The spookiest place you have ridden through?

KonaKurt Posts: 720
edited October 2009 in MTB general
Where and when?

I have two to tell. Once when I rode through Savernake Forest (near Marlborough) on a misty winters day. I was slowly riding around the lanes and trails, when I got the feeling I was being watched. I felt some kind of presence (really!) as I rode between some trees. It was enough to moisten my pants and hammer down out of there!

Also a simular experiance through a wood in Cornwall near Bodmin. It was getting dark, and I was about to head back to the guesthouse I was staying at a few miles down a badly rutted lane. Nothing happened there, but the woodland looked very eerie and gave me the creeps. A strange figure riding a grey horse passed me on my way back to the main road, dressed in a long grey old fashioned overcoat looking very grim!! Stared at me as I rode past him/her/it.


Scooby Doo!!!


  • Fully
    Fully Posts: 257
    I know Savenake Forest, it is pretty spooky down there. Being just down the road from Avebury just adds to the feeling of old paganistic rituals and the like too. Also, there must be some strange folk living in that tiny village in the middle of the forest. It's all a bit 'Wrong Turn' for me.

    The following is a pic from the Long Mynd, this trail is normally heaving with red socks, but it was dead quiet on this particular day and felt very strange indeed :? .

    Forget your heart, it's your bank i wanna break, it's just yer money i'm after baby...

    A Few Pics
  • M1llh0use
    M1llh0use Posts: 863
    branksome chine, bournemouth.

    was riding through the same way i've done hundreds of times.

    only this time both myself and my riding buddy saw a white figure hovering about 3 feet off the floor. we both saw it but neither mentioned it till we got to the end of the trail. very wierd feeling indeed....

    till i went down there the following day and found the "figure" was actually a dogshit bin that was overflowing with "baggies"

    felt like a right muppet :oops:
    {insert smartarse comment here}
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    spooky woods.

    badaboom-tish! :lol:
  • grumsta
    grumsta Posts: 994
    The mines near Walna Scar road are pretty spooky, especially as the weather is almost always bad up there.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Pinkworthy Pond on Exmoor is pretty spooky, even on a Summer's day. The other night on the Chase, the ferns cast a shadow like a hunchback goblin strangling somebody by the side of the trail 8)
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    spooky woods.

    badaboom-tish! :lol:

    Must admit, I was expecting it to be "spooky" but didn't find it at all. There is something "other-worldly" about the pie run and magic mushroom though.

    Most Spooky place... there is a spooky bit of woods after the first black section at Llandegla :shock: (might just be coming back into the woods from the deforested bit though)
  • llamafarmer
    llamafarmer Posts: 1,893
    Woodbury Common for me, there's quite a few old abandoned buildings up there and the fog can set in very quickly, a bit like the moors.
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    graveyard on the wall on a really misty day. the moss was hanging, the trees drooping, the birds silent, i was was flipping scared.
    I like bikes and stuff
  • kingscliff near north petherton, somerset - the woods and singletrack are straight out of blair witch project, also found a large stick covered in blood and slime in the middle of the trail one evening - rode like the clappers away from the spot, but in hindsight prob just chewed by a dog......

    scared the willies out of me though...... :shock:

    i only do it in groups now - never on my own there again...... :oops:
    Falcon Sierra - 80's
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    Lots of kites.
  • Nomansland common ,Wheathampstead,Hertfordshire earlier this year.At the time severed body parts were turning up all over Hertfordshire and a severed arm had been found there a few days previously.

    (Google jigsaw murders.)
    2006 Giant XTC
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    2016 Pinnacle Lithium 4
    2017 Canondale Supersix Evo
  • in hindsight - imber village on sailsbury plain is quite spooky also, its the village they moved everyone out of in order to turn the area into an army training site. - the empty village and warning signs to stay on the track and avoid picking up anything 'interesting' off the floor all add to the atmosphere..........

    and i also agree with Llamafarmer - woodbury can get scary too.......

    i'm just a big wuss really....... :roll:
    Falcon Sierra - 80's
    Muddy Fox Courier - 80's
    GT Palomar 90's
    GT Zaskar LE - 90's
    Cannondale k v 900 90's
    Santa Cruz Bullit - now
    Orange Evo 8 STOLEN 26/09/10
    Orange P7 Pro
    Lots of kites.
  • Spiderman, Im often in wheathampstead!!

    Didint see the Wicked lady of Markyate then on Nomansland?

    Thats where im from and ride around.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    Woodbury Common for me, there's quite a few old abandoned buildings up there and the fog can set in very quickly, a bit like the moors.

    moreso in the castle at night!

    have you ever gone in those abandoned huts and buildings before? that is pretty spooky

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    Shedden Hushings on Worsthorne Moor near Burnley.

    Burnley Town Centre on a Friday night is just plain scary, too.
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  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Needles Eye Folly in Wentworth, near where I live:

  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    Slough highstreet :shock: :lol:

    Ha, yes. Nothing spooky about misty woodland. Directionless zombies milling around town centres clutching plastic bags is where the frightening is.
  • llamafarmer
    llamafarmer Posts: 1,893
    Hercule Q wrote:
    moreso in the castle at night!

    have you ever gone in those abandoned huts and buildings before? that is pretty spooky

    Hell no! I don't even know what they used to be, but they scare the bejesus out of me at night :lol:
  • flamedude
    flamedude Posts: 119
    Lookout as it gets dark freaks me out a bit.
  • briggs28 wrote:
    Spiderman, Im often in wheathampstead!!

    Didint see the Wicked lady of Markyate then on Nomansland?

    Thats where im from and ride around.

    Nope not seen her yet!

    Symondshyde woods is preety darn spooky at night too.
    I ride all round there,round the back of the Brocket estate,the Ayots,Sandridge,etc

    I live up the road in Harpenden.Ever ride with the OTT guys?
    2006 Giant XTC
    2010 Giant Defy Advanced
    2016 Boardman Pro 29er
    2016 Pinnacle Lithium 4
    2017 Canondale Supersix Evo
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    Hercule Q wrote:
    moreso in the castle at night!

    have you ever gone in those abandoned huts and buildings before? that is pretty spooky

    Hell no! I don't even know what they used to be, but they scare the bejesus out of me at night :lol:

    imagine dark and times it by ten! they used to be used for training in the second world war, we camped out in one once to combat 'the fear' and now there is nothing that i find scary about the common

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    The back lanes around Newark, Winter 1981. Using 2nd hand Raleigh, and dodgy lights.

    Oh, and the Mother in Law's too...
  • llamafarmer
    llamafarmer Posts: 1,893
    Hercule Q wrote:
    imagine dark and times it by ten! they used to be used for training in the second world war, we camped out in one once to combat 'the fear' and now there is nothing that i find scary about the common

    They do have an air of old prison outbuildings or something like that, just brick boxes with tiny windows :?

    I've only spent the night on the common once when I was about 12 with a couple of mates and their dad who was a marine heli pilot. We built a bivouac in the woods, but I don't think I slept much, there's some weird noises up there at night! :lol:
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,781
    Hercule Q wrote:
    imagine dark and times it by ten! they used to be used for training in the second world war, we camped out in one once to combat 'the fear' and now there is nothing that i find scary about the common

    They do have an air of old prison outbuildings or something like that, just brick boxes with tiny windows :?

    I've only spent the night on the common once when I was about 12 with a couple of mates and their dad who was a marine heli pilot. We built a bivouac in the woods, but I don't think I slept much, there's some weird noises up there at night! :lol:

    lol and everything you hear about religious cults is a lie. the only thing that is scary is when you go for a shit and suddenly a group of marines appear out of the bushes all around you :lol:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    Hercule Q wrote:
    and suddenly a group of marines appear out of the bushes all around you :lol:

    That's because they've been attracted by the moonlight reflecting off your lilly-white backside...!! :shock:

    And yes, I have friends who are marines so I know it's true....
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
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  • x-isle
    x-isle Posts: 794
    The spookiest time I had was the first time I went night riding.

    It was on Cannock Chase......alone.........

    It was dark, very dark. The only light I had was from my Hope Vision 4. Great light, but like all lights you get the tunnel vision effect.

    As I said, it was the first time I had ever night riden. I had forgotten to charge my GPS so left it at home thinking that I wasn't going too far and I know Cannock Chase pretty well.

    Huh, in the dark it get's very disorientating once you get lost.... :roll:

    I thought that it would be no problem as the telecom tower will have aircraft lights on it. I look around knowing I'm not far from it. I soon reaslise that it doesn't have any lights on it.

    So I head for the distance orange glow of what was Cannock.

    I'm riding alone a fireroad with a large banking to the right of me. The night is very still and I hear a cracking twig. I look up the banking and see about 40 eyes glowing green back at me.

    It was a large herd of Deer, that was eery. But at the same time, fantastic!

    to me that's what night riding is all about, seeing and hearing the creatures!
    Craig Rogers
  • Spooky 1 for me was my 1st night ride as well. I was on my own through my local woods and at 1 point I could definitely hear something running along next to me just off the trail. For some reason I could picture the headline in the local paper for that week “Cyclist found decapitated in local woods”.

    I live near Black Park in Slough, which backs on to Pinewood studios and have been round there a few times during the day. Apparently a lot of those woods were used for filming Harry Potter, imagine doing a night ride there and coming across Voldermort or 1 of his sidekicks. :shock:
    "I ride to eat"
  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    edited October 2009
    I suppose I should mention the time I was riding through woods in the Chilterns, near Princess Risborough I think. To cut a long story short, I took a break from riding deep in the woods as twilight was falling. I heard repeated groans coming form a short distance and saw what I thought was a small campfire in a clearing. I was ready to tell whoever was there to put that fire out! Just as well I didn't.... it was a 'black mass' in progress, an occultist ceremony complete with makeshift altar, a pentangle and at least 5 black robed figures!! The figure at the alter muttering some ancient tongue had a long (and very real looking) silver sword in his belt! One of the robed figures forming a circle around the fire had a large snake around him!! I was as silent as a brown panted mouse as I hid in a bush watching for a while! Alot of ranting and some whispering chants began, and it got to me, so I sneeked back to my bike, and hammered out of there in quite a bad state!

    Here's the really spooky part to this tale folks.... as I sprinted away through the nearby trees back to the track I came from, I ran into another robed figure on his way to join the others! With another snake!! He bellowed a roar as I passed him, and I am not sure but I got the feeling that he tried to take a swipe at me as he did, just missing me!

    I'm never going to that neck of the woods again! I'm told by locals that while not that common, these rituals do happen from time to time there, with the Chilterns being chosen for some historical reason....

    One of my most amazing experiances of my life that was!

    Anyone else come across occultists?!

    KK & his moist undergarments.
  • Aldo001
    Aldo001 Posts: 251
    Not really ridden through technically, just walked through it when on work experience.
    Its a place called "Bangour Village Hospital". It was a psychiatric hospital which is now in a state of disrepair. It is honestly THE scariest experience I have ever head in my life.
    Heres a wiki article on it
    Heres some youtube videos with people exploring it ... oq=Bangour
    I was on the verge of papping myself.
  • Spiderman,

    Never ridden wiv the OTT guys. Only been riding properly for bout 1 year now. Ride with my father in law from Dysons Cycles in dunstable, do you know it?

    My mother in law (seperated from the above) runs the Swan Pub in wheathampstead.

    Would like to hear of decent trails round that area though, i tend to head over to ashridge, and studham way,so would be great to be able to go over that neck of the woods!!
