Crud road racer mudguards
Have bought crud road racer mudguards for my 6.9 madonne trek partly because they are advertised on this bike. Have since tried to fit them however the space below the brake calipers and the tyre is very tight. Has anyone tried to fit these in a trek and if so how much clearance do you need between mudguard and tyre as it is recommended by manufscturer 5mm. Cheers
There shouldn't be a problem at all. Not least as Crud uses the Madone frame on it's title page!!
You should be fine, give them a go. Any issues, watch this -
Video is PERFECT for you...
They are a fantastic bit of kit and I'm chuffed to bits with mine.0 -
Just shove em on and give it a whirl.
I have them fitted to my bianchi with about 1mm clearance on the rear. When the wheel was spun by hand it sounded like a bag of spanners, but once on the road even at a jogging pace they went silent. Done about 200 miles with them on now and no problems.
WHatever is rubbing will wear off0 -
Found the same myself, spinning by hand will create a little rubbing but out on the road silence unless you ride across cobbles then you get a chirping sound like a WRC Rally car turbo.
Don't fit them like the pic in last months C+ with the tail piece for the rear guard mounted on the front guard :oops:I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.0 -
i recon i've got about 3mm of clearance between the rear brake bridge and tyre. have other people been able to get way with this?0