
edited October 2009 in Pro race

"Why do people on cycling forums never go under their real name? it's always Cock46 or Dickpenis75? funny ain't it?"

I can't believe the vileness pouring forth from his keyboard. This fellow is a bounder!
Le Blaireau (1)


  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    never catch me giving away any part of my name or my geographical location in my forum name ...... :roll:
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    It's coz I've got a number in my username.

    Why does he read cycling forums? Surely only a crazy man would read work related forums in his own time?

    Buy a console Brad and do something different. You may even have some friends who'd play Rock Band with you.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    in all seriousness professional sports people REALLY should not read things on forums, i play golf with a guy with plays for a premiership rugby team (only one in leeds so its not hard to work out which) but he had a few drinks read some stuff on forums and it ended up with his wife in tears ..... I can see why footy managers say they dont read the papers let alone stuff written on forums
  • Wiggins strikes me as the kind of chap who'd be an excellent laugh to share a beer with - top man!
  • in all seriousness professional sports people REALLY should not read things on forums, i play golf with a guy with plays for a premiership rugby team (only one in leeds so its not hard to work out which) but he had a few drinks read some stuff on forums and it ended up with his wife in tears ..... I can see why footy managers say they dont read the papers let alone stuff written on forums

    Rugby League is pretty similar, in his retirement speech Paul Rauhihi had a dig at the suppoters forum and Mike Monaghan must read every thing written about him given the level of vitriol he's built up towards the fans.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    DaveyL wrote:
    "Why do people on cycling forums never go under their real name? it's always Cock46 or Dickpenis75? funny ain't it?"

    I thought it was quite funny :lol:

    I might even change my forum name to dickpenis75 :wink:
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    in all seriousness professional sports people REALLY should not read things on forums, i play golf with a guy with plays for a premiership rugby team (only one in leeds so its not hard to work out which) but he had a few drinks read some stuff on forums and it ended up with his wife in tears ..... I can see why footy managers say they dont read the papers let alone stuff written on forums

    Rugby League is pretty similar, in his retirement speech Paul Rauhihi had a dig at the suppoters forum and Mike Monaghan must read every thing written about him given the level of vitriol he's built up towards the fans.

    to be fair to Monaghan he is fairly sh!t
    (rhinos fan ducks)
  • DaveyL wrote:

    "Why do people on cycling forums never go under their real name? it's always Cock46 or Dickpenis75? funny ain't it?"

    I can't believe the vileness pouring forth from his keyboard. This fellow is a bounder!

    We sometimes do, however why doesnt he go under the pseudonym ickletantrum or more simply 1bellend.

    Best regards
  • iainf72 wrote:
    It's coz I've got a number in my username.

    Why does he read cycling forums? Surely only a crazy man would read work related forums in his own time?

    Buy a console Brad and do something different. You may even have some friends who'd play Rock Band with you.

    Ive heard he prefers to play with himself :)
  • We sometimes do, however why doesnt he go under the pseudonym ickletantrum or more simply 1bellend.

    Is it just me, or do quite a few cyclists (particularly roadies I've noticed) take things just a little bit too seriously a good deal of the time?!
  • in all seriousness professional sports people REALLY should not read things on forums, i play golf with a guy with plays for a premiership rugby team (only one in leeds so its not hard to work out which) but he had a few drinks read some stuff on forums and it ended up with his wife in tears ..... I can see why footy managers say they dont read the papers let alone stuff written on forums

    Rugby League is pretty similar, in his retirement speech Paul Rauhihi had a dig at the suppoters forum and Mike Monaghan must read every thing written about him given the level of vitriol he's built up towards the fans.

    to be fair to Monaghan he is fairly sh!t
    (rhinos fan ducks)

    A Lance Todd trophy begs to differ.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • oxoneil
    oxoneil Posts: 147
    Kind of tempting to ask why some professional cyclists cheat and shatter the illusion of the fans that they are super fit sporting heroes achieving things on their merits and not because of a friendly pharmacist.
  • robdaykin
    robdaykin Posts: 102
    "Why do people on cycling forums never go under their real name? it's always Cock46 or Dickpenis75? funny ain't it?"

    no idea

    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    Why does he want to know people's real name? Is he intending to track people down and kill / maim them?

    Why on earth would a professional cyclist read anything on here? A cursory glance at Cake Stop (current hot topic - Cheryl Cole / Danni Minogue, Which Would You Sh*g?) should tell anyone this isn’t the place for CNN-esque deep analysis. It's only teh internetz lol, rofl etc...
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    CHRISNOIR wrote:
    Why does he want to know people's real name? Is he intending to track people down and kill / maim them?

    Why on earth would a professional cyclist read anything on here? A cursory glance at Cake Stop (current hot topic - Cheryl Cole / Danni Minogue, Which Would You Sh*g?) should tell anyone this isn’t the place for CNN-esque deep analysis. It's only teh internetz lol, rofl etc...

    I dunno, what if you compare it to some of the things that end up on Wiggins' Twitter account? Then Cake Stop appears positively high brow.

    I'm sure the world really wanted to know he was busting for a pee in the Sun Tour presentation.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Ah, the anonymity of the internet - where men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • i dont really understand why he wants people to put their real names, but whats the difference from him to us just he is better at ridding a bike than we are, his main interest is cycling and so he should be able to go on forums he just needs to take a light hearted approach
  • Hardly a new observation, makes you wonder if the "twittering" makes people feel they have to make noise or people may loose interest in them, a bit of silence is better than inane dribble IMO.
    A feather is kinky, a whole chicken is just perverse.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,237
    FFS, he's hardly someone who takes himself seriously. I guess he's just read a comment by someone with a stupid pseudonym and made an off the cuff comment on Twitter. Wiggo seems to have much more of a personality and sense of humour than most pro cyclists but some people seem to have missed this!
  • Wiggo seems to have much more of a personality and sense of humour than most pro cyclists but some people seem to have missed this!

    Yep - couldn't agree more! His quirky sense of humour seems to sail straight over the heads of a lot of people
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    in all seriousness professional sports people REALLY should not read things on forums, i play golf with a guy with plays for a premiership rugby team (only one in leeds so its not hard to work out which) but he had a few drinks read some stuff on forums and it ended up with his wife in tears ..... I can see why footy managers say they dont read the papers let alone stuff written on forums

    Rugby League is pretty similar, in his retirement speech Paul Rauhihi had a dig at the suppoters forum and Mike Monaghan must read every thing written about him given the level of vitriol he's built up towards the fans.

    to be fair to Monaghan he is fairly sh!t
    (rhinos fan ducks)

    A Lance Todd trophy begs to differ.

    I know ... I know ... I jest and goad :o
  • robdaykin
    robdaykin Posts: 102
    another thought. What would you do if your name coincidentally was Wiggins, maybe even Bradley. Cock46 is perhaps less embarrassing?
    ( Than having everyone and their dog ask if you're the Wiggo, or related to him I meant)

  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    What the Hell's the matter with my name!!? My Mum gave me this name when I was a twinkle in my Dad's gonads! I had a tricky school life but I think jerry3571 is rather a Poetic name.
    I think the local Ladies find my name ulluring and a bit dangerous as if I've got something to hide. A bit like "007", "Licence to Kill", "is that a gun in your pocket...?"

    -Jerry (surname-3571)
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    It's all fun from Wiggo. Unlike the Juan Pelota incident this year. Wiggo's crusade to rid pavements of dog doings is amusing.
  • Bradley's conspicuous consumption of Leffe beer concerns me greatly. None of his tweet's state whether it's the brun or blonde one that he's drinking. As followers of his every word, we deserve to know!
    Let's close our eyes and see what happens
  • Pross wrote:
    FFS, he's hardly someone who takes himself seriously. I guess he's just read a comment by someone with a stupid pseudonym and made an off the cuff comment on Twitter. Wiggo seems to have much more of a personality and sense of humour than most pro cyclists but some people seem to have missed this!

  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Bradley's conspicuous consumption of Leffe beer concerns me greatly. None of his tweet's state whether it's the brun or blonde one that he's drinking. As followers of his every word, we deserve to know!

    Blonde. You are only allowed to drink Brune as a pro after winning P--R or Flanders.

    Strava is not Zen.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,481
    Surely a man of Bradley's alleged drinking capacity would only have eyes for Leffe Radieuse?