Who's doing Quebrantahuesos 2010?

Pepe Pelota
Pepe Pelota Posts: 3
I done the Etape du Tour earlier this year I was looking to give Spain's own golden bike race a go! I have looked at some pics from previous years and it seems like an extremely popular event! Does anybody know the best way to secure entry?



  • Hi - I've done the event a few times and like previous posters on here vouch for it being the best sportive in Europe, it is brilliant.

    In previous years the entry was based on a first come first served basis and this worked well until last year. The event's popularity had grown so much that 20,000+ people tried to to enter on the day they opened up subscriptions. With 8500 places to be awarded the result was chaos! Their system collapsed several times. I managed to get in but a few of the guys I ride with didn't.

    To avoid the same situation with the IT, they are opening up a pre-inscription list in November and then doing a draw of names in December some time. This means, of course, no certainty for anyone.

    On the other hand, the organisers have awarded Train in Spain (www.traininspain.net) guaranteed entries for UK riders to encourage more participation from GB. Apparently (according to the organisers) the event is as big as the Etape, probably better organised and sells out faster yet remains virtually unknown in the UK. I think they want to try and see participation from abroad grow, hence the guaranteed places.

    So take your chances in the lottery or go with the secured entry. At the end of the day, by the time you add on car hire from France or Zaragoza and accommodation then the hassle free option has it's attractions - the main one being peace of mind.
  • Cheers 'The other McHoy'
    So by booking through Train in Spain, entry is guarenteed and all the hassels of accommodation and traveling to and from the event is all taken care of, sounds like a decent deal. I had a look at the website and the prices seem pretty reasonable as well. I think I will get in touch with the Train in Spain guys see if they have many places available for some of the other club riders that fancy giving Quebrantahuesos a go!
  • No problem and good luck. It's a tough event but if you do the trainng and plan your feed and drink stops then it's an incredible day. One thing to check the day before is the weather forecast - this year it was lovely weather at the start but by the time we were at the top of Somport and crossing into France it was extremely cold and damp.

    I see the etape is in the same area the following month and will also be doing the Marie Blanque as part of the route. With the Tour also going over it the hill is going to see some amount of action this summer! The last 4kms will have plenty people walking, it always catches out those who have gone too hard at the start of the day.
  • Hi there are five of us riding down through fance leaving on the 5 June 2 of us are entered for the race. full details on www.madaboutthemountains.co.uk non commercil no adds no affiliations just for fun web site. Have driven down in the car more times than I care to remember so decided to take a little longer this time. Have contacts for accomadation if its any help also transport from panticosa to sabinanigo for race day if its any help.
    Andy Morgan
    Training for the Cycle to Spain and the Quebrantahuesos