RPCC ride 17/18 October

Berns12 Posts: 198
As Rich is off in France I have helped him kick off the forum for the week. Not sure how many of the regulars will be out and about this week. Emu is back home in Oz, while Mal, Phips, Rich, Mykee and myself will be in Como watching the Giro di Lombardia then attempting to recreate Cunego's exploits on the Ghisallo the next day. However there should be a fair few others around to keep this going.

:arrow: 9am start on Saturday or Sunday, although keep an eye out as plans change.
Richmond Gate in Richmond Park, south side (on the left as you come up Sawyer's Hill / on the right if you come through Richmond Gate), by the little white building
:arrow: 80-120k @ 24-28kph / 50-75 miles @ 15-18mph usually, but nobody gets dropped*
:arrow: Boxhill is almost definite (as is a short tea / cake / toilet / bottle refill stop at the top - usually around 15-20mins)
:arrow: Notes regarding the faster 'hoonfest' ride are listed below should a fast ride be mentioned...

We'd like to emphasise that new faces are more than welcome and actively encouraged, and that applies to lurkers / long-time 'thread watchers' / any who haven't been able to make it along previously / those who don't want to commit on here but might feel like turning up on the day - please do join us if you want to! Be good to see some of the faces we have seen over the past months re-appear too!

A collection point at Hampton Court can be arranged as that tends to be the route out. Please let us know if you need to take this option - it's usually just a fly-by quick hello and on the move again so if you plan to use this option we need to know, and please be on time (although there can sometimes be delays getting moving at Richmond Park so there is the potential for us to be a little late coming through). Collection time there is likely to be around 20-30mins after the agreed RP start time so again, keep an eye out.

So, who is about this weekend, which day, which ride, what kind of ride and what start time?

*Please note that faster rides (affectionately referred to as 'hoonfests') have been heading out of late where the average speed is upped to around 32-35kph / 20-22mph over 80km / 50 miles - where this is the case it will be announced as a faster ride, but please be aware that if you get dropped you may not find anyone waiting for you (although you should find a chance to re-group on Box Hill). These rides usually head out on a Sunday and usually follow the same route each time so if you want to have a go please register your interest and make sure you get a route download from someone. Thanks. Note that the 'normal pace' ride often still goes out on the same weekend so that option should still be available to you


  • wow, sounds like an awesome trip guys. enjoy the cycling.

    I wont be around this weekend, will catch up some time probably in November. Need to start thinking about 2010 goals to keep up the motivation levels.
  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    I'm not around for the next 2 weekends as I'm off to Majorca. Luckily there's a bike rental shop in the town we're in that does road bikes. Looking forward to testing myself on a few proper hills. :shock:
  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    Typical, the one week i am around, and it seems everyone's away...

    my vote's for saturday, please - probably the slower ride. Although i'd be up for trying to keep up on the hoonfest!
    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    I'm in for saturday.

    Either an early start or a short ride. I would like to be home early...
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    Just one quick request. When any of you changes cassete, could you give me the old one (if your binning it). Any range or number of sprockets (8, 9, 10...). I'm transforming my commuter into a SS...
  • Mark73
    Mark73 Posts: 146
    Got a couple of hectic weekends coming up, so definitely cant make this weekend. Have a good ride though folks and have a good time in Italy too.

    JO9 I will keep my eye out for anyone getting rid of any cassete's
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    I'm up for a Saturday ride - if there's a middle speed group going. The faster group on the longer route was definitely biting off more than I could chew!
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    So shall we say 9am at the Richmond Gate?
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    9 Sounds good to me.
  • gniz80
    gniz80 Posts: 25
    well after a terrible last weekend riding through RP, getting two flats within 5 mins of each, im kind of thinking that the surrey ride is looking like a better opotion for this wknd. If the weather is fine then im up for an 08.30 start and happy to do either the long or short route, not fussed. however, as i've only been a handful of times and can probably navigate the route by myself, im not entirely confident of the direction. :oops:
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    gniz80 wrote:
    well after a terrible last weekend riding through RP, getting two flats within 5 mins of each, im kind of thinking that the surrey ride is looking like a better opotion for this wknd. If the weather is fine then im up for an 08.30 start and happy to do either the long or short route, not fussed. however, as i've only been a handful of times and can probably navigate the route by myself, im not entirely confident of the direction. :oops:

    Man that is bad

    never had a p******* going around RP before
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    edited October 2009
    8:30 start is fine with me if that suits others like J09. Whatever the consensus is by tomorrow afternoon I'll go with.

    Last weekend was nasty really, must have seen 20 people with p****ures while doing laps.
  • gniz80 wrote:
    If the weather is fine then im up for an 08.30 start and happy to do either the long or short route

    Yes - I'm in for a medium route/medium pace.

    08:30 start is good.
  • gniz80
    gniz80 Posts: 25
    just checked weather forecast for saturday. should be fine with part cloud. no rain is expected. The same is forecast for sunday and early next week, so sat should be a goer. :D
  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    i might have to bail guys - something's come up tomorrow now. :( have a good one!

    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • morph
    morph Posts: 63
    Many thanks to Esoteric for dragging me to Box Hill and back, doing all the work up front while I just tried to hang on! Cold, but a good ride :)
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    Seems we had 2 RPCC rides today...

    Me and gniz80 did the long route through the Surrey Hills and you also went... How did we miss each other?? Maybe just because of our short wait, at 8h07 we were rolling...
  • gniz80
    gniz80 Posts: 25
    nice ride today JO9, thanks! So there were others doing the ride this morning - well, sorry to those others for not waiting around longer. So theres no misunderstanding, or gripes, only JO9 and myself were in discussions on the forum and so agreed to an 8.30 start. We left 8.30 sharp as a result. Also it 'felt' as though no one else was coming as everyone seems to be away right now. hope you enjoyed the ride however. :)
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Nice one guys - good to see this going off without any input fro the usual suspects (except for Bern kicking it off that is!). Last week was manic for me and I'd pretty much forgotten about starting a thread until we were well settled in Como! :oops:

    Great weekend - lots to tell. My next holiday with the bike simply cannot come soon enough.

    RPCC on Sat this coming weekend could be a struggle for a few of us thanks to a 'bit of a do' planned on Friday night (not an RPCC event I'm afraid or we would invite anyone who wants to come along!), but a Sunday ride might go out...

    Thread will be up soon folks, I promise! :D
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    Told you I'd get the new thread sorted soon didn't I?! :wink::lol:
  • gniz80
    gniz80 Posts: 25
    Glad to hear you had a great time in Como Rich. Looking forward to hearing about all the details - the punctures, the arguments, the steep climbs and the wonderful food. As for thi sweekend i may end up doing the usual Saturday ride however Im thinking Sunday might be a better day as the forcast is for...well, no rain 8)
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Remember the clocks go back this weekend so rich can get that all important extra hour. I have got to go to south wales on saturday so may be up for a ride on sunday. Although using the extra hour and getting out at 5.30am and getting rp to myself is sounding good.
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    And dark. Very dark. Watch out for those deer.
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    NWLondoner wrote:
    Remember the clocks go back this weekend so rich can get that all important extra hour.
    So by 10am I'll be fresh as a daisy! Sweet... :P :lol: