Stupid question

jonty8 Posts: 65
edited November 2009 in MTB beginners
Sorry if this is in the wrong place but i didn't take sports science for my GCSE which i don't regret and i feel as though i shouldn't be biking because i didn't do SPORTS science but i enjoy it and when i get a new bike i want to do a bit of DH.
So should i bothered about not taking sports science?
Thanks, Jonty


  • NormalD
    NormalD Posts: 145
    Sports science wasn't even an option when I was at school. I'm not even sure sport was a science.

    And they say progress is a good thing. :(
    Normal Disk 2009

    Genesis Equilibrium Tiagra 2011

    FCN 10 (only cycle in once a week though)

    Alfa 156 SW
  • if u wanna compete its probably worth taking sports science but if u just ride for fun i dont see any problem not taking it.
  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    I didn't take Women's Studies at Uni but got married anyway (and it seems to be going pretty good so far.) :wink:
  • We only had hockey and rugby when I was at school, both of which need to be played outdoors, and, as those of you who've been to Scotland will know, we have shite weather.

    I can still remember shivering like a dog with intestinal worms, in goals, trying to fend off a hockey penalty from a bloke called Stuart McLintoch, a bear of a man who lived for PE class.
    The slo-mo path that hockey ball took to impact against my left knee will never leave me.

    You hear that, McLintoch??
    One day we'll have a reckoning!
  • Sports What??
    On One Inbred 456
    On One Inbred SS
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    sports science is all available on the net, teach yourself like the rest of us!
    the truth is out there, though not everything you read is true :roll:
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

    my riding:

    Some of my Rides Data/maps:
  • Mork77
    Mork77 Posts: 8
    Hi everyone im new here and recently got back into riding so not really understanding the reasons behind needing a GCSE in sports science to ride, but I wouldnt worry about it at all, I did a degree in sports science and cant say it makes much of a difference, as already said all the info is available on the web to learn.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    There are some crazy things out there called books. If you wanna know about sports science, read about it.

    Not sure how it will help your riding though. The only thing that really helps with your riding is, err, riding. 8)
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    Don't take this the wrong way, but are you actually serious?

    You feel you should ride because you haven't got a sport science GCSE WTF

    I haven't got any formal sport science training (either GCSE, A-level or degree/masters) but i'm a semi-professional sports coach, i'm qualified to do that, but the physiology stuff is all self taught.

    You are allowed to just ride your bike, if you're interested in sports physiology there are many many great books on the subject, and a plethora of information on the web.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    does this mean i'm not qualified to ride a bike :shock:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • jayson
    jayson Posts: 4,606
    Sports science GCSE?? when i was at school all we had was football/rugby and a mini gym.

    Things have moved on loads it seems cos it wasnt optional for us we had to get outhere and get wet/muddy whether we liked ot or not!! :cry:
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    I'm sure it was called PE when I was in school...and I didn't do it, I have researched a bit for getting the most out of working out at the gym and little bit of diet knowledge is good for anyone, but the best way to learn about bikes and cycling is to get out and ride!
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • Not sure if this is a serious thread or not! If you want ride then go for it, it really doesn't matter what qualifications you have. I have no sport related qualifications, and don't think many people got into riding because of qualifications.

    Just jump on your bike, head out and enjoy yourself, you'll more about riding by doing it than in a book anyway.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2,086
    You should change your subjects immediately. This hobby you've only just taken up is going to shape the rest of your life, so you had better get some knowledge behind it. After all, there are many jobs in mountainbiking.
  • jweston
    jweston Posts: 37
    Cycling is freedom. No qualifications necessary :wink:
    Astounding Adventures
    Hill Walking - Mountain Biking - Climbing - Team Building
    Call free: 0333 121 2125
  • jweston wrote:
    Cycling is freedom :

    That's deep man :D
  • yoohoo999
    yoohoo999 Posts: 940
    dammit, i knew i should have taken sex science at school! it would certainly explain my poor performance for all these years. In fact, because i didn't take it, i don't think i should even be having sex at all. :roll: :cry:

    wtf? is this real? It's just a bike, sit on the saddle and pedal, nowt to it. No qualifications needed. I learned when I was a kiddie, i couldn't even read back then.
  • quite right jonty8.....DONT RIDE YOUR BIKE SAFTEY FIRST

    what if you get a flat your bike within the safe lifting limits,for you too pick your bike up?
    what if your brakes fail...can you sue the company that made them?

    what if you have a heart attack while riding ,...can you claim aginst the bike company/lbs/doctor?

    do you have the proper cert for mounting/dismounting your bike in a safe place?

    dont panic i can solve all of the above,and more .....just post your bank details and contact details in this thread,tell your friends too
  • jools182
    jools182 Posts: 216
    Did you take English as a GCSE?
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    Oh crap! Does this mean I've been riding illegally for the last thirty odd years? Not to mention the football, shooting, archery, climbing, skiing I've been doing to. Better give up right now.
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • lol
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    I was never in the Tufty club (google it sprogs) so am I not allowed to cross the road?

    PE at school should have been called getting cold and wet (2 terms) or curing nettle rash (summer).....

    To paraphrase, just get on you bike and ride like hell.....

    Never did cycling profficiency either :roll:

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    PE at school should have been called getting cold and wet (2 terms) or curing nettle rash (summer).....

    Or hiding behind the groundsman's shed doing your best to rid the world of tobacco...
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    dave_hill wrote:
    PE at school should have been called getting cold and wet (2 terms) or curing nettle rash (summer).....

    Or hiding behind the groundsman's shed doing your best to rid the world of tobacco...
    Isn;t that the truth.
    It dawned on me a few years ago how counterproductive our cross-country running class was. Me and my best mate would run ahead of everyone else, to give us enough time to have a crafty ciggy before everyone else caught up :lol: :oops: :roll: