Latest installment from Khol

frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
edited October 2009 in Pro race
In the 6th installement of his articles in the Austrian Kurier newspaper, Kohl said:

Note that this isn't the text, rather some of it and commentary.
"It was a good feeling to tell everything,” he admitted, speaking of the relief of unburdening himself of the secrets. “But I also asked myself during the turbulent spring if the public ever wanted to know the truth. I was called a traitor by some.”

Kohl’s latest interview reveals more details about how he doped, but also spoke about the other riders involved in the Humanplasma lab doping affair. According to him, the Dane Michael Rasmussen not only helped finance the blood centrifuge used by the athletes involved, but also he and cross-country skier Christian Hoffmann helped to pay the rent of the apartment where it was used. Both have denied this.

In addition, Kohl stated that he helped to finance an amount of 20,000 euro for the blood centrifuge, and that others also contributed. "As Stefan Matshiner said, cross-country skier Christian Hoffmann and cyclist Michael Rasmussen [were involved]. Subsequently, Stefan also said that Michael Boogerd, Pietro Caucchioli and Thomas Dekker have used the equipment on payment of an application fee. I can not say the price.”

Kohl estimates that he paid his former agent Matshiner between 50,000 and 70,000 euro for his role in his doping, but said that he didn’t get the third generation EPO, CERA, from him. Instead, he confirmed to investigators that the source was the triathlete Hannes Hempel.
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