Careless Driving Is A Crime

Posts: 6,386
A careless driver is being done for driving through a puddle and splashing school kids.
Said driver is foolish enough to film it and post it, giving the police all the evidence they need.
Full story here ... h%2C_Devon
Fair enough.
But how come running cyclists off the road appears to be perfectly okay? :evil:
Said driver is foolish enough to film it and post it, giving the police all the evidence they need.
Full story here ... h%2C_Devon
Fair enough.
But how come running cyclists off the road appears to be perfectly okay? :evil:
None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
There was a case in Germany where a driver deliberately splashed a pedestrian who promptly tracked them down and murdered them. Not advocating it but might make people think twice. Shame they got imprisoned - seems justified to me!0
Some pillock soaked me a couple of years back with stagnant waterm and I saw them getting stuck at a red, so ran at the car and shouted at the driver to tell him off (technically it was two vans that did it. His mate lept out and threatened me shouting a load of hogwash and I think the guy must have realised I was about to properly lose my s*** as he got back in the cab and locked the door. :twisted:
I then went to the first van that soaked me tapped on the window. The guy wound it down and immediately appologised and admitted he hadnt been paying full attention. I accepted his apology and walked off, smelly and wet to catch my bus. Now had the first driver done the same instead of letting monkey boy get in my face I might have left it at that.
I did hear of an old dear who died of pneumonia after some cretin soaked her, so I'm well up for these fools to be taken to task.0 -
Careless driving? She seemed fully in control of the vehicle and actually took a lot of care to position her car to maximum effect. Surely that's reckless driving.
Now if only careless partnering were a crime. That bloke egging her on and doing a running commentary is precisely the kind of sickening bully I'd like to D-lock*.
*D-lock: to scrotally-pierce with a D-lock which is then locked around a lamp post. Next to a really big puddle. With the street light wired up to the lock.0