Astana bolster squad with Tiralongo / Arroyo stays put


  • According to who are quoting this will be Astanas 2010 line up. Very impressive I think, also would appear as though they have kept Morabito?

    Astana 2010
    Bazayev, Assan (Kaz)
    Contador, Alberto (Spa)
    Dmitrijev, Valeri (Kaz)
    Dyachenko, Alexander (Kaz)
    Hernández, Jesús (Spa)
    Iglinskiy, Maxim (Kaz)
    Kireyev, Roman (Kaz)
    Morabito, Steve (Zwi)
    Muravyev, Dmitriy (Kaz)
    Navarro, Daniel (Spa)
    Noval, Benjamín (Spa)
    Raimbekov, Roman (Kaz)
    Renev, Sergey (Kaz)
    Schär, Michael (Zwi)
    Vinokourov, Alexander (Kaz)
    Zeits, Andrei (Kaz)
    Zubeldia, Haimar (Spa)

    Simoni, Gilberto (Ita) < Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni
    Tiralongo, Paolo (Ita) < Lampre-NGC
    Gasparotto, Enrico (Ita) < Lampre-NGC
    Caruso, Giampaolo (Ita) < Ceramica Flaminia
    Davis, Allan (Aus) < Quick Step
    Kunitski, Andrei (WRu) < Quick Step
    Samoilav, Branislav (WRu) < Quick Step
    Plaza, Rubén (Spa) < Liberty Seguros
    David De La Fuente (Spa) < Fuji-Servetto
    Gorazd Stangelj (Slo) < Liguigas
    Gourov, Maxim (Kaz) < CarmioOro
    Fofonov, Dmitriy (Kaz) < Elite-2
  • bipedal
    bipedal Posts: 466
    That's a whole lotta Kazahks!
  • Giuseppe Martinelli (not new) and Guido Bontempi to be Directors on the Astana team for 2010.

    Gorazd Stangelj (Liquigas) also confirmed for Astana and Enrico Gasparotto (Lampre) set to sign.

    Class acts, both. Where were Sky?
    Definitely on the up!
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • kickerbri wrote:
    According to who are quoting this will be Astanas 2010 line up. Very impressive I think, also would appear as though they have kept Morabito?

    Astana 2010
    Bazayev, Assan (Kaz)
    Contador, Alberto (Spa)
    Dmitrijev, Valeri (Kaz)
    Dyachenko, Alexander (Kaz)
    Hernández, Jesús (Spa)
    Iglinskiy, Maxim (Kaz)
    Kireyev, Roman (Kaz)
    Morabito, Steve (Zwi)
    Muravyev, Dmitriy (Kaz)
    Navarro, Daniel (Spa)
    Noval, Benjamín (Spa)
    Raimbekov, Roman (Kaz)
    Renev, Sergey (Kaz)
    Schär, Michael (Zwi)
    Vinokourov, Alexander (Kaz)
    Zeits, Andrei (Kaz)
    Zubeldia, Haimar (Spa)

    Simoni, Gilberto (Ita) < Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni
    Tiralongo, Paolo (Ita) < Lampre-NGC
    Gasparotto, Enrico (Ita) < Lampre-NGC
    Caruso, Giampaolo (Ita) < Ceramica Flaminia
    Davis, Allan (Aus) < Quick Step
    Kunitski, Andrei (WRu) < Quick Step
    Samoilav, Branislav (WRu) < Quick Step
    Plaza, Rubén (Spa) < Liberty Seguros
    David De La Fuente (Spa) < Fuji-Servetto
    Gorazd Stangelj (Slo) < Liguigas
    Gourov, Maxim (Kaz) < CarmioOro
    Fofonov, Dmitriy (Kaz) < Elite-2

    That list can't be accurate?
    I thought that the Swiss guys Schar and Moribito had signed for BMC. Also there is a Kazakh missing. Valentin Iglinskiy?
  • bipedal wrote:
    That's a whole lotta Kazahks!

    Poor Kash must be feeling like an outcast nomad. If The Shack had any sense of mischief (and irony), they would sign him up for three years, to prevent Vino getting him in to replace Bertie next year :D