Vatternrundan - 300K Charity Cycle

holmeboy Posts: 674
A friend at work has shown an interest in doing this next year, (his family's from Sweden) anybody any experience of this. It's supposed to be the longest organised cycle in the World and 15,000 took part last year. :)


  • zoomcp
    zoomcp Posts: 975
    holmeboy wrote:
    A friend at work has shown an interest in doing this next year, (his family's from Sweden) anybody any experience of this. It's supposed to be the longest organised cycle in the World and 15,000 took part last year. :)

    yes did it this year, fantastic!

    unfortunately the 300 is now full for 2010

    and it's not a charity ride (unless you make it one)
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Any more details on this? Is it Hilly/Flat, what was the Weather like, How long did it take you? What were the feed stops like, what time did you start etc? :)
  • just heard that entries have closed for 2010. they have 20,000 riders signed up already.
    i was lucky and got a spot!
  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    Never mind that it's full. That very weekend you could instead enter the "Avalon Sunrise" 400km event from Clayhidon near Taunton.

    Starting from a pub on the Blackdown Hills at 10:30pm this event rides through the night to dawn somewhere in Somerset. Then across the Severn Bridge and back home again. This might not be the biggest cycling event in Scandinavia but it is a appealing challenge in it's own right

    Includes the internationally recognised BRM certification, which will be useful if you are planning to enter Paris-Brest-Paris Randonee in 2011
  • zoomcp
    zoomcp Posts: 975
    holmeboy wrote:
    Any more details on this? Is it Hilly/Flat, what was the Weather like, How long did it take you? What were the feed stops like, what time did you start etc? :)

    my RR; ... ItemID=496
  • holmeboy wrote:
    Any more details on this? Is it Hilly/Flat, what was the Weather like, How long did it take you? What were the feed stops like, what time did you start etc? :)

    It's largely flat. There's a long sub 5% drag up to through Granna. There's a short steep hill shortly after you turn back north, and then a few stiffeners on the run in around Medevi. That's all. The rest is slightly rolling and good roads.

    The weather could be anything, but is likely to be cool overnight (10 degrees) and mid 20s during the day.

    The feed stops where you can get meals will be very busy and you may to wait up to 45 minutes. The others are busy but no problem. You can get rolls, bananas, drink, the usual. Make sure that you eat regularly and enough. I got a bit complacent while riding in a large group, and I think I had a mild bonk after about 240km.

    If you want a fast time, then a later start (after 0200) is recommended. It's then that the faster groups start, and after a frantic start, it's relatively easy to sit in in a group of maybe over a hundred. There's plenty of groups so it's not difficult to find one at a pace you want, and if you're dropped, then there's another along in a few minutes.

    Because of this, although I was aiming for sub-12 I managed a shade over 10 hours - and I'm crap. Next year I'm putting some more training in and hoping for sub-9, but that is very ambitious.

    As training, I did a few sportives, which needed a 100+km ride most weekends over the Spring. I added a couple of solo flattish 250km rides to let my legs get the distance.
  • zoomcp
    zoomcp Posts: 975
    if anybody wants an entry it seems you still can; an email I had today, better be quick though...

    Dear Cyclist!
    You have probably heard that the start numbers for Vätternrundan 2010 were sold out in record time.
    What is less well known is that our quota for non-Swedish residents was not filled, which means that cyclists living outside Sweden may still register.
    Register via this link: Entry
    For the registration to work, you must first change the entry number.
    1) Fill in the number 340001 in the field to the right of the blue registration number.
    2) Click on the box beside " I have read the information. "
    3) Press the button Change the entry number. The number 340001 should now be shown in blue.
    Then fill in the cyclists information (name, date of birth, etc) and click on Add.
    When you have filled in everyone, go the middle of the page, and click on To payment.
    Please call us if you have any questions! +46-141-22 32 90
    See you in Motala!
  • baldspot
    baldspot Posts: 38
    anyone doing it this year?
  • weeve
    weeve Posts: 393
    Im am..Im signed up to be be one of the 750 idiots who think they can do it sub 9 hours. I dont really...but it meant start time was 9.45am so I could lie in a bit. Last year did it in 10 ish hours but started at 8pm friday night...and pxssed down all night long. The Mrs/her bro mates etc etc all doing it again (theyre Swedish) around 3am start sat morning. Its bit of an institution ...even gets Eurosport coverage.

    Anyone else is this sub 9 group who isnt a semi pro (some people have been trainin all year aiming for sub 7.....god) and wants to share some wind bashing to try and sneak in around 9-91/2 hours let me know... otherwise its a solo time trial for one....
  • baldspot
    baldspot Posts: 38
    I'm a noobie for this event and my start time is very early ( start at 10.45 pm or something).
    I've booked a place at the camp site as well.

    Do you have any advice for me in what to expect at the event? I'm not after a fast time, I really just interested in hearing about the whole experience.
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    holmeboy wrote:
    A friend at work has shown an interest in doing this next year, (his family's from Sweden) anybody any experience of this. It's supposed to be the longest organised cycle in the World and 15,000 took part last year. :)

    My wimpish workmate has wimped out surprise surprise, one of these guys who's up for everything but does very little.
  • weeve
    weeve Posts: 393
    first time? dont worry its great. the course is pan flat with the exception of one small hill halfway around - roads perfect and through the night goes fast. When sun comes back up you get reenergised Take a decent light as although its very light if the weather is good if its shxt its a little darker. Nothing heavy or too flash though ...last year I had a 30 quid cateye in bad weather and it was just enough and the mrs had 2 converted climbing headtorches. I trust the road quality in the dark and havent had any scares.

    At 10:45 you will have both people doing an all dayer (get round in 16 hours+) plus a few groups going at a more energetic but not too hard pace. I led the whole way last year and by the end of it had a train of 35 people on my wheel. Feel free to encourage sharing, most people speak enough English and there are a few nationalities there. Depending on the wind direction youll get a nice ride one way or another. I didnt stop for more that 20 mins last year total but if you want you can have a big (free) lasagne or pasta somethinbg half way around. First time my Mrs did it she did it a alone in 12 hours and just had fun stopping at the rests for a nosh or too.
    Have fun